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Cuckqueaning - Voyeurism in Perth
May 28 2017
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
8 years ago
My feeling - after reading your post and your profile - is that you appear to be after a woman that is willing to take on the role so you don't have to pay anyone. Not really a great way to attract a potential lady to join you.
I'm not into couples and even if I were I would not be willing to play with a couple who seem to be looking for regular meets for free sex as they are tired of paying for a prostitute.
Sounds a lot like those single men I've chatted with that think the women here are whores because it's a 'sex site'. Means they don't have to pay a prostitute in order to get their rocks off when they feel the need.
Consider the feelings and sensibilities of those you hope to attract. Otherwise I think you may be paying a professional for the foreseeable future.
Just saying
8 years ago
First, what institution and in Perth? I should apply for a job there 😀
Just at a glance, and given your profile checks out as a genuine couple, your biggest challenge will be finding women under 40 who aren't busy putting their make-up on, preening themselves and strutting around like they own the world, while chicks like me are giving their men what they really want 😉 So 18-40? You'll struggle in my opinion finding women that age who tick all the boxes. I'm not saying you should go older, and this is not an offer 😉 stay with your preferred age etc. just might have to be patient. Good luck, hope you find you're elusive 3rd person 😃RHP User
8 years ago
It's hard to take you seriously sometimes. So you give all the men want they want do you? I hope you at least brush your hair and put your sparkly thongs on. Lmao!
RHP User
8 years ago
Bit defensive there? I wasn't referencing you, so keep your personal attacks to yourself thank you very much. One thing though, how did you know my thongs were sparkly? 😉
RHP User
8 years ago
they're not sensible flats lol 😀
RHP User
8 years ago
Sorry ITM
I just had a giggle at your expense.
I'm over 50 and preen myself and strut coz Im too sexy for my fat ;-)
OP. Good luck in your search. I understand the voyer aspect. May I ask, what if a couple wanted the same of you. As in I wanted my partner to have sex with you while I watched. All I'm saying is you might have better luck finding a couple who want the same?
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
8 years ago
I've never had any complaints from my partners have you?? Must be coz they like the strutting and owning shit like a boss 😂 oh the unfairness of having no skills in the 18-40 range and being able to rely on something other than our leg spreading abilities haha poor males
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
8 years ago
No sensible flats for you then? 😉
RHP User
8 years ago
Grab your feather duster 😏
RHP User
8 years ago
Another hater? Wouldn't be anything to do with my review of your profile would it? 😏 you did ask did you not, or did you want sugar coating, sorry I don't do that. So what you're pouting now, throw your toys out of the sandpit lol not attractive to be carting baggage around the forum, your buddies here, one and the same. Well, appears I struck a nerve here 😉 bit defensive ladies? 😎
RHP User
8 years ago
Nah.... not when this old duck is out looking for a pole to try my dancing vagina skills on. I heard said owners of poles like heels on their shoulders.
I could be wrong tho.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
8 years ago
What a vision you must be 😃 heels up around the pole, or was is their neck 👍
RHP User
8 years ago
Oh I didn't take offense at all. In fact I found your comment surprising particularly that you feel comfortable boasting in that way. And please don't take this the wrong way because I say this with no malice at all, but I think you feel that you have come across as confident and strong but your first comment actually clearly highlights a lot of insecurities you have about other women and about the men you see and maybe even insecurities around your age. If you are honest, you give men everything they want but I doubt they are giving you everything you want. Deep down the things you really want.
You actually reveal a lot about yourself ITM, And not always what you think you are revealing. I know you will react angrily to this and make personal remarks back but hopefully you will give my comments some serious consideration.RHP User
8 years ago
Sorry your question has gone so off topic. What it has to do with women looking their best or you treating women like sex workers is beyond me.
Do you go to swingers clubs? Not sure if there are any in Perth, but they can be a lot of fun particularly when you are commanding your partner to do everything you say. 😈 I believe that you would be able to fulfill your fantasies there are perhaps meet a regular playmate.RHP User
8 years ago
Your opinion is hardly one is get pouty over but nice try. Like ya said I asked for opinions, you were free to give yours, didn't mean I needed to agree. Worlds a big place honey, your not the only one in it.
I'm with Candy on both her posts.
You also seem to contradict yourself in some posts I've read. Makes me wonder wether I should laugh with you or at you but hey that's only my opinion 👍🏻
I've also said to a "friend" that your talents are wasted here, you confirmed it, more power to ya 😜good luck
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
8 years ago
What you're saying to a 'friend' about me says more about you than it does about me. Discretion is my strong point. Contradicting myself lol God here we go, join the club, it's a very small and bitter one, but IG that is your thing 'all power to you' honey 😃
RHP User
8 years ago
Have fun now 😏
RHP User
8 years ago
Yes candy, I'm very insecure 😂😂😂
Just dashing off to find my sensible flats and find a way to deal with my insecurities lmaoRHP User
8 years ago
The language used by OP was how they had been paying for this particular fantasy/fetish and they were looking for a regular playmate.
One inference-and my feeling only as I said - being that they were looking for a woman here so they didn't have to pay a professional prostitute. If it had been worded differently then I would most likely have drawn a different inference.
Language is powerful. If I was looking for something elusive, I would be putting the best 'blurb' out there.
Just saying
8 years ago
I was leaving but this is too much fun, let's chat about this 😯
Re the topic, I did think it a bit odd a young couple who appear to be fairly attractive, would have to pay for someine to watch? There are men all ages, all walk of life, all shapes and sizes, all over the country, gaggin for it, and yes many would give their left arm, or maybe right arm if they're left handed 😉 for the opportunity. So op, no judgment but I have to ask the obvious question, why have you been paying for it? Have you used sites like this before?RHP User
8 years ago
Oops I mixed up the dynamic, you'd be bringing in a female. Well strangely, my mistake might be your answer, have you considered bringing in a male? Personally, I'm not a fan of the female partner watching, different if it was a male partner 😉 but there is too much held back with the partner there. He's not going to tell you you're the sexiest thing on planet, best body, best arse, tightest little pussy 😉 best oral.......no man would be able to let himself go, with his wife sitting there watching. And that for me kills the passion. And I hope this doesn't offend a friend of mine, but the more I think about this, I just can't really understand it, why not just play alone?
RHP User
8 years ago
I'm sorry, I have to apologise, in your comment I thought you meant 'your' fat hence my reply wishing the two of you well. Sorry, my mistake 😊
So strutting my fat or your fat, I'm not fat so only natural I would assume you were talking about yourself. Maybe you can clarify what you meant by that? Thanks, be good to sort this out 😃RHP User
8 years ago
Yes, we must agree finding a cake is extremely difficult
RHP User
8 years ago
i love cake
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