Dinner Party Thoughts?
May 25 2024
Open to heterosexual individuals aged 40-50 interested in developing meaningful connections, with the desire to develop a relationship.
Limited spots would be available for a balanced group of 10-12 guests even numbers of men and women. I'd love to hear your thoughts before paying for a membership to put up an event.
10 months ago
Bring it to Sydney 👍
10 months ago
Great idea to invite some couples or a balanced group to enjoy a nice dinner, maybe drinks before or after.
What a fab idea !
Wonder if anyone has done that here before.
You must post here how it goesNeoAndTrin
10 months ago
It's a good idea 007. Think you'd achieve those numbers easily.
10 months ago
I love the idea! Could also do singles, balanced wine tasting event. There’s the city winery in Brisbane that might be perfect for that.
I’m in Sydney, otherwise I’d come 😊Flirty2020
10 months ago
We have hosted a few get togethers.
The tricky part is getting the “mix” right - to find people that complement one another so as to make it interesting and not awkward.
You will need to ask for payment up front (if you are going to be securing & paying the venue) as historically the “no show” rate is very high, despite people expressing interest and saying that they will be attending.FeistyFatty
10 months ago
Its a great idea. Over the years we have attended quite a few of these, as a couple. Yours being for singles is wonderful...... Great way to mingle.
10 months ago
A wonderful idea. I hope it goes well. I’ve always thought some sort of activity like singles (or swingers) archery, kayaking or even tennis would be great. I’m good at none of those but neither am I at sitting. Depends what you want in a partner 🙂
RHP User
10 months ago
It could work for sure. As a single and as a couple, I have been to meet-n-greets which were mainly drinks. Sometimes activities to get people to mingle. Went to a couples dinner once and it turned out half already knew each other and we felt a bit left out of the group.
10 months ago
Hi OP,
Years ago, I was in a group chat with mostly couples. I felt uncomfortable with them (couples) as I'm single (and still is).
I say your idea is a wonderful idea to mingle with the singles and in hope to develop a great connection, friendship and romance.
Artsy 😊RHP User
10 months ago
I think it's a great idea but I think the parameters you have here are a bit narrow. For me, 40+ would be better than 40-50, and not specifying what sexuality people need to be to attend. Other than that I think it sounds awesome.
RHP User
10 months ago
I love this idea and thinking of doing something like this myself....let us know how it goes if it goes through :)
10 months ago
Great thought.
Kinda like speed dating in a way.
$130 plus buy own drinks, (for some) it is not affordable - especially, if there is just 12 guests attending.
How would you decide if the guests are compatible or not?
What happens if there is history between guests you don't know about? Awkard - especially after a few vinos! 🫣
Ms Foxy
Ms FoxyNeoAndTrin
10 months ago
A good idea is to change the seating for every course so that people get a chance to meet as many of the other guests as possible during the course of the evening.
But if 2 people are hitting it off really well early and request to stay seated together then let them.No_probLlama68
10 months ago
It is a great idea, it would also be good to have an activity to do, or something to help move around, sitting in one place too long can be a bit much for some, especially if you’re not loving those seated next to you and want to move away from them but have to wait for another course to come. I think alcohol free activities should also be considered.
10 months ago
Where I live there is a dinner organised once a month with a topic. A specific question that's discussed during the night with some prompts. Guests are asked to consider the topic before hand and bring their ideas, The tables change every 15 minutes to mix people up. It's not an event for dating just for discussion but you could do something similar.
10 months ago
Awesome idea!! 😉
RHP User
9 months ago
Great idea, better than speed dating. It will allow conversation to flow and develop with real personalities coming out. At that price point maybe a degustation menu to allow lots of seat changes between multiple courses
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