Cuckold relationship wanted
August 06 2016
There's gotta be a single lady out there for me who wants a relationship but the freedom to have on going fun times with whoever she wants
As this is a forum is love to hear from as many hot wives (single or otherwise) about their expedites too!!
RHP User
9 years ago
To me its the thought of knowing a partner or husband is aware that you are being devoured, touched, kissed, licked and sucked by another (me ) and will either be told all about it or has to imagine how well his wife or partner is being treated, enjoyed and pleasured.
I would find it even more erotic if I thought he may be watching or was in public where someone else might see.RHP User
9 years ago
CucknShells -
Pretty hard to describe it. I believe that there are many varying levels to bring a cuckold so what I say may not be the case for other men who identify as cuckolds.
Personally and from past experience I've found being a cuckold is similar to addiction (not that I've been an addict BTW) in the sense that the more I get the more I get the more I want.
But to put it simply, I get off on the other half being with other men and I love being told the details. Watching your partner get ready for a date is something that needs to be experienced! When she leaves smelling of perfume, dolled up wearing something sexy it drives you nuts!!
It's a very psychological thing for thing for me
Thanks for reading!!
- Posted from rhpmobile
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