Do Meet and greets actually exist

January 09 2025

I know they exist but apart from businesses do RHP put any on anymore?
Seems single men are not ever invited and if so there are limited entries and the cost is ridiculous.
So are there any true meet and greets anymore, where having a pleasant social evening is what it is about?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    Much of the ideology on these sites throws an sig of ant stigma toward single males. It’s ridiculous but that’s the impact of low critical thinking.

    You’ll see some on these forums use terms like “thirsty” males which only perpetuates the issue.

    That said, if people have those views, are they really the ones we wish to meet with?

    I wonder if there are meet and greets for people who don’t like small talk for example? Or people with specific tastes or hobbies. Imagine a kink / DnD meet n greet.

  • Ex007


    3 months ago

    Single events are almost nonexistent which is frustrating.

    Especially when I get spam invites in my messages to every single couple's event because I'm a single female.

    This is made even more frustrating when I do not even have listed in my profile that I'm looking for couples.

  • DdoubletroubleV2


    3 months ago

    In Melbourne there are, we have been to two recently run by different hosts & there’s a specific one coming up for couples to meet singles (and singles to meet singles ).

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    I’ve never been but I’ve seen quite a few meet and greet advertised in the events section that are free for men, women, and couples.

    Usually just at a bar or something.

    These things take initiative and effort from someone to create, so if you’re not finding anything that appeals to you, maybe think about starting something yourself.

  • friendseeker


    3 months ago

    Locally where i live there have been a few meet n greets over the years. Mainly for couples but sometimes for anyone. Typically u have to message to find the location which excludes non-paid accounts. I went to one last year as a single man and have since met a few of the people who were there.

    My suggestion is you organise one and see how it goes.

  • Flirty2020


    3 months ago


    Are you talking about “play “ meet & greets or simply social meet & greets?

    We have been to quite a few social meet & greets, where are large numbers from here attended get togethers at a pub / restaurant. They were free to attend and singles males were also welcome.

    Play meet & greets are different as generally these attract a high number of males and often these males don’t behave very well, which is why many clubs / parties exclude them

  • Opalrose


    3 months ago

    The official rhp meets were the best. But sadly no more.

    I’ve hosted a number of events. One was a free cost, anyone can come. We had 220 turn up. I think 100 were single guys. 50 couples and 20 single women.

    There is a photo of the event, 27 guys standing there all wanting to talk to me. My back is to the bar. I was a bit overwhelmed. That was the last time we had an open invite.

    If you aren’t happy with the existing options I suggest you host one. It’s a shit tonne of work. You’ll spend a lot of time messaging with couples and single women who flake out at the last minute. You’ll have single guys ‘decide to bring a few mates’. Good luck.

  • Sawadee


    3 months ago

    To answer your question.. Yes ! Meet and Greets do exist.. I / we haven't attended many , but the few we have were very entertaining...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    Before C, we had lots of social Meet and Greets. Everyone was welcome. Lately Ive been to a few social lunch/drinks meets here in Perth, they are always good events to put faces to names. I have made lifelong friends at these events. Organise one in your area.....just put up a venue, time and place on the Events page, see how that goes. On another note, Ive seen events stating No single men, or a limited number (4) which is the organisers perogative, but in every couple, the Mr was once a single man.

  • RachWandered


    3 months ago

    Sexy single men rarely turn up. Which is tricky because events kinda need (sexy) people to turn up and get their sexy on …

    I’ve met a couple of nice dudes at socials and play parties but I can’t say playing with couples is the highlight of my shagging.

    Swinging isn’t my cup of tea tbf.

    For me, events become a bit ho hum when it’s just couples and 1-2 single dudes fighting for their lives not to cum.

  • RachWandered


    3 months ago

    And yes meet and greets do exist and they’re not just good for finding prospective shags …. I’ve made some solid friends at meet and greets and they’re probably the reason I keep going…

  • SugarSugar69


    2 months ago

    I hosted many singles events years ago with great success. I’m seriously thinking of getting back into it

  • thepleasurer


    2 months ago

    Well im visiting from NZ and hoping to meet n greet some beautiful aussie women...plz share your wonderful hospitality...i have a place lol just msg and turn up

  • TheNLMevents


    2 months ago

    Many meet and greets are set up for couples only, purely down to logistics and the desire to create a safe space for people to meet. For a good meet and greet, often securing a private space where people can talk openly is key, which incurs costs to organisers, hence ticketed events to cover the costs involved. The issue of single males is tricky, as whilst there are many genuinely lovely dongle males who are in the lifestyle, as mainstream coverage of the lifestyle has increased, many less desirable single males who view the lifestyle as a shortcut to NSA sex and posess dubious social skills have overwhelmed the sites. This is apparent from the messages received from single males who either did not read people's profiles or completely ignore that they fall outside what people have stated that they seek. In a meet and greet scenario, these people can ruin an event and create a sense of unease and their predatory behaviour can torpedo the likelihood of future events.
    There are still some meets held that allow in single males, often via recommendations and other methods of vetting. It is tough and somewhat unfair on the genuine good guys, but sadly the actions of some have often ruined it for all.