Crossdressing and golden shower play

November 16 2023

So I’ve been dressing and wearing lingerie for many years now but one thing that I’ve always fantasised about is being with a couple and having the woman dress me in lingerie and do my makeup and then for us all to enjoy a 3sum but I’ve now also wanted for them to give me a golden shower, I’m curious to know if anyone has had a similar experience or even just been on the receiving end of a shower.

Would love to hear people’s thoughts and experiences xx


  • Mr_Interested


    a year ago

    Hi Karla, I think you may have hit upon two subjects that people might be shy about discussing. The only cross dressing I’ve done was for the Rocky Horror Show. I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed myself and found it quite empowering. As for golden showers, I’ve enjoyed a few, from gentle drizzles to full on torrents. Personally, I think the thought of them is more enticing than the actual act. They still carry a certain ‘dirty’ cache. If someone is pissing on you, you know you’ve stepped over the vanilla line. It’s a very simple taboo act which carries no real consequences. I hope you get to experience your fantasy soon and have lots of fun in the process.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I'll be candid:

    I've pissed down a girls throat when we showered - a spontaneous request from her. A very ethereal feeling and she just looked up at me whilst I did. That vulnerability in here eyes was intense and completely unforgettable.

    I've been more liberal with experimenting with it since and found it fun with the right mind.

    As for cross dressing; the closest I've come is changing into a first date's undies in the bathroom of a joint in Summer Hill then flirting heavily throughout the evening. I wore her undies and she wore nothing under her skirt.

    Perhaps you're being much braver and vulnerable than I can at this time so I commend you for it and implore you to go with your darker desire and make the most of it :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    on the cross dressing, I also enjoy that too. A few months ago, I was travelling and went to an organised kink party, I ducked to Vinnie's and grabbed jean shorts, short top and flats. When I arrived the women were very helpful and the hostess gave me stockings to match. Women are often accepting and helpful.

    On the golden showers, yeah received and given that. It is kinky and harmless really, I remember the first time the woman and I looked at each other after, shrugged and went Ok been there done that.

  • Bicuckple60


    a year ago

    Go for it...feels amazing to receive a golden shower I have given and received many over the started 40+ years ago when my ex wife and I were in the bath together....she stood up to get out (as I thought) put a finger in the top of her slit and let fly with a stream of piss half an inch wide and three foot long....after the initial shock I just lay back and lapped it up..... to her great surprise..... she said later she thought I'd be disgusted and run....