Cuckolding, is it becoming more mainstream and accepted?

October 01 2024

Seems to be more often than any other kink that I hear of now.
General chats with the lads, jokes at pubs, on every porn site.
Does every man fantasise about their wife being fucked at some point? Or fucking someone's wife?

How many women here actually like the idea, or is it only a male led fantasy?


  • MFMHotWife


    6 months ago

    Male led here, but she doesn't seem to mind a bit of extra attention. Not cuckolding though, more of as Hotwife/ Stag Vixen relationship....

  • BrisbaneHotMale


    6 months ago

    I’ve met many couples and I can say it doesn’t matter what you call it. As long as you both (MF couple) are on the same page and are open to exploring, it will be nice.

  • RachWandered


    6 months ago

    If I had a dollar for every single guy who has said they “prefer married women because they have no obligation” I’d probably have some savings
    It would totally put me off …
    But yeah it seems to be everywhere atm
    Where are all the cuckqueans hiding?

  • gazpacho


    6 months ago

    Monogamy is highly overrated and probably unrealistic.

    If you’re in a LTR, somone is bound to get pissed, drugged, or horny when they think they can get away with it, and transverse the expectations of the other.

    Let the games begin.

    People can stay together in very unexpected relationships if they choose to put up with it. And, as a game, self deprivation and humiliation is a popular kink.

    I doubt it’s on the increase. Maybe people are talking about it more because of social media.

  • intheswing


    6 months ago

    I think today a lot of people don’t understand the difference between hotwife and cuckold
    The Hotwife the focus is on her having a great time and the husband can either be there or not and also join in where he wants to increase the hotwife pleasure and both partners get pleasure from a good play date that talking about boosts their sex life at home
    The Cuckold is about the humiliation of the husband and he is usually there watching not participating and is humiliated at the time ohh he is so big etc this kink is like mental bdsm
    Good sex is more in your head so single blokes invited to join should check what the the couple are actually looking for instead of just thinking they are a bull and going to give the hotwife what she is not getting home

  • Melbcouple28


    6 months ago

    Have lived this lifestyle for many years. We rarely find others living the cuckold lifestyle so couldn’t say if it’s mainstream or accepted. It works for us though. Finding men who understand what it is and their role is hard. Most don’t get it

  • Notice_Me


    6 months ago

    Why do husbands or wives get turned on while watching their partner with another person?

    Compersion and being involved in your own live porn movie :)

  • madotara69


    6 months ago

    If a couple are maintaining a healthy marriage, ultimately a great and meaningful friendship and having regular sex because they want to.. then it’s reasonable to expect most guys want to fuck her because she is so horny she glows, and if some of them do and hubby is cool and all consensual
    Then I believe this is what successful means in life.

    Mado Tara xx

  • Uwish


    5 months ago

    I believe it is due to the fact of voyeurism being just so common these days as the internet was literally an invention to share porn originally...I love the thought of my Queen infatuating another man

  • Bicuckple60


    5 months ago

    Yes I believe it is more common now. We are a cuckold couple of over ten years in a FLR lifestyle of cuckolding and chastity. MISTRESS has a couple regular BULLS and is always on the look out for new ones....usually a new one about once a month....sometimes she will go off to meets by herself but more commonly she will invite them to our house. Sometimes I am instructed to participate; other times not. MISTRESS totally dick-tates my role and involvement in her pleasure.

  • Funtimes777


    4 months ago

    Am looking for a female life partner to live this type of relationship.

  • Raymonte1


    3 months ago

    When I was with my partner and mmf scenarios,me watching her being fucked by male or fucking him off made my dick so bloody hard and horny to another level absolutely loved it,

  • roundabouts86


    3 months ago

    Stag/vixen for us.. we are into it to experience and play together