
January 05 2017

I'm wondering how you fellow babygirl's keep a level head when the sex is so good, you forget your own name. Ok, I'm exaggerating but just a touch. I'm having the hottest flashbacks and his scent, I want. Desirous and instantly turned on at the right of him. I want to shake it off like any other casual encounter but...

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    For the uneducated, like me πŸ˜‰ can you explain exactly what this role play is or how it works for you. Am I right in assuming it's not about age/s but more the role play? Not something I know anything about and curious. Sounds like you're having fun 😊

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Sext him....maybe he's feeling the same and you can hook up again...otherwise get a womaniser (vibrator) or both 😈 otherwise go do something to take your mind off it, housework or exercise etc. OMG how exciting!!!! 😍

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    All good babygirls love their Daddies. We can't help it. 😍

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    For me, it is about reconciling the insatiable submissive while embracing my inner femininity and fragility and having a dominant who is both authoritarian and tender. I would throw the women's liberation movement back decades in the way I enjoy what I would consider the natural state of play with regard to the natural display of gender roles. After years of trying to define my kink, I found I required more. A 'Daddy' is a tender dominant who looks after his 'babygirl' by acknowledging the girl within the woman. I need an awakened, compassionate alpha. Needle in a haystack. The usual D/s dynamic does not allow for a lot of emotion or tenderness. I may be well out of whack with what this is technically but for me it is that combination, it's protection and surrender and enjoying all the benefits of my kink.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Ha! Baby I like the way you roll!

    It's a tightrope for me. I'm not one to give chase. House is spoltless, I have a lot of lines to sings to learn & can't seem to pull focus.

    It was good, I'm still a little dazed and find myself checking my phone a little more than usual.

    Have you had much experience in this?

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    I think it's about the OP getting the feels ;)

    Cos da sex is da bomb and she just wants to marry him/her or something

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Nobody brought up marriage until you did. You know what they say about assuming... ;)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Sexy exciting times are the best things in life! Bask in it... I think it's good to let that person know how much you enjoyed it. I find that nothing turns a man on more than when he knows he did it right and she wants more of him... if you both dance around and nobody makes a move how frustrating is that? If he is a nice, responsive, respectful guy, he will be more than happy to return your sexting and play again. The man doesn't want to be all creepy and just plays it cool, to let the woman come to him for more, he usually is happy to oblige. They just don't like strings cos sometimes that turns into crazy 😝

    You have to test it... just say hi and go from there, take it easy... πŸ˜‰ Life is too short to hold back from amazing experiences and exploration, honey! The worst that could happen is that he says no... not different to what you have now... only the hope that it happens again. Be your playful, fun self πŸ˜‰Actually the worst is if he lead you on, make sure he makes a time and date to meet and keeps to it!

    That's how I see it and it has always worked for me ;) The only excuse is busy at work. When that machine of a man text me months later, he wasn't lying because he didn't even have time to workout :( that's something that he loved doing.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    We are thousands of miles apart... I still get emails from the guys when it's already too late and they have girlfriends/wives!! πŸ˜“ Everything has an expiry, so definitely rethink about what you've done in the past. Try a new approach with a new man. As you said, you felt all giddy like a little girl! Breaking the ice is stronger than not letting go because of an ego... "not one to give chase". There is some power in vulnerability and femininity ;) I know it sounds very contradictory, but when you work it out, it's just about being truthful and that is so freeing. Ok I should stop writing now lol I'm so excited for you! Xx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    FlygirlGC - when are we going for drinks? 🍾🍸

    Stirry - here's a stack hat and some crayons Darling...oh and a napkin, you're dribbling shit again. πŸ˜›

    CandyDelicious - whoa Darlin' the 'L' word is a mighty big jump from an encounter. Dial it back a little, Sugar. I'm not one to confuse mind blowing sex with emotion...I'm not even sure I know what that particular emotion is.

    Life is jumping along back at it's usual crazy pace, no longer in permanent state of heightened arousal...haha.

    It was yum.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Yes to sex and no to work lol jk

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Yes I know what they say about about assumptions......

    Hence why I used marriage as a metaphor for a relationship deeper than the usual relationship thats usually found within lifestyles/sites such as this.

    It may have been poorly executed, but hardly an assumption of the path the OP is on.....

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Hardly... one encounter could turn into several encounters that same week 😍 feelings may develop from the fantasy but then it's only a fantasy. Reality of a relationship are so diff. Have been there many times, the fun is never a regrettable experience, regardless 😍 light hearted fun 😊 if I had an encounter like that again, I'd think something could happen to me tomorrow....what would I regret?

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    FlygirlGC - you hit the nail on the head. I think this is what is appealing to me so much at the moment. The desire to be vulnerable. I'm a softie but I've had to be in control and present a savvy, somewhat hardened demeanour due to my career and solo parenting post divorce. I find myself wanting very much to be seen, absolutely so, to be that vulnerable. I know is difficult for all of us. We've all tossed hat & heart in the ring and come out a little worse for wear for our efforts (at my age anyway) - it seems to me that everyone is so guarded and fearful of iintimacy.

