Do you like to be undressed?
June 06 2021
Or do you prefer to just seperate and get undressed yourself and they undress themselves and then you come back together when it’s skin on skin?
RHP User
4 years ago
Is this a trick question 😉
4 years ago
Both of us like to be undressed , specially Mrs Sawadee.. l think once your in the mood and feeling it , someone undressing you and you them only heightens the moment. I think this especially the case for females.. lve watched Mrs S be undressed and l can see how much more excited she gets...
4 years ago
Mutually undressing each other can be super hot, but like all things outside of porno world can sometimes be a little awkward... 😉
4 years ago
I love to undress and be undressed
RHP User
4 years ago
Hahahaha, oh the struggles we’ve had! Mostly I like to avoid the potential awkwardness and do it myself.
RHP User
4 years ago
I like unbuttoning his shirt. Over the head t-shirts aren’t very erotic. 🤪
It’s why I usually wear a wrap-around dress. One pull of the tie and it falls open. 😈2EssesExploring
4 years ago
Well yes sure but then there’s been times where the girls like to go get dressed into something more comfortable, which has meant there’s not a lot left to undress 😛
4 years ago
I like to leave it in the moment.
After all our clothes are just wrapping to our birthday suits.
Ms FoxyRHP User
4 years ago
Jeans are def best taken off by yourself from either party point of view especially when shoes or boots are involved.
Some ladies like to remove there own bra because of awkwardness in the past. It’s something that I have never found hard to do guys is it really that hard?Player_J
4 years ago
Interesting - had to think on my answer. Conceptually love the idea of being undressed, however in reality >90% of the time i do it myself.
4 years ago
Both, if you are in the stairwell at work then it would be different to what you would be doing if in a private setting ! Me - I like to slowly undress my partner, and assist her and sometimes do a little strip tease if not if full fuck mode - other times, who cares as we are busily engaged in creating bliss !
What is your answer to your question ?RHP User
4 years ago
Yes, no doubt! Foreplay is awesome and seeing her take your clothes off, lick and touch you and pull your hard cock out ready to go is wicked, and making me horny writing about it 😀
4 years ago
I prefer sex fully dressed.
Facilities escape via window much faster, and in a far more orderly fashion.
Xx Obi1RHP User
4 years ago
Interesting question. I like them to partially undress themselves, particularly if wearing jeans, but leave underwear for me to toy with LOL As for me, I don't wear a bra in my private time, always wear a bikini and like/love them to remove as we go, pull a string. I like touching and feeling through the fabric first but it's all off pretty fast 😉
RHP User
4 years ago
I love to undress my partner, and be undressed in return..
RHP User
4 years ago
Mr Ruff here
I like to lift her up and gently throw her on the bed, then pinned down and slowly take my time to undress her. I like to use my tongue, teeth and lips and take my time. Guess it comes down to my childhood. Never had much but birthdays and Christmas the few presents we had were wrapped so beautifully, and we used to take out time to unwrap them, cherishing every second.Sawadee
4 years ago
As long as whatever you wear isnt too difficult to remove .. A real passion killer pulling a too tight shirt , dress or top up over your head and you start looking like a bank bandit with a stocking over your face... ? 😮
RHP User
4 years ago
In my early dating and not very experienced I met a fantastic girl and we immediately clicked. When trying to take her bra off I couldn’t find the clasp. She whispered in my ear that we couldn’t go any further unless I could take her bra off while kissing her. Eventually she laughed and snapped the clap at the centre front and suddenly two fantastic breasts appeared. A total tease and very sexy.
4 years ago
I like to undress my man... slowly unbuttoning his shirt, starting with kissing his neck on both sides, kissing his exposed chest slowly down the line... while watching him watching me do it. i love the anticipation and the heavy breathing that comes with it until he can't help it and lifts me up and throws me in the bed to be ravaged and I ravage him.... That is the plan.
4 years ago
Removing someone else clothes is just like unwrapping a present .... who doesn't enjoy unwrapping a present especially one that you can kiss while you do it.
4 years ago
I like to undress her slowly, teasing and exploring every inch, and some in even finer detail. I would love it if she did the same to me sometime.
RHP User
4 years ago
I live nude on a farm, clothing is a waste of time. Personality is the key to any relationship, and skin on skin is a natural occurrence when the spark is there, or should be.
3 years ago
From the point of view of having a highly erotic session, it is important for both or all participants to be versed in the skills necessary to achieve a suitable outcome.
hahaha how's that for a scientific approach to great sex? :D
So what I was getting at and having a swipe at, is that many people don't bother with enough foreplay to warm up a beetle let alone a human!
They never bother to learn the skills needed to arouse a woman or get into a man's head (the one on his shoulders!)
I read many of the posts.
Trouble getting a bra undone? But it takes 2 fingers and a little pinch action of the hooks if done up on the back. And if done up in front how can it possibly be hard? Just slow down and be careful to not ruin her best bra.
The more bras you undo the better you get at it. If the clip is different ask her to show you. She'll love it.
Running one's hands over the objectified goods while undressing them to fully appreciate them is surely an excellent way to get more than skin deep in the arousal department. (for both/all parties)
Afterall, slowing down to use eyes, lips and hands definitely heightens the pleasure.
And after all, isn't that what we are all seeking?RHP User
3 years ago
Undressing a lady is the biggest turn on ,especially if she is wearing a dress 🤤
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