Cream pies
April 08 2024
a year ago
Finishing deep inside and holding it there for a bit after is one of my favourite things. However, I usually reserve that for trusted people since STIs or other risks just arent fun and not everyone is honest.
So no, definitely not weird!Yellowpenguins
a year ago
I mean ,I don't think it's unusual to love them. But definitely a trusted thing as the above poster said.
a year ago
I thought a cream pie was something different.
Afterwards he eats it out....
Stay safe and respect yourself enough to priorise your sexual health.MsSuperFoxy
a year ago
Yeah, nah. I disagree Alexis.
It's technically that, but it's jizzing the drizzle, in preparation of satisfying hunger.
It's fucking hot watching a lover who has a sweet tooth, devour the prepared sweet dessert.
The Pièce de résistance is seeing their face covered in such sweet substance and topping it off with a pash and
Isn't that the most erotic act ever.
Ms Foxy 😋 ❤️Yami_pilot1
a year ago
Define the natural way to finish. I very rarely pull out. Love feel my partner cum at the same time.
a year ago
I love a cream pie and trusted people are welcome to
6 months ago
There is no better feeling than exploding inside. I have a creampie/breeding fetish, it is addictive. I only ever finish inside.
3 months ago
I love giving them. My partner stopped taking them after our last child so im aching to pump my load into some willing yummy pussy ;)
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