July 08 2016
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
9 years ago
Most of the costumes I see in profile pics,mainly of couples ,IMO look cheap and tatty. It would be nice to see some real glamour .Q
RHP User
9 years ago
Only on Halloween...then I don't need an outfit!
9 years ago
You mean like dressing up as a nurse, a school girl, little bo peep, and then having sex whilst wearing the outfit ?
Nope we have never done that, and don't know anyone who has.
However the idea of wearing masks and gowns, as in Eyes Wide Shut, at a masked naughty masquerade ball does appeal to us, but then the setting/location would also need to be within context.RHP User
9 years ago
People like all sorts of things in the bedroom, dressing up and role play can be fun but I think it should always be about the person you are with rather than the outfit. I think role play and just generally making an effort for your partner be it a costume or just taking care with your hair, makeup and outfit can mean a lot, relationships take effort.
There is a great Australian movie called "The Little Death" - strange name but takes a comic look at all sorts of fetishes, the part on role play is very funny as is the rest of the movie. If anyone needs a laugh check it out.RHP User
9 years ago
La petite mort ,the little death in English, refers to the nano second of the unconscious state during orgasam 😈 Q
RHP User
9 years ago
Quoting 'Qefenta1'
La petite mort ,the little death in English, refers to the nano second of the unconscious state during orgasam 😈 Q
I remember once, I suddenly saw a bright spark of white light like lightning, brighter than any I had experienced thus far, flash across my eyes and then my vision blurred, just before a huge orgasm hit me. I remember thinking, "Oh no! Don't let me stroke out now!!!"
OK... costumes and role play. I love role playing, but have never worn a costume before although I do own a pair of white bunny ears I'd someday love to use! I'll have to look out for a nice-looking Playgirl outfit complete with a bunny cottontail to complete the look! Hehehe!
I did Google "Daenarys Targaryen dresses" recently to see if there are nice replicas of her costume for sale. Game of Thrones for the uninitiated.
In my past relationships, hotels always provide the perfect setting for role playing! "Hi, Sir! I'm your personal callgirl for tonight. What may I do for you?"
Q is right... most costumes look cheap and tacky. I'd rather amass a collection of lingerie and bedroom heels... once I find that pot of gold at the foot of the rainbow and karate chop the leprechaun guarding it!RHP User
9 years ago
Peony,loved to wear beautiful exotic costumes ,her description of the orgasam is similar to yours.
Electric flesh arrows..a rainbow of colour strikes the eyelids. A foam of music falls over the ears
It is the gong of the orgasam 😘QWineAndFunTimes
9 years ago
I love dressing up for themed parties such as Red Heaven or at OSS however I don't like cheap and nasty costumes so attending multiple events in a year means that I end up spending a small fortune. Hubby also likes to dress to suit themes also.
As I'm a nurse in my day job, the thought of dressing up as one in the bedroom does not appeal to me.Grouse33
9 years ago
.... toe in the world of cosplay. I really enjoyed it and got a weird and gratifying form of attention from it (such as people taking photos with me and strangers hugging me).
But it was a million miles away from anything sexual. And if there is somebody out there who wants to pork No Face from Spirited Away, I probably don't want to meet them.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
9 years ago
Grouse, I've watched that anime seven times to date... and the tally hasn't stopped!
In fact, recently, I considered getting an illustration of Chihiro and Haku done by a very talented young Asian artist. I'm currently revamping my abode and whilst I'm a bit disappointed that I can't afford the prints and paintings I love, I'm making-do with substantially cheaper prints that are definitely not mainstream and a tad "out there". Somehow, this is the season where I'm suddenly enamoured with graphic art.
If you love Spirited Away, google the images produced by a Japanese graphic artist, Heisuke Kitazawa. Love her prints but unfortunately, two of my favourites just can't be bought online!RHP User
9 years ago
Quoting 'Qefenta1'
Peony,loved to wear beautiful exotic costumes ,her description of the orgasam is similar to yours.
Electric flesh arrows..a rainbow of colour strikes the eyelids. A foam of music falls over the ears
It is the gong of the orgasam 😘Q
It can get quite disconcerting when that flash of lightning seems to be right in front of your eyes!
My quasi-physiological explanation for that is, the brain has just experienced a massive electrical surge and has short-circuited and is temporary experiencing a malfunction. Normal services shall resume after a short respite for electrolytes to be replenished, and for the neurons to recover from the power surge. Apparently, orgasms bypass all neural surge protectors.RHP User
9 years ago
I do... doesn't mean it necessarily turns into role play though
RHP User
9 years ago
only once, as Mad Maxene skin tight black leather body suit, chains all over it, few mouths fell open when I walked in I believe from memory took a bit of getting into, getting out of it seemed a lot more streamlined and I was a naughty girl that night
RHP User
9 years ago
I enjoy dressing up , It makes me feel sexy and my partners have realy enjoyed it also.not always for role play , sometimes just for the extra turn on ....we do eat with our eyes lol
RHP User
9 years ago
but I definitely would if I could find a guy into it. Not the cliche stuff like nurses or schoolgirls, but some of the sci-fi / fantasy / pop culture inspired cosplay outfits are sexy af and I could get into a bit of that
9 years ago
I wear the costume of a tall, mid 40s, fair skinned, blond haired big foot every day.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
9 years ago
Lady's enjoying there desires is a real turn on for me. Sure many men find same. .
Bring on dress upsRHP User
9 years ago
I had a 300 style Spartan costume a while back - it was a costume shop thing so needed a lot of extra building with metal armatures underneath the helmet to make it hol up properly, and to shape the greaves, etc. I've done a pirate king costume with a wooden leg I built.
The only thing I'd say was more 'cosplay' was a full Darth Vader suit I made, only had one stormtrooper but she had a good costume too (pre Captain Phasma so a 'proper' stormtrooper helmet).RHP User
9 years ago
I love wearing my birthday suit all the time
Its starting to get old and ragged, might have to trade it in soon
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
9 years ago
cosplay, sexy costumes all add to the thrill, variety being the spice of life... :)
RHP User
9 years ago
Hi, my wife and I quite often dress up in office clothing and do the boss/secretary thing... switching the roles of course
depending on who wants to be in charge!
So I'll dress in a shirt, suit (or jeans), tie sometimes and my wife will wear a blouse/shirt and a skirt, sometimes stockings.
It's great to enjoy each other visually and physically through gentle touch, feeling the materials, our bodies beneath them during extended foreplay, then during full on sex we leave them on or reveal a bit more of ourselves.
We pretty much always use a water based lube during which we're fond of squirting on each others clothes and bodies to enhance things.
Also, sometimes we'll jump in the spa together with our clothes on and play with each other in there.
So yeah, office clothing costumes feature heavily in our sex life!
I wonder if it does for anyone else?MsTrouble1
3 years ago
Yes love it
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