Calling all QLD men...
August 03 2014
I know there are beautiful, sexy woman all over this vast state of ours that are unsatisfied so guys this is your chance to step up and get noticed no matter how remote you are.
Did you know that most woman on here never use the search function. Here is an opportunity for you to be noticed without having to send a message or a flirt. The ladies are good at showing their appreciation of and interest in you through the forum.
So bring it on men of QLD.
Oh and a question for those that need some encouragement to post.....ummmm......hmmmm....how about you post your location so that we know where you are located and if you are a cowboy please highlight this for me...boots, hat and a rope...YUM!
RHP User
11 years ago
Gold Coast men especially welcome :)
RHP User
11 years ago
Quoting 'DeliciousCurves' Gold Coast men especially welcome :) Just to meet you Mrs Delicious. You look amazing!!!
RHP User
11 years ago
However, I am more a Qld Reds man rather the Cowboys. Nothing like a good ruck on a Saturday night.
This should easily top the NSW men thread if the statistics of membership are accurate. Time for the Queenslanders to stand tall and erect for their State.RHP User
11 years ago
Have hat, boots, no horse unfortunately.. Courteous, tall respectful, hung modest.. :-)
RHP User
11 years ago
Fun, easy going, always keen to meet other fun ladies / couples and am available during the daytime also :-)
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Well, who I am to stand in the way of a bandwagon?
11 years ago
Please please pleeeeeeaassseee bring me a compatible one......or three. 😇 missb I can share lol
RHP User
11 years ago
I am just west of toowoomba, not a cowboy but some would say I am a cowboy in other ways.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Suppose I'd better follow this one
RHP User
11 years ago
Brisbane underwood but at the coast pretty much every weekend
I don't have boots or hat but I looooovveeee boots as long have one specially red mmm yummm I will be your cowboy 😏
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Deliciouscurves good to see you on this form sexc 😏
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Let me squeeze in between you ladies. And any QLD guys who care to join us are welcome
RHP User
11 years ago
Get ya own thread....SA men....er...if there are any :-) xQ
RHP User
11 years ago
but also spend a fair bit of time down the gold coast.
RHP User
11 years ago
Be nice and share :(
To tell you the truth, there are only a handful of men in SA. One look at me and they all ran the other way. So I was hoping the men from interstate wouldn't mind the 10" butt plug I bring with me on first meetings. I promise to be gentle *bats eyelashes*
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Born in Mullumbimby but bred in Brisbane.(Can I add Cap'n No Beard to the stats too?) OBi1
RHP User
11 years ago
Brisbane (more accurately Cleveland).Unfortunately no boots, no hat (although I do have caps) and no rope. Sorry can't help you with that MissB.Most women don't use the search function. That's a fact I was unaware of. I guess it makes sense though. Women tend to get swamped with messages, why go through 100's of profiles through search as well....
11 years ago
I think though I've put a few of Queensland's spunkiest on my shortlist...
RHP User
11 years ago
I see this topic listed,I see Old men.....then I realise... oh well...maybe I should start a new thread:-) xQ
RHP User
11 years ago
I had no idea you girls didn't use the search! I guess that means I've learned my fact for the day and I can skip work and sleep?? I think that's what it means. I'm a Rocky boy who has moved down to Brissie in the last few years.
There are far too many kangaroos that hang around my office to get any work done (location location location!)
Nice to meet you all! :)RHP User
11 years ago
You need new glasses, Dear ;)
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
What a joke! Stand up and be counted, ha why don't you just go out and meet people. Way more fun, this kind of forum is a laughable social platform. These kind of threads highlight the obvious technological isolation that people of the 21st century are subjecting themselves too! All the best in your search!
11 years ago
Toowoomba. More a refined Cowboy rather than a rough ride. I'm a mountain man, I like mountain women.
RHP User
11 years ago
You mention the word 'fun' a lot in your profile and in your post, yet come on here with the intent of spoiling other people's fun.
These types of threads are an avenue for shy people who wouldn't normally post in the forums the chance to say hello. It's all for a bit of fun (there, I said it), and not meant to be taken seriously.
Besides, not everyone has the time to be out meeting people and socialising, hence the primary reason why we are on this site, no?
Just my thoughts.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
The view is mighty fine. Ladies, any space left on the couch? The NSW men seem to be very shy so I've cum to perve here instead. :-p
11 years ago
Quoting 'HCMhunter85' What a joke! Stand up and be counted, ha why don't you just go out and meet people. Way more fun, this kind of forum is a laughable social platform. These kind of threads highlight the obvious technological isolation that people of the 21st century are subjecting themselves too! All the best in your search! You are a bag of laughs aren't you?
