RHP User

RHP User

M37 F38


April 03 2014

What is it about cuckolding that gets you of.for us it's the visual experience and seeing each other being pleasured an satisfied.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    For me on the other side of things, it is pleasuring another mans wife, having something gorgeous, sexy and kinky... that he cant have.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • madotara69


    11 years ago

    it was some type of bird.

    Mado Tara xx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    For me, it's seeing how excited and attentive my husband gets in the lead up and after a playdate. He is totally focused on me and my pleasure, the looks he gives me are full of adoration, every touch and incidental things he does for me are driven by his desire to please me. That's a pretty big power exchange, takes trust, acceptance and a need to please. It's not for everyone and some will never get the Cuck's preferences, why they get off on knowing or seeing their partners being pleased by others.

    Sounds a bit selfish right? Maybe it is, but at the same time I never have cause to complain about feeling taken for granted, it gives me a security that I didn't feel/notice before we embarked on this lifestyle, which in turn made our relationship stronger. I feel sexier, not only does my husband desire me, but so do others. I didn't see it in myself until I saw it reflected in the eyes of others, it gives my self esteem a boost, my ego a rub. Is it selfish if its appreciated and recognised for what it is and means to us?

    It has also given us the opportunities to explore our sexuality and become more self aware of ourselves and each other. We are both happier, confident and content for allowing ourselves and each other to be true to our natures, rather than try to fit an ideal image of the what "married couples" do.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    One flew over the cuckolds nest :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Two things....

    Firstly I'll rewrite your post for you.

    What is it about cuckolding that gets you off? For us, it's the visual experience and seeing each other being pleasured and satisfied.


    Cuckolding - or some may call it queening perhaps - usually involves the male being chastised, and sexual release(orgasm) is usually denied.

    I'd suggest you're not cuckolding at all.

    But I could be VERY, VERY wrong :)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    what do you mean watch each other being pleasured? Doesn't the husband either just watch without him getting involved in the sex at all?That is if he is there........ I though often the hubby stays at home while the wife goes out to play on her own?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    In a nutshell.. you're dead right... Regardless to what anyone thinks , it is a generous act of giving and receiving. Because of certain insecurities some will only ever fantasise and that's exactly where it stays.. For a accepting open minded couples like yourselves, it remains a sexually stimulating comfortable adventure.

    Good for you.. Jay

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    It was when the wife dictates to the husband what she wants and while the husband supplies other bodies to perform, he himself is not allowed to get any..... Ok, google my dear friend here I come again

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    This isn’t like swinging, and it’s not a threesome. Cuckolded men (aka "cucks") only observe their wives’ infidelities, they don’t participate. And that's why they find it a turn-on: They're left out, looking on as the woman they love climaxes with a better man than them. It’s a form of psychological sadomasochism. Some people get turned on by whips, chains, and physical pain. Cucks get aroused by mental anguish.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    11 years ago

    which I learnt about the other day.

    Urban Dictionary meaning
    "A female cuckold. A woman who's husband or boyfriend commits adultery. A woman who enjoys being humiliated by her husband or boyfriend's sex with other women. "

    From Cockqueaned (dot) com site

    "Definition of Cuckquean: noun - a woman whose husband is unfaithful to her

    This is the most basic definition. In terms of a relationship, many would consider a girlfriend with an unfaithful boyfriend to be a cuckquean as well. In terms of a fetish, Cuckqueaning can involve aspects of humiliation, forced bisexuality and the inclusion of other fetishes. A cuckquean fetishist is aware of her spouse's activity, most likely actively encouraging it, and derives sexual pleasure from it. A Cuckquean is a female version of a Cuckold."


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I've been the other party in both a cuckold and a lesbian cuckquean, they were both amazing experiences.The partner watching gains immense pleasure from the pshycovisual experience of seeing their partnerwith another lover.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Has nothing to do with group sex as such. There used to be a woman here who had a cuckold relationship with her husband. She didn't allow him to cum for a full 12 mths at one stage! He sat at home while she went out with her boyfriend. Although I don't think it is always about the humiliation for everyone. Some men just get off on it without the humiliation part. :)

  • MsSuperFoxy


    11 years ago

    Is it where the partner watches, as in 1:1 or within a group situation??
    or the partner stays home and waits for the other to arrive.

