M32 F31
June 14 2023
RHP User
2 years ago
Cuckolding is different to what you are describing. It's extremely hot watching your partner with someone else and I've always found that after it happens, you connect even deeper and the sex is just amazing!
Cuckolding is where you are denied any involvement and partially humiliated when your partner is with someone else. This is where your partner has complete control and you have no say in what happens. Is that what you want? I know some relationships work extremely well with this type of play.Mrs_Deep_Love
2 years ago
So much fun, right? Just enjoy.
2 years ago
Sure is real, though Im not "Cuckold", we are a Hotwife Couple, I love seeing and especially hearing my wife being pleasured, but I get into it too! Sure is a bunch of fun!
2 years ago
Stag and Vixon couple here. Open to a straight MFM relationship without the humiliation the cuckold enjoy..
2 years ago
It can be really fun with the right people, I used to play with a certain couple years ago and they would take turns at being in control and calling the shots…. No pun intended.
2 years ago
What is interesting is what has brought about the social change where this has turned from cheating and grounds for divorce to something that men actually enjoy it and love their wives more for doing it. The effects of doing can be either pleasurable and enhance a relationship or damage it beyond repair
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