RHP User
11 years ago
From the Sunshine Coast here, seems like I am lucky #1 from here haha. Should be an interesting forum to watch and see some personal selling occur. McHunter, you sound like a very fun guy :P.
P.S. Since when was there a like button on here??RHP User
11 years ago
From Queensland , commenting but not commenting in this thread is pot calling the kettle black ! ....so serious , however thanks for the personal insight - always so good to know the people to avoid here:)
RHP User
11 years ago
I for one would love to just get out there and meet people, but as I spend so much time in the gym I just don't seem to be able to find the time.I guess that's why I joined RHP?Good helpful and constructive advice though mate, I will take it on board! Obi1
RHP User
11 years ago
Kenmore amazing area. I love it!!!!
RHP User
11 years ago
And didnt read the question properly. I have and australian themed cowboy hat, no rope or boots
RHP User
11 years ago
They say Toowoomba is The Garden City, well I guess I should be able to supply a place of pleasure covered in amazing Rose petals, altho some might say I could be a thorn :p
11 years ago
well some gorgeous men here for sure...
genuineandkeen - I agree I would travel to the CG to meet Mrs Delicious curves.
SimpleNeeds2 - Hello there MrNeeds. not a cowboys fan! oh the horror hahaha. Always good to see you hun.
Danmanfirst - damn you are fine! sex on a horse is overrated anyway...you just need the boots and hat
loveorall - that's the spirit! I see you like boots to...btw nice cock shots.
Nicholas_Falcon - you can stand in my way anytime...
ohdear2013 - sexy leg there....
letme_rock_urbed - what can I say that's an awesome profile
MattLSX - you have the cheekiest grin. How's the drag racing going? Has Ben Bray raced again after that crash
Obi1Kenietzsche - you have done the impossible and made camping sound inviting
snides81 - you sir should also visit the "red hot bottom pics" forum....mmmmm and buy some boots and chaps....
hamishboomtish - glad I could teach you something....liked your profile to and animals that don't run away are so cool.
HCMhunter85 - ummm, I got nothing to say, everyone else has already covered it.
Smilingwithfun - a refined cowboy...that makes you sound like good old aged whiskey....
whoaa06qld - dude what happened to your face...hahaha just kidding. the like button is new, do you like it
Hacky28 - will you have a matching bowler hahaha...Kenmore's all right I guess :P
Thanks all of you for posting...It seems the QLD men are a bit shy as wellWhere are you all...
I think they need some encouragement ladiesRHP User
11 years ago
Thanks Missb. I might have to go check it out... :)
RHP User
11 years ago
Townsville city. Luckdragon im looking at you ;-)
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Haha I never thought of that it is a genius idea though!!!! I love the area cause even though I was born in the big smoke of Sydney I moved to grafton(country NSW) when I was 4 so grew up around the rural and bush areas.
Kenmore has that vibe with all the massive park lands (house backs onto one actually) and the house styles are very similar. Reminds me of home I guess :)
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
No wonder ladies dont use the search function, they already have 100 odd mails in thier inbox already... based in bris (CBD) and travek down the Syd almost every week with work... Hope everyone is enjoying rhp :)
11 years ago
God I love being a Queenslander..... Beautiful one day, perfect the next.....💋
RHP User
11 years ago
Came up as being 0km away from me (WTF, RHP?), so I had to sneak a peak. Must say, you are either way too modest about the size of your penis or that pic isn't you..
Hmmm.RHP User
11 years ago
The underlying message I was trying to get across was.... Get out in whatever city you are in and socialise. Personal attacks are a reflection of your limited capacity to view and to process information. Thank you to all those who highlighted their inability to acknowledge the key message. I wish you all the best in your searches for whatever it is you are looking for. By all means if you see me out feel free to voice your by then hopefully constructive response 😉.
RHP User
11 years ago
Hervey Bay looking for f/mmf fun, Been on other sites maybe get lucky on this site, Only guest at moment.
RHP User
11 years ago
Just past Boondall, no hat, no hat boots & a still novice with a rope.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
I usually feel bad about broad generalisations that the young single men in here are shallow, narcissistic gym junkies who never listen because their heads are so far up their arses.
But then you removed all my guilt. Thanks.
Clearly the concept of social interaction on the internet is foreign to you. Maybe you should try that "getting out" you talk about and leave the online discussion to the grown ups.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Fresh meat here, rhp newbie, check me out and let's get together.
