Call Me Gummy !! Ha!ha! A Guys Fantasy..:)

September 30 2012

Hi! All:) I received a 1st Contact MSG from a Young 20yr Old Guy Last Night .. He was very Sincere in what he wrote.. His reason for Contacting me was because He's seeking a Toothless Mature Woman to fulfil His Fantasy giving him a blow Job..If I can't will I tell My Friends so they can do it..OMG! ha!ha!..I just sat here and Laughed at his Proposal God Luv Him ..He's so Young Naieve such a Sweet Thing..I knew he was being serious so took the time to reply and explain with that attitude he'd have a snowballs chance in Hell of getting that wish .. How to approach Women in the right way when to bring that subject up..etc.. I also informed him that most Women have their own Teeth these days he!he! A.I'm wondering How Many Guys Do Fantasize about Having a Blow Job from a Mature Toothless Woman..because they believe it's the ultimate pleasure sliding their hard hot cock along gums.. B. How many Guys Have Experienced this sensation?.. C.A Friend in Tn is 60yrs toothless very wringled..She has a young Stud for a Lover..He thinks it's the best thing ever.. Do You Agree/ Disagree with him ..Or it made no marginal difference to your arousal and blow job.. as opposed to Women with teeth pleasuring you..?.. I look forward to getting your feedback..Enjoy Lu :)


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Pretty sure he was taking the piss Lu. You should have offered to take his nappy off and slap his bum for being such a rude shit.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Old people are gross. I think he was pulling your leg. No way could he have possibly been serious and actually wanted that.........I think I'm off to puke now

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    I have to ask for the ladies is it better if the man has his teeth out when returning the favor ????   sorry still got all my fangs but just asking   Andy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Quoting 'roxxyrose'Old people are gross. I think he was pulling your leg. No way could he have possibly been serious and actually wanted that.........I think I'm off to puke now Look out Roxxy you are 40 and thts half way to being old ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Let me know if you hook anything.   Lu, a few years back, (let's see I was 30 then so it was, ...holy shit! Nearly 20 years) I knew a lass who had the unfortunate habit of sucking her thumb. Over the years (she was in her early twenties) she had worn away her front teeth to nubs. Wow! Did she give great head...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    he just has a liking for gummy bears....and got a little confused

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    HAHAHA I can honestly say the one time I have pulled a woman with false teeth it was pretty bloody good head.   She was an older woman who worked at my local pub and this was in the early 80s' so it is possible that she was of the generation that routinely had their teeth removed to reduce dental problems. My mum had her teeth out in the late 40s' when she was a young teen. It used to be normal but we now try to keep our teeth.   Mike

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Good Morning .Meeka ,Roxxyrose, Andy,Jensman, Freya13:) Thanks for your Feedback .. Meeka, Roxxyrose Believe me Girls That Fantasy is up there along with watching 2 Females having Sex atleast they don't have to loose their teeth to be on a Guys Wishlist he!he! BTW Roxxyrose ..Hun in some Societies you're already Old he!he! so live for the Present you won't notice aging.. Thanks Jensman it's always good to get the Male Perspective on this especially since you've come close to experiencing this Gummy Blow Job he!he! As I mentioned in TN a Pretty scrawny weather worn Mature Lady had a stud for a Lover he was devoted to her and her Gums ha!ha! The best ever he remarked too Freya13 Hun now do I really look like a Gummy bear where would he put his cock in 1 of them he!he! No his mates have just been talking about things they've seen or heard so want to try it..I appreciate him opening up like that sharing his Fantasy but Poor Luv so not going to get any unless he uses his Vaccum cleaner maybe lined with gum in the opening ha!ha! I got a giggle out of it not at his expence tho..Cheers Lu :)

  • Cheekyarses


    12 years ago

    LMFAO are you serious - you wanted a blow job from a toothless mature woman.... Im pissing myself laughing, that is a classic question..... One for the books.Madam Butterfly - you are gorgeous and handled that question with such dignity....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    ... I agree with CheekyArses YOU ARE GORGEOUS :-) We can all learn from you. KK xx

