Different strokes with different folks

March 19 2021

I have always been bemused by how different sex can be with different partners.
I know the connection you feel with someone can totally change how you experience sex with them, be it a mental, physical or a sensual connection.
For example, 1 lover kisses me and we’re talking instant twat tingle that lasts 2 days 😘, but an encounter with another person feels almost forced (his words), and can be totally unsatisfactory, despite having the usual banter and build up of sexual tension.
I hate shit sex, a good shower beats bad sex any day.
What in your opinion affects sexual compatibility, the usual medical, financial, stress factors excerpted?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    *excepted even*

  • KunningLinguist


    4 years ago

    2 day twat tingle?! 😈 Must have been one hell of a kiss! 🤪

  • 2EssesExploring


    4 years ago

    I walk around in a state of arousal all day every day due to the sight, sound, smell or even thought of Mrs S. Our sex seems to always feel so good. Is it the mental connection?
    Physically we share intense tingles so often that are nearly unbearable.
    So why would we desire the touch of others?
    Well our tingles intensify watching each other in action but we also enjoy the differences in other people. Even when the connection isn’t there we still seem to come out with a positive vibe but when we see each other really connect with another it’s tingles all over.

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    4 years ago

    For me it’s intangible and ever changing. It’s either there or it’s not, depending on so many subtle influences at the time. It cannot be forced, and if one tries to define it, or hold onto it, it will surely slip away.
    And most importantly, it takes two to create it and sustain it.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    For me there must be a mental connection first. I think a strong mental connection creates physical attraction??
    Do you mean sexual personality?Some people are naturally more reserved then others and this can be reflected in the bedroom but that is not to say they aren’t enjoying themselves.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I don’t know that it can always be explained, there’s more to having a connection than just words and body interaction.

  • nightingale8


    4 years ago

    I hate to say it but often it’s with someone who makes me feel smart. Not because they’re complimenting me but because I have to keep up with them (and can, ha) and we explore all topics under the sun. It’s mental that takes it to the next level for me but that’s by no means a stand alone ingredient. No amount of discourse is going to make up for bad smells, bad moves, poor health or arrogance.

  • Mischeviouslad


    4 years ago

    Caution - Analogy Ahead

    Its often said that it takes two to tango.
    And thats true.

    But one dancer has to take the lead and this lead either creates a great experience or it dominates and overpowers..... dependent upon the experience and capacities of the other in the dance. And the lead can switch too.

    Bad sex rarely just one persons failing.
    All parties have influence over the experience.

    As long as your focus and energy is on providing a positive, pleasurable experience for your lover, how they receive it and express themselves is within their domain

  • gnikees


    4 years ago

    Passionate sex is great, shite sex is basically rush with no setp for great sex. Simple touching or a genuine smile works. Its not too hard right?😁