RHP User
11 years ago
Tulips4u you had me at butt plug. There was no need to brag about the whole 10" though..... Very talented lady indeed.
- Posted from rhpmobileRedHotCock
11 years ago
Hello all. Great work Miss B!! Sunshine Coast here but not much of the Cowboy. More of the sporty type. No boots, hat or rope but happy to hit the showers after a good work out. Mind you, happy to role play YEEEHHHAAAA!!
RHP User
11 years ago
qld boys me likey too!!!
RHP User
11 years ago
In Brisbane keen to meet like minded women
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
We are on the Sunshine Coast. Just moved here. Looking for new friends. if you're single bifem, better. if we become FWB - that's a bonus.
RHP User
11 years ago
Very happy to help out any horny qld ladies ! I am loving this site !!
11 years ago
Easy going guy with most if it sorted out. I'm happy go lucky and have little to no hang ups. Just living the dream up here in NQ.
RHP User
11 years ago
Appears to be very quiet around this area though, not to many sheep either (just getting in first before someone brings up the standard kiwi jokes) :)
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
I guess this is as good a time as any to lose my forum virginity. So hi there, I guess.
RHP User
11 years ago
Grew up on a farm in a country town on the coast .. So I can surf sheer a sheep.
I'm a physiotherapist .. Yes you thought right .. Massages.
Always up for anything and everything :D
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Well,where I live any way. Is the temperature range. From winter to summer you have what, a 20 degrees difference give or take? Where I grew up we had 40 degrees in summer and - 40 in winter. So here I'm like "oh it's cold might have to put socks on"
RHP User
11 years ago
Come say hello women of QLD ;)
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
I have ridden horses for most of my younger life but Its been a long time since I have ridden a cowgirl. Perhaps someone might be interested! lol
Use the search engine girls, you might be pleasantly surprised.OrallyYours
11 years ago
Single bi fem?
Where?RHP User
11 years ago
Us Toowoomba guys need all the help we can get...not many close by looking for nsa fun
RHP User
11 years ago
Tradie, scottish accent , young , fun and modestly well hung.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
yeah busy at this time of year. got another major meet coming up in 3 and a bit weeks.
no ben bray hasn't raced since that big bingle at the winternats. I was talking to him last week. he is still in a full back brace and will be for at least another 5 months. he ended up with 3 broken vertebrae and 6 broken ribs. he hasn't decided if he will ever get back in a racecar again yet. still along way off.
cheeky grin you reckon. yeah I was up to a bit of mischief when that photo was taken lolRHP User
11 years ago
42 yo guy here looking for a fuck buddy to enjoy smashing away those empty nights :)
couples are welcome as well!!On_Safari
11 years ago
I think the young bloke has a point and when he's finished isolating hself from modern day's social platform I expect he'll be wearing one of those "Hug me it's free" t-shirts. HCMHinter I'll keep an eye out for you. 😎 Ob1 so good to see you again when are we having coffee? And Meander son't underestate the size of that bloke's........imagination!! Lol ~ Indy 😘
RHP User
11 years ago
We are in Townsville looking for new friends :)
11 years ago
Am coming over in September and have found the qld men to be very happy and accommodating in offering to show me the sites.
RHP User
11 years ago
Quoting 'I_N_D_A_G_I_N_E' Meander son't underestate the size of that bloke's........imagination!! Lol ~ Indy 😘
I think he underestimated the power of Google reverse image search.RHP User
11 years ago
Hi, live near Capella, West of Mackay. Also spend time near Maryborough. Yep, have the boots, hat, horses AND..........spurs lol. Jeans are optional, up to you. Oh, can use a rope, for varying things.Hope you all find what you're looking for, cheers.
RHP User
11 years ago
Raised in the north but definitely a Brisbanite now Travel regularly to Perth, Sydney and Melbourne for work, even recently met a lovely Qld lady I'd been talking to for the first time in Melbourne not even our home state first lol. So ladies in Brisbane or even the GC drop me a line
11 years ago
Bugger didn't notice all my spelling errors!! Damned iPhone isn't so smart after all. Ah yes the power of google reverse image.....maybe that's what he's aspiring to? 😘
RHP User
11 years ago
No hats or boots here and Im Terrible with rope! In Brisbane, loving it here.
RHP User
11 years ago
Bour a gad yirl, trybing tow cowber ip youb displexiba witb u'b I pone. Vot nery bice. Dicslebsic's rae teople poo u knowb. Just Fuckin' up again. P.L. Serious, you wanna' root that guy! He bagged the whole RHP forum system, I was right admitting in an earlier post that I don't understand Chick's minds, but I'm learnin'.
