Do guys actually read profiles?
October 18 2023
If you want to know if a woman/couple is looking for a guy like yourself..do us all a favour and read profiles. No one wants to say the same thing over and over..that's what a profile description is for.
Conversations flows easily when one knows what the other is looking for.
Don't reach out and start the conversation off great then you suddenly ask, "so what are you looking for?" My response is read my/our couples profiles!
No need to get nasty either..your the one initially contacting me..not the other way round.
Im not chasing you..nah uh..
Read profiles it's not that hard guys!
a year ago
Clearly they dont and continue not to. If you look back in the archives this question has been asked and answered about a million times 😂
a year ago
Yeap read it, I'm out
a year ago
To the defence of us men some profiles have nothing to read or bugger all about the person/ couple to read. Some I've looked at have no description, one or two words or the generic words used to pad out a profile and lacks any substance.
For the people that do take time to develop a profile then yes it should be read first.
a year ago
Mmmmm perhaps many don't.. but doesn't that make the ones that do extra special?! 😏😂
Then again (devils advocate) if you had an utterly, deliciously gorgeous guy message that didn't read your profile and one rather, decidedly 'average' that did.. who would you engage with?!?!
Easy for us ladies to judge when we are mostly non paying participants and largely in demand.
Perhaps just as us ladies can't keep up with all the messages - some men can't keep up with all the profiles 🤭🧐
It's a sifting tool...like everything else on here. Some use it to their advantage - others are disadvantaged by not doing so ... 🤷🏻♀️MsSuperFoxy
a year ago
Not sure what's going on with you or your couples profile, but absolutely yes, men do read profiles.
Well, they do read mine because I get lovely messages that do refer to quite a few things stated in my profile.
So, Thank you to those men, who have put in the effort! (MWAH)
Ms Foxy 💋 😘RHP User
a year ago
Well I do for sure, gives you a rough idea of there interests.
a year ago
We do read the profile bio and interests and try to make a inital contact as interesrting and tailored as possible but with everyone doing the same makes standing out from others difficult
RHP User
a year ago
This question is getting monotonous like the dogging questions .
Block and delete literally takes a couple of seconds .Cucknshells
a year ago
If you want to know if they have read your profile then add a requirement at the end. On my mind I ask to include Shell in their message. If they don't I assume they haven't read it. Easy done.
Shells xxRHP User
a year ago
I always read profiles before I send a message…….. at least I try to read them 🤷♂️
Some of them hurt my brain and other have such a long checklist of demand/requirements that I just move onRHP User
a year ago
I always read a profile and prefer to read something about a lass. But for me I need to be able to enjoy more than just sex
a year ago
Some do some don't. Others don't have much written on their profile, some as long as an essay 😂. Understandable we are wanting to meet the right ones.
You do you babes and we can only hope for the best.countrytouch82
a year ago
I read profiles, I would like to message some to remove "men" from their seeking categories, if they later write that they are not seeking men, so that they don't show up in searches for profiles that are seeking men. But because I've been told not to message, I can't help them out (it just might also reduce the unwanted messages they get from those that do not read profiles, as per the OP).
a year ago
And the regulars gonna bounce ( hey ah yea yo) yea seen a lot (ah yo read a lot) 😂 🤪
They knw best ehhhhhhhh
I'm a go read some more coms👍RHP User
a year ago
I do
RHP User
a year ago
Hunter mentality. It’s directly linked to sales prospecting where the hunter mindset is also at its most switched on.
The men pay for the ability to hunt on here. Women largely do not. The way it’s marketed is the promise of sex for men who pay so they act accordingly.
The human brain has always had its primal setting wired the same way and that won’t change.
Abi and I had this chat a few years back and I suggested she pay for a membership and go hunt for what she wanted instead of waiting around and being frustrated. She did but that hunter instinct wasn’t there and thus she reverted back to type.
It’s the way we are and why these sites operate the way they do. The ability to chase also has its appeal which is a commercial gain for dating and hook-up apps.RHP User
a year ago
I always do, it’s enlightening.
a year ago
I actually try and start a conversation based off their bio. I approach in a respectful way but every so often I get blocked🤷♂️.
Still have had a few good conversationsRHP User
a year ago
You want men to read profile it’s simple- reply to messages that shows you they read your profile- basic positive reinforcement.
But to be honest, half a profile here isnMt what they read to be- there are people who pit looking for male but actually don’t, or not looking but actually do, use protection but actually don’t, some say they are ‘friendly’ but block you when you send polite hello messages etc etc
Reading profile with a grain of salt- it’s only read how the writer wanted to be seen.
I interact the way you would in real world. Send message tell them who I am and if they don’t like it- all goods on both sides. You never read someone’s resume before approaching them in public would you?RHP User
a year ago
Remember, profiles can lie too
I had a profile said not into to my proposed play date scenarios but a friend of mine who has met them has done the exact same thing with them…
So at the end of the day it comes down to they like you or not.
Some profile is also like a Uni essay, so long to finish and when i messaged to show i read the profile I don’t even get a reply- so just send introductory message, you don’t like it? Block me saves everyone’s time.
People really need to be so easily offended, imagine wasting your energy getting pissed just because someone didn’t read your rhp profile- don’t you have other better things to worry or invest your energy in?RHP User
a year ago
When 80% of the women are chasing 20% of the men the end result is those 20% of men have 80% of the women chasing them. With that ratio there is little need to put much effort in, it just is what it is. No need to be misandrist about it, it's just how the sexxing game works.
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