  • mssexybitch2u


    12 years ago

    First time poster so please be nice lolMyself I lost all my top teeth 4 years ago due to genetics. My mum lost her teeth when she was 21 she is now 71. I had the choice to remove some of the bad teeth and get a partial plate or have them all removed and get a full plate. I choose to have them all removed at the dental hospital. I have a top full plate and a partial bottom plate which I don't wear cause it is uncomfortable. When I am home I don't wear my top plate don't see the point but i have been known on the odd occasion to either misplace them or go out without them lol I guess this guy just thinks that this would be something very uncommon to experience and guessing but the responses it isn't very common. I feel really special right now lol

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Mike Way To Go You Hun I bet you wore the sucker out ha!ha!.. I couldn't help saying that..I know they couldn't get their teeth out quick enough back then so I guess now 1 would be Looking for a Woman in her 80s or so That's what I told the :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Hi! Hun sorry I missed replying earlier..Actually I can't say 1st Hand because My Lovers are much Younger all have their teeth and more.. Thinking about it tho.It would be quite Interesting possibly would be better than a Guy with tetth the sucking action would be more comfortable no teeth to nip..gums are firm as they shrink so one could still have the clit teased even more Hmmmmmm.. In Intermission he could Make faces Put his bottom Lip over his Nose entertain me ha!ha! O'Dear.. However I'm not rushing out to find a much Older Toothless Guy just to find out..Cheers Lu :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Um Hun ..Hell No! I didn't want 1 ...The Young Guy did and was very serious about it too God Luv Him he!he!..Thanks for your sentiment very nice of you :) I always try to be so treat young Guys with the same respect as I want even if their approach is something else he!he! Cheers to both of you Lu :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Hi! Hun :) Welcome I hope you Post many more :) True there are curcumstances where there is no Option I'm glad I didn't have to make that choice .. A Girlfriend of mine had all hers removed when she was 20yrs Old..She came to My Wedding just after she had this done , so was unable to wear her new set of teeth..You know it didn't make her any less of a Friend to me because of it. .I think you're a Special Lady I feel it in your Vibes that took guts to tell Perfect strangers Personal Info..I've had some back ones out but still have the Majority of my own Teeth.. The Lady In TN wore her lack of teeth like a Badge of Honour, she was such fun ..Why wouldn't she ..She Had a young Sexy Partner/Lover one could die for ... So Way to go you too Hun I hope you find all the sexy Guys you wish because of the Special lady you are..Enjoy Lu :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Hi! Girls :) I hope you're both well.. Thanks KK very sweet of you to say and much appreciated :) MrsPeachy - Hu n you're like a bloodhound give you a sniff of Info you're Off! to find it ha!ha1 God Luv Ya ! Well I guess joining an Over 50s club would be a start generally ..Even if the Young Guy did he then has to find a willing Lover to do that he!he! ..He could Advertisse start up his own Fettish gathering I guess.But Frankly my vibes told me very clearly it was more a Passing Fantasy Guys have on their wish list not necessarily a Fantasy ..Get him to focus on something else he'll Probably forget all about it..I feel him and his mates have been talking it's a case who can experience it 1st gets the attention ..I hope he does change his approach and both of them enjoy it to the Max..Enjoy Lu .. PS sorry I haven't replied Hun I've been focused elsewhere but will do very soon ..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Ok I have partial plates on the top and bottom due to not having any adult teeth underneath them when I lost my baby teeth. And yes I have given headjobs to men without my teeth in. They said I had better suction without them. One man said to me "if you take out your teeth, I will take off my hair!" LOL I politely declined.   Pusscat xxx

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    The subject is reasonably common when talking abt secret men's business!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    That's true Hun they cater for the normal Kinks ha!ha! oxy Moron there ..But tell him to check out the Charity shops he could get them cheap there...He would be a great Person to help a forthcoming bride choose their Wedding dress he'd love it too:)Will do Hun cheers Lu :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Hey Hun :) Good to see you Here How are you and your Man good I hope and all's well with you and your shop:) Thanks for your Input on this Topic 1st hand experience is always valuable I appreciate you sharing..he!he! Enjoy Lu :)

  • playful4u


    12 years ago

    The term used for this act is "gobbling"   I knew of someone who was the recipient of a gobbling, he said it was an amazing experience until one day when the ladies husband caught them in the act and chased him off, lol.