    I always thought it was the watching the other partner get off, as in visually enjoyment simulation.

    I don't know... but I believe and think, it's the spiritual journey and choice the couple take together.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    In an adult store as we speak, looking at some amazing cock cages. :p

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    No, sometimes the husband gets enjoyment from hearing about it afterwards. He doesn't have to be there if that doesn't turn him on. Everyone is different.

    LMAO @ spiritual journey. If you feel that your wife fucking someone with a bigger cock than yours, that other men satisfy your wife better than you can... That you get off on being humiliated is a spiritual journey. Well I suppose monks where into self flagellation.... Kinky buggers. I like the forced bi clips where the wife makes the husband suck her lovers cock :p

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Cuckolding doesn't have anything to do with watching I don't think.

  • madotara69


    11 years ago

    Seems to be the guy tied up watching his partner get fucked by a stranger. Like a humiliation thing as the guys look uncomfortable watching on helpless as the partner goes nuts.

    I find it disturbing, must be jealous and insecure, though Tara does not even want to watch it. Other stuff we prefer.

    Mado Tara xx

  • MsSuperFoxy


    11 years ago

    So is cockholding and cockqueaning come under "open relationship"??

    I'm under the impression, in a way it is not - as both do not have sex with others only one person does.
    Isn't it when one of the couple has sexual relationships with others and one does not..either by watching or hearing about it??

    It's all open in the realtionship and about communication, when I say "open" no lies or deceit as in going behind the others back. The "spiritual" journey the couple go on together is what I mean by that.

    Call me a little vanilla uneducated, however am a little confused..I need this explained to me.
    Can someone please?? :)


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I don't believe my hubby and I have a cuckold relationship...... I've been looking up all these definitions (and there are a lot of them) and each of them bring into play that one side derives sadistic pleasure from the fact that their partner is achieving something that they can't/won't/don't give........ When one partner plays with someone else with the full knowledge and acceptance of the other = open relationship, not exclusive, non monogamous.......... Otherwise there really would be no difference.

  • madotara69


    11 years ago

    Quoting 'madotara69' Seems to be the guy tied up watching his partner get fucked by a stranger. Like a humiliation thing as the guys look uncomfortable watching on helpless as the partner goes nuts.

    I find it disturbing, must be jealous and insecure, though Tara does not even want to watch it. Other stuff we prefer.

    Mado Tara xx
    To think they could fuck Tara better than I can, when they don't even know her? LOL, bahahahaha, mwahahaha
    But I'm Batman.(black ears and matching cape)

    That's why we seek courageous men to join us in threesomes, it's a giving thing al-right, need to look after them. Brown paper bags for breathing and heart attacks the concerns.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    To be cuckoldFor me it is the ultimate satisfaction of a feeling of blissWith the woman in control, objective is clear, serve her/cplWhether she is being taken hard by her lover as i guide him into her,Or she encourages me to join her by sucking his cockFeel special with all the attentionI am very open about enjoying this roll and thrive as the bi cuckmmm

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    As a wife who has cuckolded my hubby many times and keeps him in a cock cage for lengths of time there is nothing more fun!!! He adores it, loves it and gets so excited over it. The fact i go out on dates and come home and tell him all the details (if im feeling nice lol) excites him beyond words! He loves knowing the other guys are bigger to lol. Hes watched a few times but mostly i just tell him about my nights out,as most guys dont like him watching funnyly enough. All i can say girls, is try it out :-).

    O and "meeka" nothing beats a bit of forced bi lol thus why hes only watched a few times as thats the price of watching hahaha :).


    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Well with a couple i have been involved with.. I fuck his wife as her and I see fit, he sits by the window watching us... He says nothing, Does nothing. Atleast while I am there .. And yes all 3 of us are naked .

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Quoting 'Bigmamma1' Cuckolded men (aka "cucks") only observe their wives’ infidelities, they don’t participate. And that's why they find it a turn-on: They're left out, looking on as the woman they love climaxes with a better man than them. It’s a form of psychological sadomasochism. Some people get turned on by whips, chains, and physical pain. Cucks get aroused by mental anguish.
    That's my understanding, though the cuckolded spouse could either be present or be told about all the details afterwards.

