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Breastfeeding adults
February 19 2025
Have some questions I would like answered please and thank you!
a month ago
I would love to lactate!! One of my fetish
RHP User
a month ago
after 2 children and 4 years total of feeding, i'm so glad that's over! I do feel qualified to answer questions :)
a month ago
Look, I personally can't answer this question, but I do know someone who would have a lot to say.
Gary, the bush turkey.
Because if there's one thing Gary understands, it's aggressively taking what he wants, regardless of social norms or consent.
In fact, if adult breastfeeding were a thing in the turkey world, Gary would be the first in line, demanding service like he's at an all you can eat buffet.
He already acts like everything belongs to him, including snacks, unattended drinks, and the occasional misguided attempt at stealing my car keys.
That being said, if any actual humans can provide answers, preferably before Gary tries to volunteer himself for the research study. I'm sure the OP would appreciate it.
I will now be thinking about bush turkeys demanding milk for the rest of my evening. Gosh I hope it doesn't enter my dreams. 🤦♀️mrverylong
a month ago
I used to do this with my partner. I found it such a turn on, she did too!!
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