  • TomatoSauce33


    12 years ago

    Jim Carrey made it look pretty good!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Hey Playful4u :) Thanks for the Information always good to know the proper term for things ..Oh! That's funny it 's still making me giggle.. Hey Tomato_Sauce33 Thanks for your Input Hun where did you see Jim carey enjoying that .? is it something you'd try just curious nothing more.. I just had a thought I guess Bi action won't really need a Female to give a Blow Job a toothless Male will do just as well he!he! Those Guys looking for Mature Toothless Wimen can niow widen their search they just need to shut their eyes and call the Guy Mona he!he! Oh! that's so Lame but fun..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    This is something I regularly tease my mother about. She has false teeth...and a lover.... I dont know about it being a mans fantasy but I think it would sure make things easier on the inside of my mouth. My lips tend to get all cut as I curl them around my teeth...I find it saves the head of the penis that way. After all man wants his penis ripped by a mouth full of teeth. Makes sense to me and if I ever lose all my teeth...maybe it could be a marketing ploy on my profile.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Hi! Hun :) Oh! you are a Naughty Girl but in this instance Mum may have the last laught he!he! OUCH! that isn't nice your Lips get hurt . I've a broken tooth right now..but getting it sorted..I found the best way was with the Guy kneeling over me .I tend to stop my tooth hurting their Cock..rather than me pleasuring upright..I don't know if you've tryied that way if not give it a go nothing to lose Hun :) Cheers Lu :)

  • TomatoSauce33


    12 years ago

    There's a scene in the movie Yes Man which Jim Carrey stars in that shows him on the receiving end of a 'gobbling''. It's not a fantasy of mine and I don't think I'd ever be comfortable with it. I guess It's all in the head and If I closed my eyes and no one told me what was happening I'd probably enjoy it lol.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Hi! Hun :) Thanks very much for taking the time to enlighten me on the Film Title I really appreciate it.. I agree with you it's not something I'd be in a hurry to try either giving or receiving ..I like the Guys I attract now and comfortable with and Mature toothless men or Women aren't on My wish List ..Enjoy your Playmates Cheers Lu :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Quoting 'roxxyrose' Old people are gross. I think he was pulling your leg. No way could he have possibly been serious and actually wanted that.........I think I'm off to puke now Looking for some attention much ?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Oh! Hun I just get a giggle from Roxxyroses view at times Poor Luv that thought will be burned in her brain now .. We enjoy our lives in the Present which is awesome ..Way to go you Hun I think you're very cool :) Roxxyrose I hope you feel better now after Puking ..he!he! Yes Hun as you can now see some Guys have tried and enjoyed it..Cheers Lu :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    12 years ago

    Im still saying EWWWWWWW grossest thing I've ever heard of......thankfully Lu nothing gets burned to my brain. But that's still GROSS!!!!

  • Bicuckple60


    a year ago

    Well I am going to throw a curve ball at you all..... I am a 60+ Bi male and I have given many (100's) of "GOBBINGS" over the years....and have never had a complaint...because I have no teeth at all (most lost in a M/C accident at 16) I can take larger cocks into my mouth and one of those "gross" oldies I must say I don't get as many opportunities as I once did....I also have a strict MISTRESS who keeps a tigh reign on my activities except where her and her BULLS are concerned....I hope I have not disgusted too many of our puritan readers....but it is reel.