    Meeka, check out ChrystalxxDamon. I just saw this couple's profile, and that's a great cock cage.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    As I know it and experienced, it never had anything to do with humiliation. ? It's always been when a couple reached that time in their life when they realise theres more to their sexuality than just the 2 of them in the bedroom . While some couples dare not broach whats in their mind, others open up and act on it . None of the guys Ive known ever spoke about being humiliated. For him it's always been about the oportunity to watch their lady perform with some new meat. For her , as long as she smiles and gives the thumbs up to hubby at the time ,alls good.. Its not only the experience , its the talk and action that follows once they get back home. I think too many ppl get caught up watching that sad cuckold porn and that sticks in their brain.. Not saying these guys dont exist (humiliation) just never meet one and if I did, I think I'd pull the plug anyway..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Jay_Me you are talking about a couple having a threesome, that is not the same thing. Or are you saying the husband sat and watched while you fucked his wife and he never got involved at all? Then yeah, maybe that may have been a cuckold thing.

    I don't really know much about it, but the term cuckold is definited as a man who's wife is cheating on him. Therefore the fetish "cuckolding" is based around a wife having lovers/boyfriends and the husband is not involved at all. Sometimes he is there to watch but often he isn't, depends on each couple. As far as I know the husband is only with the wife and has no other lovers.

    So when people say cuckolding they are referring to the fact that the husband is submissive to the wife, and yes quite often gets off on the humiliation side of things as far as I know.

    I agree with Sir_Stir, I don't think that the OP are actually talking about cuckolding. I think they are talking about group sex or swinging from the way that they have worded the question. Not cuckolding.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Quoting 'CrystalxxDamon'

    O and "meeka" nothing beats a bit of forced bi lol thus why hes only watched a few times as thats the price of watching hahaha :).


    - Posted from rhpmobile Oh you clit tease!!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    As a guest I can't see the cock cage.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Crystaldamon's post wasn't there when I wrote the bit about their cock cage. ;-)

  • madotara69


    11 years ago

    Funny thing that was the industry that bought high speed internet, Fact

    Every reasonable porn site, and they are good sites and good porn, if you like porn and more people watch porn in the world than any other thing, including sport or the Days Of Our Lives.

    They have categories, DP is DP, bi is bi, group sex is group sex, gazpacho has his own,he he, but cuckold is different ? No don't think so. 5 billion trillion dirty fuckers reckon it's women humiliating their man, in front of them.

    Who gets off, it seems like the woman does. But only in the porn industry.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    NO the man gets off too Mado, he is just role playing. Heard of that?

    Go look up bound gods, or public disgrace, and any other submissive fetish... all the subs look like they are hating it but as they show after each clip, you will see that they actually love every minute of it.

  • madotara69


    11 years ago

    Quoting 'Meeka100' NO the man gets off too Mado, he is just role playing. Heard of that?

    Go look up bound gods, or public disgrace, and any other submissive fetish... all the subs look like they are hating it but as they show after each clip, you will see that they actually love every minute of it.
    Just stirring the pot, he he

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    From what I've learnt and lived, the basis of cuckolding is that the male partner gains sexual pleasure from his partner having affairs with others. There are no hard and fast rules after that, there are many variences, many ways to live this lifestyle but kinks and fetishes do fit well.

    Common but not essential: Humiliation, Femdom, Voyourism, Denial, Chastity, Caging, forced/dominated participation by either the Bull or the Cuckoldress, Sissification, Face sitting, cream pies (don't shoot the messenger, not my kink) Big Black Cocks, Cock and Ball torture, BDSM, gimpwear, strap on and anal play, threesomes or group sex with the cuckoldress being the only female and I'm sure I've forgotten or haven't heard about a few yet. It's like anything, individual to the people who are involved.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Well ladies of rhp specailly miss "meeka100 and meander" id be more than happy to show off that cock cage so feel free to ask for a peak,haha of coarse hubby might be un aware at the time but im sure the surprise will get him a little more red than normal hehehe😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I have read some extrems even a white husband encouraging his white wife to fall pregnant to her black boyfriend not my thing by a long way
    My wife plays on her own occasionally but also we catch up with a guy and I watch then sometimes I join as well

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Being a straight male it's definitely not a 3some . And yes, some men can watch their wife having sex without participating. While some are perfectly relaxed others can find it somewhat of a challenge . But never have I had any angry scenes or jealousies. If I sensed anything like that , it just wouldn't happen.. Usually , couples get to a point in their relationship where they want to add more spice but don't want to do anything without the other.. As in the real world, some people get a kick out giving someone a gift and watching their eyes light up without expecting anything in return... I see this the same...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Being a straight male is not a threesome ? What does that even mean?

