Dirty Panty Collection
September 11 2023
Anyone else into this fetish? please share your experiences
2 years ago
I know someone who used to sell ‘dirty’ panties on eBay in the late 90’s when you could sell that stuff on there.
They were brand new, with a smear of juice/oil from a tuna can. He had 100% positive feedback and many repeat customers 🤣Sawadee
2 years ago
Im aware this kink exists just dont understand the attraction.. ? Not knocking it btw, everyone to thier own ?
2 years ago
$500 bucks, they're yours 🤣
2 years ago
I once had a guy on reddit ask to buy a pair from me. So i wore a new gstring for the day & then mailed it to him. It turned me on knowing he had it and that he was turned on by smelling me ☺️
a year ago
I can always send you some of the wife's for a small fee....
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