M47 F47
February 20 2023
RHP User
2 years ago
Totally agree, it may be exciting for many people to have sex with random people, and I can see why, but its not for me. If I meet someone and theres no attraction, then theres no play. Messages from strangers late at night, " Lonely? Fancy some fun?", are such a turn off. Im guessing they must work sometimes. Different strokes and all that.
RHP User
2 years ago
Spot on, my girl won't even consider a guy to meet us if he can't chat to her and make a connection.
2 years ago
LoL Try being a single woman on here, so it not just you two.
If the first contact is rubbish with no effort and they want to push you into sexual activities straight away, guarantee they'll be the same in the bedroom. Much like UrberCock or McPussy drive through, dash and run!
Some people like that and seek. That's ok. If it's not for you, put in firm bounderies (which you have, because I read your profile), move on. There's no use being emotionally involved as it will just do your head in.
Ms FoxySawadee
2 years ago
Couldnt agree more .. We're very big on a initial meet at a neutral location to gage if there's a attraction or not... no attraction, no future meets ...
2 years ago
Sheesh mayhaps I'm the odd one out Here hehe. I don't need a connection with everyone I invite to play. Massive fan of a spontaneous Ninja fuck. Have to admit, some I don't even know their names 🫤. I have been meeting (a few times a year) a man for the last decade that I still only refer to him by his username and he by mine. We don't exchange more than a a handful of words on idle chit chat and we're straight into each other. My hubby also shares similar experiences with some of his solo Playmates.
Each their own I say.madotara69
2 years ago
Yeah, we are spontaneous when an occasion occurs, window of opportunity and through experiences found a short time expressing the comfort welcomed to just be them self as we are and enjoy having some fun each time unique. Tara has said it amazes her that the best times we’ve had, have been with guys she was least attracted to, she likes to feel us guys having a connection and together doing what we can and can.
I suspect the guys she feels more attracted to maybe mirroring her likes and not so genuine, leaving shortly after we begin enjoying the moment in play, done and pants on with an excuse to having to be somewhere and that’s ok we don’t rely on anyone not themselves and appreciate who are. It’s a learning experience to understanding our experiences in saying only our’s and thanks for the chance.
Mado Tara xxsteveNmegs
2 years ago
I must be different to a lot of the other users on RHP. I’m not here just to hookup with random people without knowing anything about them. I want to form a connection and friendship with others so that we can have ongoing experiences and I feel the best way to do that is using chat to gage interest levels from all parties involved. My time is precious to me and I don’t want to waste it.
2 years ago
Getting to know and understand someone a little more is not much to ask. You maybe happy just to chat and have a coffee the first meet and that is fine
RHP User
2 years ago
I'm with you on the connection thing. I don't need or want to know their life story but I do want a connection. For me a connection leads to increased desire and much more fulfilling sex.
2 years ago
Totally agree. No connection, no play. Thankfully there's enough of us that feel this way 😊
2 years ago
I’ve found that connection relates to respect and leads to repeat interactions , female or couples . I’ve been part of a swinging couple
2 years ago
Reading these comments I now realise I am not alone in wanting connection to be turned on. No I am not flattered that you want to fuck me as though any body will do. I am 59 years young and have no tolerance for crude pick up lines asking my husband if I play alone. Reading a profile bio is bare minimum
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