RHP User
11 years ago
One would be a start, keen on meeting new people
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Im up in Townsville....lol.....miles away from anyone lol!
RHP User
11 years ago
Hi, don't think I count as I am a married man just looking to chat, but it did say all Qld men.
On the Gold Coast and struggling to lose my English accent!
No cowboy but I can ride a horse!
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Thats right a logan bogan haha ladies hold youself back lol
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Hi All,
Great forum and lots of interesting comments.
As I said, Just me; in Brisbane and done all the stuff and more listed in the previous posts.
Love It.RHP User
11 years ago
missb72....does it for this Toowoomba boy....in Brisbane often
11 years ago
I live on the Gold Coast and love the area. Work in Brisbane. Don't wear boots and hats but can use a rope, hehe.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Indi, "ouch" indeed!(I thought I was pretty good, but SimpleNeeds, you are a master! :)The first comment made me think "oops!"The second made me think "Aroooooooga!...Aroooooooga!" (that's the sound of a submarine "crash diving").And Indi, yep! we will have to catch up for that damm elusive coffee soon! Obi1
RHP User
11 years ago
Sunshine Coast rope riding crop
RHP User
11 years ago
This will be an interesting one!
Gold Coast ladies welcome
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Nice thread MissB and good on you for helping out our fellow Qld'ers and representing our state! :)
I'm over near the Brissy CBD :)
Sadly I'm not a cowboy.. though I do own a few different hats, know a few ways to tie a rope and have at least one pair of boots...
FTL xxRHP User
11 years ago
Just re read your post Missb How remiss of me to not answer your cowboy question. My name should say it all and bring from NQ originally ;-)
RHP User
11 years ago
Quoting 'MrMulgrave' I guess this is as good a time as any to lose my forum virginity. So hi there, I guess. bewwdiful body Mr Mulgrave ….damn
RHP User
11 years ago
Quoting 'FunTimeLover' Nice thread MissB and good on you for helping out our fellow Qld'ers and representing our state! :)
I'm over near the Brissy CBD :)
Sadly I'm not a cowboy.. though I do own a few different hats, know a few ways to tie a rope and have at least one pair of boots...
FTL xx
Hello gorgeous boy…long time no see!RHP User
11 years ago
young and a brissy lad travel to the goldie for occasion parties and breaks..
originally from a rural town, Rm boots and a hat are everyday wear for me :P
see how we go open and love to sexplore!luv_2play
11 years ago
Nice work MissB Southside brissie lad
11 years ago
Where on earth did I say I'd shag that bloke?!?! Lol not on your nelly, I'd hug him if I spotted him in his free hugs t-shirt ya boof!! Brissy's a big place mate. Ob1 it's a date mate.
11 years ago
They are from qld... But still elusive... *sigh*
11 years ago
You lucky bugger
xx IndiRHP User
11 years ago
Quoting 'DeliciousCurves' Quoting 'FunTimeLover' Nice thread MissB and good on you for helping out our fellow Qld'ers and representing our state! :)
I'm over near the Brissy CBD :)
Sadly I'm not a cowboy.. though I do own a few different hats, know a few ways to tie a rope and have at least one pair of boots...
FTL xx
Hello gorgeous boy…long time no see! Why hello there Mrs Delicious... Been too long! Looking fabulous as ever I see xxLovinit28andKC72
11 years ago
On earth have all you gorgeous men been hiding......💋 kisses for you all
11 years ago
HA! There's a reason why I left a small town (Toowoomba) and moved to the big smoke.
FoxyRHP User
11 years ago
Harsh calling me the reason you left Toowoomba haha
RHP User
11 years ago
Great idea Missb :)
Gold Coast / Brisbane
11 years ago
Quoting 'DeliciousCurves' Quoting 'MrMulgrave'I guess this is as good a time as any to lose my forum virginity. So hi there, I guess. bewwdiful body Mr Mulgrave ….damn
Thanks Del. I'm rather fond of your pic too. VERY nice!On_Safari
11 years ago
Mado n Tara xx
11 years ago
north brissie , no cowboy but coastal/country kid whos always active 😊
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
On Fraser coast, farm, horses, boots, rope, no hat, have a pub, rarely drink, hung like a light switch, but have a huge imagination.
RHP User
11 years ago
Country boy in Stafford. Slowly starting to find some fun people in Brisbane.
- Posted from rhpmobile
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