Couples like smooth men

October 02 2023

I often wax to keep my body completely smooth.

After meeting four couples with bi males it is clear that smooth is best.

One couple even offered to pay for my waxing to be brought forward just to have me smooth. I didn’t accept.

What’s the consensus couples…are smooth men best?


  • Viccpl


    a year ago

    Keen to read the comments on this - it can be a polarising proposition at times!

  • FeistyFatty


    a year ago

    Pretty small test group.... completely waxed/smooth men are a nope for me. Personally I dont find it attractive. Manicured is lovely. I've never met a really hairy man before though so I guess if you're covered with hair waxing might be necessary.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I’d say there’s significantly more that goes into being with a couple. Unless it’s purely a transaction?

    We’re all attracted to different things but from mine, Abi’s and other fwb’s stories over the years it’s much more down to how confident, relaxed the person is. An inclusive conversational style, reading the room based on the dynamic sought.

    Lust occurs in the mind. If it’s heavily preset there then what’s happening on the body becomes less relevant.

  • Margo_Lover


    a year ago

    Margo previously held onto the womens magazine ideal that sexy men should be rather hairless.

    But these days as with most things, she far more open minded.

    Which is to say she likes some hair, but not a forest 😆

    - Alex.

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    a year ago

    Smooth men, yuk dislike.

  • Liberated


    a year ago

    Love the feeling of skin, so put my vote in the "smooth is best" column!!!!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Yeah most like smooth giys from my experince

  • Sharedpleasure20


    a year ago

    Everyone is different. It's mostly about the connection and hairy or smooth doesn't matter much. But given the choice, the Mrs prefers hair, trimmed but not shorter than a blade 3...says that a smooth chest can be nice but she loves a snail trail and hair downstairs.

  • FuntimeBRIS


    a year ago

    At least shaved, don’t have to be waxed. Smooth is best xJ&Kx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Well you have the option to wax and be smooth so best of both worlds as if they want hairy done smooth done. As a naturally smooth blonde guy one option for me unless I stick fake hair on me lol