    Nobody has mentioned jealousy or anger so I don't even know why you have brought that up. But once again you seem to have completed misunderstood what this whole fetish is about. Well, I guess some people will just never be able to get it I suppose.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    You asked me a question and I answered it.. What part of 'me ' being a straight male don't you understand ? If I really need to spell it out, it means I don't have sex with males ? Which means when I interact with a couple it is only the female I have sex with... The rest was general on what I observed couples reaction are to each other before and after.. But you knew that... Surely ?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I'm surprised at how many people think that simply having a MFM threesome, or swinging, automatically comes under the category of cuckolding.
    Jay_Me - yes you've had threesomes with couples but I seriously doubt that you have been involved with any real cuckolding (the male partner watching another man have sex with the female partner during a threesome isn't necessarily a form of cuckolding, it's something that happens all the time in MFM). Your dismissive attitude when people try to tell you what cuckolding actually is, makes that pretty clear. Just because you don't understand something and it's not something you would do yourself, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and that other people don't enjoy it. You just have to read all the comments on this thread to see that. And I would have thought being on RHP as long as you have would have taught you that much.

  • madotara69


    11 years ago

    Guys probably let some other bloke fuck their missus, coz they would rather be at the pub. bahahaha. (happy hour)


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Quoting 'Meeka100' Cuckolding doesn't have anything to do with watching I don't think. Cuckolding can have everything to do with watching......trust me

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    C'mon now.... FFS.. As if I don't know what a MFM is. ? For you slow learners , mine is MF... with the third not involved ... That is not a 3 some like ur trying so hard to make it... Also I don't take too kindly to your constant ridicule of anything I post.. Lighten up....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I first joined RHP over 5 years ago with my (now ex) wife. We initially joined to explore her desires to be with other women. A few weeks later, our first experience was with another couple where we swapped partners for (straight) sex. I couldn't believe how turned on I was at the sight of my wife with another man. It totally blew me away. Once I embraced it (which didn't take too long at all), I just felt relaxed and comfortable about the whole thing. I haven't spent too much time pyscho-analysing it, but rather I just accept that for some people, who are open minded and can accept that 'normal' monogamous relationships are not always right for everyone, well...there's a whole lot of fun to be had :).Now I play on here as a single guy and totally embrace the different role I play. It's different but equally exciting to play the role that i'm now in and I completely respect the fact that couples choose to do this because it's right for them to do so.And as an aside, one of the things I value most about RHP is the fact that people can be who they want to be without judgement and explore their fantasies and desires with a community of people that understand.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Like most of these fetishes, there's role playing and then there is the real thing.Many things have to align for this to eventuate, and can't be forced. In my case it was something that evolved from loving and trusting relationship, anything that gave her pleasure, gave me pleasure, and visa versa, very simple and very rare.Giving over control in that way is very liberating and satisfying, cuckolding,orgasm control and forced bi is mind blowing,and impossible to explain to uninitiated.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Wow this thread is going nuts ! I've been interested in cuckold and have watched heaps of porn under this heading . Yes most of the time the hubby is submissive mainly watching but also made to suck the lovers cock but in nearly every clip I have watched the hubby is made to lick out the bulls load out of his wife's pussy !
    That's what I thought it was about ?

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    You explained it well... .. What you had to say is exactly how ii know it. There are guys who get off seeing their wife being pleasured . It's a win win for both.....

  • doubles72


    11 years ago

    Very sexy and a huge turn on

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Haha. I knew someone would pick me up on that! Yes I am sure watching is a huge part, I was just trying to make the point that watching isn't always what it's all about... Depends on the cuckold.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    That is a sex act... Making the cuckold eat another mans cream pie, some cuckolds would Be into it and some not but that is not the definition of a cuckold.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Do bulls secretly get off on dominating another man? Making him watch as they fuck his wife? Making him eat their cream pie? Interesting.... Maybe Bulls have secret bi-sexual/dominating other male fantasies.

