RHP User

RHP User

M43 F42

Can I call you daddy?

October 07 2019

How do guys feel about this (especially older guys 40+) and how do I ask to do it without causing awkwardness etc. Do I just blurt it out in the heat of the passion like I want to or discuss it first?

- Posted from rhpmobile


  • nevahadsomuchfun


    5 years ago

    Sir may be better or does that not have the same meaning to you? It would seem a bit weird to me but not enough to make me stop in the heat of things! đź‘Ť

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I understand this is a thing for some women but for me there would be nothing surer to freak me out and “deflate” the moment

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I whisper gently in their ear as we are deep in.. "can I call you daddy"
    Generally I've found it makes them explode immediately.. lol

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    Hell yeah this is kind of weird but hit at the same time

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    5 years ago

    I've been in a Daddy babygirl relationship.
    I had reservations at first to accept the title due to the implied connotations of that dynamic even in roleplay.
    Once I'd gotten over myself. If she didn't call me Daddy I seek it out. FOMO.

  • gdevil


    5 years ago

    I give it a go

  • Sawadee


    5 years ago

    In my opinion' daddy is sacred and non negotiable? I just dont get it ?

  • Kinkytop4her


    5 years ago

    Just ask politely and see what happens.

  • 2EssesExploring


    4 years ago

    It’s funny the importance we attach to a simple thing as a word.
    When I met my partner she always used to play around with “Yes Sir” and “Whatever you want, Master”, even sexier is she sounds exactly like I Dream of Genie when she says it. This was always in a playful mood and is much the way we are with each other. As time moved on this has changed to Daddy. Maybe as she is used to referring to me as Daddy when the kids are around. The thing is when she’s calling me Daddy in front of the kids there’s nothing sexual at all either way (of course) but when she uses the same word in bed then it’s so damn erotic.

    I don’t think this is incongruent. The word “fuck” can be used as a derogatory or angry reference or can be an exclamation of much pleasure.
    You can call someone a Cunt and under the worst feeling you can but burying your face into a cunt is just about the hottest thing you can do.

    So relax and enjoy what you enjoy, so long as you are not hurting anybody then you’re right to go!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Love it!
    And everything that goes with it

  • wombatsgc22


    4 years ago

    I think is a big turn on. Makes me so excited.

  • Brelis


    3 years ago

    My partner loves it it sends him into another level

  • MatandPoppy


    3 years ago

    -Every chick I've been with in the last 15 years has called me Daddy, Birds of a feather flock together. I'm 44 and my current girl is 21 and yep I'm her Daddy. There's alot more to being a Daddy than just not freaking out when some chick calls you Daddy.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    I think it is one of the most exotic things going in the bedroom if done right , same goes for mummy , it can be very taboo but without being illegal, alot more people think about it than one would think .

  • CuddlyBear4U


    2 years ago

    Once one gets over the perceived taboo issues it’s very empowering/nurturing. Gently introduce it with consent…

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    Call me daddy…… hell yes please. It’s a huge turn on.

  • melbdaddy4party


    2 years ago

    Absolutely love it

  • hornydaddy2party


    2 years ago

    Personally I love it. Especially when both parties can say it naturally and it feels good to hear

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    2 years ago

    I love it in a power exchange dynamic as an alternative to master / sir, but not if there’s age play, then it makes me uncomfortable. I’ve been told I fit the archetypal daddy Dom, equal parts nurturing / caring and dominant so with the right partner I’ll lean into that vibe.