Do you ever bite?

June 12 2021

From the forum posts it seems we've all had at one time or another that eyeroll to grit your teeth kind of message - from initial to as conversation progresses. The rule of thumb is to delete and/or block so you don't give in to their intentional, or sometimes unintentional, gaslighting - but have you ever given in and snapped back?? Lately I can't help sometimes but bite and give sarcastic responses.


  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    4 years ago

    Nah I just block, or provide them with the address of a good Brisbane brothel 😆

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Great post gorgeous PlayerJ

    I always wonder about the ‘dripping tap’ effect.

    If we just block and ignore people behaving badly, especially in a culture where men rarely call out men, how will we ever inform and change bad/dangerous/abusive behaviours!?!

    And so there are definitely times when I ‘bite back’. Point out a basic fact (I don’t respond to rudeness), to guidance (If you had worded that differently, I would have been interested), to awareness (do you know how many times a woman hears that and how offensive it is!??), to all out assault (don’t take your small dick energy out on me).

    I feel like if the tap keeps dripping on bad behaviour, there’s a small chance it will change behaviour eventually (carve a bowl with the drips).

    BUT . . . here’s the crunch. We don’t OWE these abusive douchebags our time. And sometimes blocking them saves us energy and ensures our happiness. ‘Blocking’ is the healthiest choice for us (just like men having to block scammers and hidden sex workers) sometimes.

    We have to do what is healthiest. But a ‘bite back’ sometimes just feels soooooooooo good, after all the offensive shit that we are subjected to. 🤪 ( I am SO tired of being slut shamed by men on this app)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I often bite back in response to poor behaviour. Occasionally I get the "you're right, that was rude" replies. However 9/10 times on here I get abuse. And by biting back I mean sometimes something as innocuous as "you clearly didn't read my profile so its a no from me" to other times something much more befitting to their foul messages and rants. Cyberflashing in particular is a big one for me, especially when stating in my profile "do not send me dick pics", oh the responses to that... Because even when you state you don't want people to commit federal offences, they still do. As though going against clearly defined boundaries in a profile is going to make me someone to f**K you??

    If no one calls out abuse and bad behaviour then how are the respondents going to realise their actions are atrocious? Sometimes I can't be arsed and I totally get that other people don't want to waste their energy on f**ksticks, but most times I think f**K them, if they won't show any respect to me then why should I show any respect in response? That and reporting disgusting behaviour on rhp leads to no action by staff so...

  • Libertine001


    4 years ago

    It would depend on your mood and state of mind as to whether you bite back.
    There's no excuse for bad behaviour and I dont think biting back will change that behaviour as some of it is generational and so ingrained in them that biting back actually plays into what they want.
    Yes it can make you feel better by doing so but it can also get you riled up over someone who is so inconsequential in your life that it's not worth going there.
    Silence has more of the affect that your after as that irritates them more.

    I have no answers on how to change online behaviour as the trolls have no respect and there's no consequences to their actions.
    All you should do is screenshot, report and hope the mods actually do something about it but that doesn't stop them coming back under a different profile.

    I would like to think its a small minority of men who get abusive after rejection but it seems all too common and something I have never personally done.

    We are all equals but we aren't all meant to be with everyone and anyone.


  • Freaky_Fun


    4 years ago

    Do l bite back 😆
    I use them for sport, if I'm not getting blocked at least twice a day by 9am by whiny men who couldn't take it as much as they give, I'm not doing my job properly.

  • Sawadee


    4 years ago

    The longer the reply , the further we should distance ourself .. lf ppl can find so much wrong in everyday conversations ' in my opinion ' are usually looking for trouble or someone to criticize.. More a personality trait than anything .. On a positive note ' it shows you those you should avoid...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Life is too short to argue online with people. Especially when, on their end, it's all game play. I block.

  • nightingale8


    4 years ago

    And here I was clicking here thinking I might find some fellow bedroom biters! If I like you I will definitely bite 😈Online biting, not so much. It’s like fighting the wind with only your hands. Though you can look and feel great doing it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    bugger, i thought this was going to be more interesting, and be about actually bighting..
    gentle and consensual of course, love it :)