Complementing profile photos

July 07 2024

Do woman like being complemented on profile pics. They are inundated with thousands of messages all probably saying how hot they are. Just seems wrong not to.


  • FeistyFatty


    5 months ago

    One or two genuine compliments is fine..... Anything more than that and I get a bit turned off..... I find it excessive. Having said that, I'm not a person who needs or seeks alot of compliments..... I'm good on that front 👍

  • Ex007


    5 months ago

    You will have more luck if you have a photo on your profile. When messaging read the profile and include some responses to the text in the profile.

    1. Most of the complements here are disingenuous.

    2. Women can smell bullshit from the moon. So if it's not genuine just don't.

    3. Some women will read your compliment as creepy regardless.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    5 months ago

    It all depends on the receiver of the message.
    If the message has a sexual undertone which the sender allurs to creepy sexual exchange of messages, most likely they would be blocked.
    If it's a genuine compliment without any hidden agendas they will most likely receive a thank you. However it may not mean she wants anymore communication. As above; depends on the receiver as the sender may not be what she's seeking.

    Ms Foxy