    Knew it! It's all about the woman my arse! LMAO! :p

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    assist a couple with a cuckold situation....

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Cuckold is where the female is unfaithful but the male is not, it can involve any of the scenarios discussed, it can't involve the male having female lovers. It's doesn't mean the male is denied sex, it can involve him putting his little pee pee into her gaping vagina that has just been smashed by a man twice his size, that can be a loving act or it can involve female laughing and denigrating her males ability. Also forced by lol, he ain't sucking dick if he doesn't want to so you can bet if you "forced" him he's enjoying it. Cucks are thought of as submissive, maybe but in most cases the cuck is getting her to do what gets him off. Strangely most women I have had a bit of this type of fun with I've found on vanilla dating sites, not adult ones. Women when they hit 40 are definitely up for more than the standard bedroom fare lol

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I will add there's nothing hotter than passionately kissing your girl while she's impaled on some horse hung guys manhood, hearing her moans and whispers escaping her lips A bit of cock comparison teasing is fun too Holiday encounters in hot tubs provide mentally etched images better than any photos Watching your girl slow dancing with a guy in a nightclub then having her come tell you how huge his cock felt grinding into her is a big turn on Oh I better stop typing I'm getting hot and bothered :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    There has been some discussion of cuckolding and porn. One thing I would like to add is we all know is porn is about entertainment and 99% of it is not about being realistic whatsoever.

    I would say it would be a very rare thing for a large scale porn studio etc to pull of a realistic cuckold plot line where the guy gets left at home. Its about perceived entrainment not reality. Its not like they would have a full blown plot showing the cuck helping his woman get ready for her date and woman telling the cuck how well she is going to get fucked by the well hung date. Then showing the sex and then the woman coming home and telling the waiting and squirming cuck how good it was and how well she got fucked. Perhaps telling the cuck while she is fucking him and reconnecting, but hey every cuck arrangement is different.

    I think it would be a pretty hot video personally but porn is about entertainment not real life so instead of doing a realistic plot they have the guy (cuck) watching and maybe eating out afterwards even though because its a nice and simple, zero-plot required scene.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Does Cuckolding mean "cock a doodle do" any cock will do (tongue in cheek) ;o)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I can remember an Italian holding his hands to his head to mimick bull horns. His analogy was in reference to a wife sleeping around , and everyone knowing about it except the husband. The horns preventing him from getting thru the door is a metaphor for his blind frustration. Recently watching a Russian comedy show, the guy put horns on his head and mentioned cuckold, which I believe originated from horned stags or the like fighting for the female, winner takes all. Check out cuckold porn sites and the visual definition varies, with husband both watching and joining in, and some being humiliated.A great part of the pleasure for the male partner is the build up to and flirting that takes place between his wife and another guy, and the way in which she responds . I personally admire how brave she can be , and the power she has to make a man excited by teasing and eventually displaying herself naked. Let's just say that this illuminating that which is already beautiful.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    shit, what alot of views to consider. ok, well, im bieng honest here, i fantasise all the time about my wife being fucked by someone else, but im always there, and are a being a part of it. so, what does that make me??

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    for me it is having a bull fuck my woman, then licking his cum afterwards

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Quoting 'oddlyus' shit, what alot of views to consider. ok, well, im bieng honest here, i fantasise all the time about my wife being fucked by someone else, but im always there, and are a being a part of it. so, what does that make me?? an MFM threesome?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Quoting 'oddlyus' i fantasise all the time about my wife being fucked by someone else, but im always there, and are a being a part of it. so, what does that make me?? A kinky one. But if your wife is really 18, also a very scary one...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    watching my wife being pleasured by another man or woman is the most erotic thing. my wife also finds watching me with another women or man very erotic. your partner is not a possession but a sexually aware being that enjoys sex and should thetefore be able to pleasure her body however she wishes and being able to share her pleasure only makes me love her more. mind you its not a lifestyle thing for us but when the urge arises well lets say mmmmmm cheers

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    If men like to fuck married women because she belongs to someone else and women fuck married men for the same reason then I would say every bull would get off on it. I know if I sat and thought for a second, I would. You're the top dog and you're getting his wife more perverse than ever and she's loving it too.
    And you're making her husband eat your mess out of her... hell yeah that's hot lol.
    Probably in such a situation the bull doesn't even realise its the guy sucking his cock clean because he's just thinking nasty and domming and being the alpha and its just at a real hot built up moment.

