Does a good dancer make a good lover?
January 10 2023
Martial arts?
Guitar player?
You name it. Or is the stereotype all wrong
2 years ago
Personally I think any exercise/hobby that works your core is good for sex.
LibertineRHP User
2 years ago
Electricians, I hear they're the best.
2 years ago
I don’t know, I haven’t danced with most of the people I’ve had sex with 🤷🏼♀️
My 3 best lovers couldn’t dance though and all had different professions so I have no intel for you, lol.Ex007
2 years ago
In my experience yes.
2 years ago
In my opinion NO. Nil correlation
RHP User
2 years ago
Drummer.... Ambidextrous 😉
RHP User
2 years ago
Mechanics are good with their hands just sayin 🤷♂️
Can’t dance for shit thoughtiffyos
2 years ago
I think it can play a role, wife is an ex competitive Latin Dancer, certainly elevates the foreplay for example. As far as being an advantage further than that, I think it's very much about the chemistry between those involved.
2 years ago
No ' l dont think it makes any difference.. The ' singer , actor , thing , is more a adoration thing we see all the time , but l dont think that automatically makes them good in the sack..
Being involved in professional sport once , l witnessed the same with over zealous followers . Its what they make you , not necessarily what you are.. The thrill of fucking someone in the public eye is the real attraction for some..
So no , l dont believe its makes you better at fucking , it just makes it easier if have the name..
Besides ' it still gets back to the chemistry and how much you turn each other on...countrytouch82
2 years ago
Lifting things for a living means I can lift things for fun, but I don't think the job gives me any more than that :P
2 years ago
Yeah, Nah.
Ms Foxycountrytouch82
2 years ago
I have done line dancing, ballroom, salsa/latin and rock n roll. Mostly forgotten now though, go figure... Maybe it's like riding a bike, but I've tried to keep up other similar practise :p
2 years ago
My mum said to me if he can't dance he'll have no rhythm in the boudoir. Rules I've stuck to if I'm on the prowl while out dancing 😉
2 years ago
What constitutes a “good lover”?
Is it simply the physical stamina to fuck you silly and give you orgasm after orgasm until you collapse into a helpless wet sticky mess? (As per the typical online OMG validation?)
Or are there also other aspects such as mental connection, energetic presence, imagination, and/or eroticism involved?
I say this of course because we all know guys who are as fit as fuck, but couldn’t fuck in a fit.
And by the way (if anyone was wondering..NO, I can’t dance to save my life! 😊MrandMrsEss
2 years ago
Someone is great at something due to having a strong passion, intuition and good education in something.
One would think most passionate people would be passionate about sex but definitely not a given. Some may be so passionate about one thing that they have no energy to expend on sex. A brilliant dancer could be asexual.
I used to be a passionate guitarist but that has waned but I’m still quite passionate about some horizontal RnB 😁badboyhere
2 years ago
Depends if your lover is a pianist and a penist
RHP User
2 years ago
In my experience, definitely.
RHP User
2 years ago
Hahahahaha God no.
2 years ago
Are you only thinking of "sexy" dancing, like the Tango? Or something like break dancing? (Might help with flexibility for those Kama Sutra positions)
2 years ago
I (Mr serenade) can't dance! But I'm told I go alright in the horizontal tango.
On the other hand I am a martial artist and a singer, do these skills translate to the bedroom? Not sure if or how that worksonewilldo
2 years ago
I'm biased lol most ppl don't dance because of shyness
I look for good dancers, their passion and rhythm they feel in music is sex in public, if at the end of the night it's been a good dance I'm happy, anything extra is a bonus 😊
Mind you dancing can be a dangerous sport, especially meeting attached flirting women who's guy doesn't dance, he's at the bar jealous by the pint
sheez, don't do it to single guys ladies it's not funny, safe or fair🙉TheSon
2 years ago
Yesss it does a lot! Especially someone who can move there body, it means they are in tune with themselves and rhythm. Why do you think all these girls go to magic Mike shows 🕺😝
2 years ago
When I was younger I had the chance to spend time the years with 4 different dancers and all of them were amazing. Great cadio, great flexibility and core strength. I would Imagine martial artists would be similar
2 years ago
Performance is unique to the "sport" of sex but talented mover and a good athlete can likely work with you and react more than someone thats less physical from what ive seen
RHP User
2 years ago
As an ex axe slinger I can confirm
Our little hobby can be a real
Sex getter for a young socially inept lad. I don’t play any more but friends who’ve gone on are absolute Fanny magnets.
I think it’s the gals can see and hear a dudes emotion and passion when he’s got a band that’s cookin and he’s busting out the ill shit for all
And sundry.
We can become wankers VERY quickly though..
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