Circumcised ladies or Uncircumcised, and Cana delightful lady explains the difference please
April 03 2020
- Posted from rhpmobile
5 years ago
I'm not 100% sure, but isn't it illegal to circumcise ladies in Australia? 😳
RHP User
5 years ago
spicy i think the op is asking ladies their opinions on men being circumcised or not and the differences between them ?
5 years ago
Yep, but we all need a laugh at the moment😉
RHP User
5 years ago
I read it the same way spicy...
I’m thinking I don’t recall ever being with a circumcised female before ...
Maybe I’m just a grammar nazi, but it does make a difference in situations like this...as the saying goes “it’s the difference between knowing your shit, or knowing you’re shit”. 😂😂
Mr dragonSpicyKale
5 years ago
I was more confused as to why it was posted under BBC? Just having a giggle and not meaning to defame the OP!
On a serious note, female genital mutilation is absolutely horrendous. The world health organisation recognises it as a violation of the human rights of women and girls. Its use to repress women is to be completely condemned... have a google, it's an absolutely shocking practice. Even though it's practice is illegal in Australia the practice still occurs unfortunately.RHP User
5 years ago
Spicy ...
Yeah it’s unfortunately too traumatic for me to try and see. I tried years ago, but I couldn’t quite stomach it I’m afraid....
I have 3 daughters and I’d do unmentionable things to people ... well you know...
Mr DragonSpicyKale
5 years ago
There's definitely some low life excuses for males out there in the world! The things people do in the name of religion!
Keep safe out there on the road mate!RHP User
5 years ago
After all that you didn’t even go close to having and answer.
My wife likes no fore skin, cleaner, fresher, looks better and more exciting.
But that’s us and hope that helps a little.SpicyKale
5 years ago
Haha, if you're accusing us of getting off topic again, sorry 😬 at least it was an educational off topic excursion
My preference is cut, but that's only because it's what I've generally encountered. Anyone that's ever been in our bed knows what a shower is, so honestly it doesn't make any difference!RHP User
5 years ago
As long as the sausage is attached to a decent, kind and respectful man : I don’t mind either. 😬
RHP User
5 years ago
Is more important than the dick. I really dont mind if its cut or not as long as its clean and raring to go. I find no difference to be honest
RHP User
5 years ago
Always one that’s gotta have a sook...Sometimes conversation morphs into weird tangents....it’d be a boring world without it as people wouldn’t bother going on a date without discussing what topics should be covered on the first date...
Control freaks though still make the world tick by I guess....
Mr dragonSawadee
5 years ago
Does it really matter if its cut or not.. ? Put it this way ... you can have a ugly guy who's cut and a good looking guy who's not .. then what ? Cut vs uncut is all bullshit.. its the few who claim preferences who are the problem... not the cock itself ?
RHP User
5 years ago
Im not a guy. Id get fed up of the contraversy over a piece of skin. You never see guys complaining about extra skin around a foo-fa..... nothing yto o do with being cleaner, either
5 years ago
Have you seen the hoohah over labiaplasty recently? I'm with you though, just leave it alone... we're all different and perfect at the same time!
5 years ago
I like my FS, gives the woman a little bit extra to play with and I like playing with it as well.
5 years ago
Snip snip snip
RHP User
5 years ago
Agreed..Its not about a bit of skin.
It's about Hygiene and personal preferencesRHP User
5 years ago
As a bi male (cut) which I wish I wasn't... I have enjoyed oral with both sides of the genre ..... and I must say "I" prefer uncut!!!!.....uncut tends to be smoother and silkier when the hood is pulled back.....and who doesn't like playing under the hood!!! and I agree the most important thing is hygiene!!
5 years ago
Well thanks to an accident, as a male ,I can tell from a males side what it’s like to have experience with foreskin and suddenly no fore skin At the older end of the scale 🙄,lol
Mr bRHP User
5 years ago
It's all mutilation
Both male and female circumcision comes from religion or a form of punishment.
It should all be illegal unless needed for medical reasons.
As for hygiene this is bs wash properly maybe people need to be reminded just like the importance of washing your hands.
It's funny how people jump up and down in disgust at the thought of female circumcision but it's cool to give little boys the snip. A foreskin has more nerve ending than the palm of your hand.
I am so sick of this topic. It's a result of western opinion over generations.
Do some research male circumcision comes from stupid religious belief of a sacrifice made by boys in a fucking church and or a punishment in war in ancient times.RHP User
5 years ago
Doesn’t really matter, when they’re erect they look and perform the same as long as it’s clean 👌🏼
5 years ago
Preferences are the problem, not the cock.. Take that away and theres no problem ? A penis is a penis . Fortunately ' theres woman out there who already know that and are happy lil vegemites..
5 years ago
I prefer uncut to cut, only because there are some lovely tricks you can do with your tongue and foreskin.
I've found zero difference between cleanliness, skill or pleasure between uncut or cut.
Had plenty of fun with both.RHP User
5 years ago
So last time we did mmf, I was a fair bit drunk and decided To mess around with the other M for a bit. I’m 99% straight but at the time it was one of those “try anything once” type of deals.
Anyways he was cut and I had no fucking idea what to do as I’m not cut and the whole “need lube always” thing kinda sucked.
My hand was basically rubbing up and down the whole thing and where my foreskin would roll back and forth over the head, there was not skin.
Not sure how I went but probably did damage with this monkey grip and no lube. ...
How does one banish their child to a life of lube and diminished sensitivity :( should be illegal circumcision.RHP User
5 years ago
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