    Somewhere along the way intimacy got a bad wrap, it got lumped in with ownership, obligation, control & expectation.

    Makes it hard for any of us to give chase. x

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Script part of your play back to him and in particular make it sexy as hell and seductive.

    .... and then daddy took his baby girl to the pinnacle of climax ...... he new her deepest erotic depths and played them like a fine tuned piano, sparking every key with an insatiable lust for more sensual music as she surrendered herself to her him...

    Get him to relive the experience in his mind..... he will come..

    Such a beautiful experience for you and I hear you on the D/s.

    Good luck.


    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Though far less poetic, I did that earlier. Your turn of phrase is very pretty...

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    There was my life before that movie and my life after it.

    Never have I been so deeply & personally altered as the result of a film.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Loving the depth and openness.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    this is interesting πŸ˜ƒ

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    a few years ago.. She appeared all demure and shy.. considerably younger then I.. but well within legal age..We had fckd a couple of times.. after about time 3 or 4.. I was ready to drop it.. I couldn't seem to get into her psych..One afternoon, as she "Came" she mentioned me as "Daddy"... and mentioned "Your babygirl""Ooookaaay.."I can play this ..I asked her about it later.. and she got all shy and giggly.. ands said "Just a girlie thing"We ramped it up a bit over the next couple of sessions.. and .. "Boy... I THOUGHT I had experienced her Orgasms" before..The interesting thing though.. When we fckd in the mid-afternoons, she would go into this mode... night-times, she never did.. and just returned then to a rather unresponsive lover...How long does one run a particular theme for though??IT was the entire core of her thought paths - and IF I tried to change it around.. she would switch off...One day, I left a message on her phone to catch up.. She never replied... .. I never did pursue her after that.. and often wonder if it is still "Her Thing"
    *shrugs*... what may have happened to her as a child/teen or whatever.. is not my issue. and she did appear to enjoy the roleplay...IF in fact that is what it was..

  • Sawadee


    8 years ago

    I meet a girl overseas who assumed the baby doll role to perfection . So much so she seemed to have me infatuated . I didn't have much choice but to go with the moment. That's when she would become baby doll subservient and sexist thing alive. Nice memory..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    I shared my wife with this 50 year old guy who looks much younger. My wife was 29, she wore a sexy schoolgirl outfit for him. This guy was a pro in plying with girls who wanted to fuck hot older men. My wife also seemed to know what older men seek from a young girl. It was totally hot watching them play those roles. He gave my wife the punishment she deserved ;)

  • Sawadee


    8 years ago

    Good post , It's great when our number can be put aside and we only see the person. Been there..

    Tip : Your profile reads both you and wife at 21 yrs of age , if you know what I mean .?

    Cheers Jay..

  • cbdlivin


    8 years ago

    Quoting 'LaFemmeFontaine'
    There was my life before that movie and my life after it.

    Never have I been so deeply & personally altered as the result of a film.

    - Posted from rhpmobile
    That movie was a great intro for some people in the scene, still one of my favourites

  • yankmychain56


    8 years ago

    I am for sure not a Greek God, not tall, am average looking, and can't figure out why the 'daddy' thing is such a turn on for some women, but i have no problem with it at all :) I have had a few encounters with MUCH younger women, some while in the military, and i was in a position of Authority, so with great reluctance, I had to turn it down, as that is a career-ender if you get caught.On one occasion (not in the military), I was 45 and she was 18 with a PORN STAR body. big, tits, nice ass, and long legs. I really wasn't looking for anything to happen, but it just did. She LOVED me buying her slinky undergarments, and loved being dressed like a Japanese anime doll, which i had no problems with at all. All the kinky, slutty things you could think of, sucking me off while driving down the road and she would want me to slow down and let the truck drivers pass us so they could see, which turned her on more. Maybe things she couldn't do with guys her age? After a very hot 6 months it was pretty much over, and I had few relationships with some women where i was older than their dad, and one wanted to introduce me to her dad., (NOT good).Since then, i had relationships with a few women 10-15 years younger than me, but had to cut them off for one reason or another, with some meeting other guys their age and moving on. And with life and work in general, just not much time for 'the chase' anymore. Just wondering what in particular drives some women crazy with the Daddy/baby girl thing?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Is when the photos of the person is fully nature no clothes been naughty with that wet pussy and let the homie come through and suck n fuck it good

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Is when the photos of the person is fully nature no clothes been naughty with that wet pussy and let the homie come through and suck n fuck it good

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 years ago

    Is an exchange of power in my view.

    Buying nice things for someone and dressing them up is a Sugar Daddy in my view.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • islandkinks


    8 years ago

    I love this play with nappies incorporated into play