M35 F33
February 06 2017
could you lovely people please explain what Cuckolding and hotwife are? Am i wrong to assume that a hotwife is someone who is partnered with a cuck?
Just a little intreagued and curious and wish to broaden my knowledge and learn something new and kinky :-)
I assure you i mean No offence by this thread at all!
Tam xx
- Posted from rhpmobile
8 years ago
This is just my interpretation but both involve the wife having other sexual partners. I consider the difference to be in the respect shown to the husband.
Cuckhold: Husband may or may not know about these other partners but the wife and her partners belittle the husband or say demeaning things about the husband as part of the experience. Husband may observe and listen to this as part of his kink, or he may be oblivious to all activities.
Hotwife: Husband encourages, often participates and may direct the activities and has some degree of control over proceedings who her partners are. If husband is not present, he may get a blow by blow description of the fun when the wife comes home.tall60
8 years ago
Just to give you some background....cuckoo birds dont't build nests,don't raise their own eggs...they remove eggs from other birds nests and allow them to raise cuckoo chicks...hence cuckolding being descriptive of sexual behaviour involving hot wives and cuks
RHP User
8 years ago
ere was all this stuff when we were growing old...haha
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
8 years ago
Sorry for the late response, the forum apparently had 0 replies! My apologies
Thankyou for the responses :-)
So a hotwife is not someone who is partnered to a Cuck? Thankyou for clearing that up.
Okay so lets see if i got this right.
Cuck- a man who enjoys the idea of his wife being with men and being bellittled? (In a nutshell)
Hotwife- shared by her husband who has some control over who she sleeps with ect and she tells her hubby all the kinky details of her adventures?
Am i even close?
Thankyou for your patience :-)
Tam xx
- Posted from rhpmobileSawadee
8 years ago
Cuckolding: I don't go along with the humiliation bit.. That's porn propaganda .. In my experience , I found the husband enjoys watching or hearing another man pleasure his wife. Both are comfortable with this scenario and make it part of their sex life. There's no place for jealousy in a cuckold relationship ( I hate the term cuckold ) and the couple are usually very happily in love .
Hotwife : Same as above but the wife can play alone if she so feels the need to. She usually calls the shots with the husband content to hear about it all later ..
All pretty simple really...RHP User
8 years ago
Hotwife hubby knows and after she tells him all the goss
Cuck. The husband does not partake and just watches. I did that to a boss of mine. He wanted me to play with his smoking hot wife while he was tied to a chair. That was his and her fantasy. He loved it. Especually how she voiced herself in the bed.
Nothing worse than seeing someone being enjoyed and he had a hard on from here to China and could not do nothing about it. After I left his wife untied hom and they told me they had the best sex EVA.
I got a promotion in love and war. True story folks. What a great boss he was. Fuck the boss's wife..get a promotion. Great IR mentality.RHP User
8 years ago
As a Hotwife ... my hubby loved the fact that he shared me with other men. He would love nothing more than watching me flirt, pick up and fuck other men and that someone else was sharing his 'hot wife'. He often described me as his 'favorite porn star' and would love the fact that so many men wanted to be with me (not being vain but particularly at swingers parties). I would also play on my own and I would come home, retell my stories (the good ones), verbal foreplay so to speak and we would end up fucking too :)
In a cuckold relationship, I believe there is 'less choice' for the man. He may be subjected to more things that challenged his 'manhood' and could involve belittling and humilition. In a cuckold relationship you would have another man, 'the bull' who would be more 'the man' in the relationship and would meet the sexual needs of the woman whilst the cuckold would be dominated by the woman or the bull, or both :) the cuckold would not necessarily have his sexual needs met as readily either as part of the cuckold relationship.
This is my take on it. Like anything in this scene, there are no 'rules' other than what you deem as important to your own relationship :)
Mary xxRHP User
8 years ago
Thankyou so much for sharing your insight!
So as a hotwife you are almost woreshipped by your hubby and is proud to share you knowing you are ultimately his when the sunsets and the curtains close (excuse the terrible analogy)
That sounds honestly? beautiful! And i mean that!
You have me very intreagued! I would love to hear more!
I don't think we are ready for that step to be honest just yet. We only just got to the step of allowing me to explore BDSM as he is not into it. The only request is that he is present when/if the time.comes and i meet someone from fetlife which i 100% agree with as safety is key! But as for visiting a Professional Dom (Runs a business where i pay)
If that makes sense.
I am so intreagued with Hotwife now you have explained it. It is so beautiful!
I have so much respect for that!
Tam xx
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
8 years ago
Who liked my Boss story. His wife and I showed him who was the boss of him NOW!
RHP User
8 years ago
I sound like a fat kid in a candy shop in this thread!
Anywho Shells and everyone else who posted their stories! Just wow! I wont lie it sounds so beautiful! I highly respect your relationship, communication and bond!
I know it must sound strange but it is truly beautiful! I guess i find almost every Kink beautiful when its todo with couples exploring!
Tam xx
- Posted from rhpmobileSawadee
8 years ago
My experience showed a different kind of cuck compared to HotwivesInc and Cucknshells where humility seems a part of what it is for them... My roll as a bull never included humility or cock cages , just playfull couples wanting to look outside the square and partisipate in something different. For some it's a once only experience and others it becomes a ongoing part of their sex life. I've never had a hubby wanting to be tied up or be humiliated . Maybe they are not as extreme .. One mans kink is another mans amazement.. All good...
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