Calling All Groupies
December 25 2023
RHP User
a year ago
You should search up Playpen parties in Melbourne. They have a website and are great at arranging the sort of thing you desire from what I’ve heard.
a year ago
Sounds Hot!
Add a twist to it.
The Shadow Ninja: Being fucked by a shadow of ninjas (more than one Ninja), whilst tied down and blindfolded.
Thank me later!
Ms Foxy 😍 😇😈CharliePeanut
a year ago
Unfortunately I'm in Perth so I can't help you. But I can give you some tips.
I used to arrange 6 guys for a girl at once somewhat regularly. Firstly, do it if that's your fantasy. You will likely be very nervous the first time, but put those nerves aside and just allow it to happen.
You need one guy who you trust who can arrange, lead and guide the group, and he will need to know what your wants and don't wants are, plus be able to eject anyone who doesn't behave. I never had to do this. All the guys were respectful in the ones I ran.
In my opinion its best if you don't select the guys, you get your lead guy to select them for you. The element of surprise enhances your experience.
A hotel room works best. The guys should be there when you arrive. Although you know what's about to happen, the guys should take you by surprise. You can have a few drinks with them afterwards and get to know them.
There is one particular session where I ran this scenario that the woman was so turned on that about 2 minutes in she squirted so hard that it almost reached the ceiling. Not only that, it was the first time ever she had squirted.RHP User
a year ago
Put an ad up in the events im sure you'll get plenty of volunteers
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