October 11 2020
4 years ago
I don't have enough to offer, but is something simple as the women takin the lead in bed and telling you what positions she wants, what is going trure her mind as the sex grow. She speaks how she wants to get, intensity. And tells exactly what she wants and how.
I definitely would love have the pleasure of spending time with you and get to know you a bit deeper. You look amazing by my eyes,RHP User
4 years ago
Tell him what you are going to do to him is a suggestion. Guys are visual creatures by nature and that means visually thoughts as well.
I once got a new bed and when my normally rather submissive FWB at the time found out she sent me a list of msgs telling me what we were going to do on the new bed.
This may work if your not trying to surprise th guy. Good luckpeter196921
4 years ago
Mmmmm, a dominate women, my thoughts, would be a woman who tells me what to do, I walk into the room and she is sitting on a chair, she tells me to get on my hands and knees and crawl to her, as I get closer she open her legs so I can see up her skirt, she tell me to lick her pussy and takes hold of the back of my head and holds my head as she tells me to push my tongue inside her, once I have made her cum she tell me to remove my clothes, all the time she is watching, I am nw naked and she tell me to remove the rest her clothes, she is a women who knows she can do whatever she wants to me and knows that I will do as I am told, she is a women who want to share her man with her friends and her will do as he is told and gets rewarded 😱😈
RHP User
4 years ago
I’m a dominant woman I love that role play dominate alpha males are a turn off my man plays that role for me
With another guy I like to dominate him
And they love it 💖mixtures
4 years ago
Yes please, I would like to meet a dominant woman. I think it is so sexy when a woman is willing to take control and use guys for their pleasure :)
4 years ago
You could try "The Ninja Fuck". It's one of my favourites. 😇😈
Ms FoxyRHP User
4 years ago
sexually aggressive women is what turns me on ...but in my experience are rare, especially finding one you have real sexual chemistry with's not something that can be taught or learnt either from my experience having played with several women that have claimed they were dominint in the bedroom ...but really weren't ...and it was more of a role playing thing which isn't to my taste i'm still on the search for that rare exception of just raw primal aggressive sexual energy
4 years ago
I once visited a dominatrix as I’ve never submitted fully and have a great desire to experience it. It was a private situation and I was instructed to enter the room, undress and blindfold myself and sit quietly on the couch till my Mistress entered. Waiting for what seemed ages, trying to hear if she was in the next room was very exciting. I had seen some partial photos but didn’t even know what she looked like. Then I heard the door open and she entered. She smelled divine and I’m sure that made me harder than I already was, then she spoke, even harder I suspect, what a divine voice. She toyed with me on the couch a while and I was ready for her to do whatever she desired with me. She then lead me to the bedroom and instructed me to lay on the bed, some more tantalising ensued then I was surprised at the most passionate of kisses. She then asked me to get up and go back to the couch. This excited me more as was unexpected. She told me to wait and she went back to the bedroom and closed the door. It seemed like an eternity then she called out that I may remove my blindfold and come back into the room.
As I opened the door I was met with the most beautiful sight of this stunning woman laying naked and cuffed to the bed.
Surprised I asked her what was happening. She professed she could sense my personality and it had overtaken her and she couldn’t resist the desire to submit to me!
She told me to do whatever I wanted to her and the next few hours were absolute bliss.
We saw each other for a while after that, I had a gf but felt such a strong bond with this woman, it’s a fleeting friendship that I still miss to this day.
I’m still waiting for that Dom experience though!wildcrazyloving
4 years ago
Thanks for you for sharing that experience.. Sounds like a beautiful, intense moment. I do the ninja experience in a chair, similar to what you experienced but I use pertables and subtle intimate contact. Have recently added a bed restraint and am toying with expanding on dominate, teasing antics. The tension building in the anticipation is critical and have had to be mindful about the pace. X
RHP User
a year ago
It’s definitely a powerful experience submitting to a woman in a non bdsm sense, in my experience’s it was the smaller things, requests, tasks, that really made you feel submissive to her. Don’t want to give to much away.
A woman like you with the heels and lingerie you have it would be an easy task 😍EddyWooly
a year ago
I would be very happy to do whatever a woman told me . As a newbie , discuss boundaries but would rather go with the flow if we're both comfortable
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