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • madotara69


    11 years ago

    Quoting 'portladybi' watching my wife being pleasured by another man or woman is the most erotic thing. my wife also finds watching me with another women or man very erotic. your partner is not a possession but a sexually aware being that enjoys sex and should thetefore be able to pleasure her body however she wishes and being able to share her pleasure only makes me love her more. mind you its not a lifestyle thing for us but when the urge arises well lets say mmmmmm cheers But you are a 50 year old woman.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    we are a cple matadora wife has profile seeking bi fems for her to play with

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Ive only ever been in true (I know now) cuckold situations as the male fucking the mans wife 3 times. the first time I really didn't understand what was going on, the hubby sat right next to the bed, had a cock cage on and said nothing. I gave his wive heaps of oral (my kink) and she teased him with the scent of her hot pussy. It was that sort of thing that went on the whole time I was there. She instructed me to take off the condom just before I blew my load and put it on her wide open pussy, for him to clean up, I didn't realise he was handcuffed until he got off his chair to do it. Someone on an earlier post suggested that the bull gets some power out of it. Well for me, towards the end, going hard on his wife I guess I did feel power over this guy. Im banging the crap out of his wife and she is having orgasms on another mans cock. But it doesn't sit well with me, I know its role play and a lifestyle they have chosen, but I'm not a power tripper. So yeah I would recon that feeling is fairly common for the bull. I meet these guys 2 times more out of shear curiosity and the play became more humiliating for him, my sense of power over him increased and the sex with his wife became harder and faster. Ive played with quite a few couples since but nothing like theses 3 encounters, I think as a couple you would have to be very secure and understand your bond to each other. its another facinating aspect to sex.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Must say there is something about the idea that turns me on a lot. Especially seeing Mrs C with a hot guy, it just makes me want to sit back and watch.
    But yes it does take a strong relationship to play the role.

    Mr C

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Just love my baby taking other guys with me

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    Good description Brad

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I must say these threads are insightful, as to what it is all about, I must say in my situation it started from a 3some with a mate, I ended up sitting back and watching, while my partner was in an intense state, the look on her face was awesome and that was the turn on, it was like giving her a new toy, and afterwards we discussed it and when I found out that she felt dirty naughty and guilty all at once and the overwhelming thoughts of playing with another cock with my consent, she said it was an overload in her head and her body was in an all different state of sensation, which after she told me that it was even more of a turn on and I loved that I had the power to give her this almighty overwhelming joy(with the help of another dick) and to elevate the pleasure to another level, it was cool, as I have always tried to focus on satisfying my partner to the utmost and knowing I did that was my kink I think, as for the whole let her go out and play on her own, nah not for me, although if she bought someone home that would be cool, its not like I would have to supply the lamb if you get my drift, but it is all interesting. My question now is how does one stop this new fetish, as it now seems to be something I want to play with more often, and well it is outside of the typical worlds norm, and do chicks like this or not, because being single after 7 year relationship it is going to be difficult to bring this to light with a new partner. Or do I put it straight out there so they know.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    11 years ago

    I have never cuckolded my husband but I have watched him serve another woman while her husband watched. We had agreed that I wouldn't join in but it was dam hard not to.That has happened a few times - and only a few times has the woman's husband done anything other than just watch. If a man is bi-curious it's a good way for him to experiment. The few that have been completely straight have still been obviously turned on by it... Elly

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Quoting 'Gymguy123' For me on the other side of things, it is pleasuring another mans wife, having something gorgeous, sexy and kinky... that he cant have.

    - Posted from rhpmobile To use , abuse and defile a mans wife, while he sits, emasculated helpless in the corner of the room . To have him suck her anal and vaginal juices, combined with your own cum, off your cock and perhaps , as you kiss and finger her, explode in his mouth! Thats Power!