Body question..

October 20 2023

So I’ve had a baby months ago, c-section, and have become quite self conscious of my body these days. Do men car about scars and all that?


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Can't speak for all men but I don't think it concerns any of us. We just love females bodies and the body is not the only thing we are interested in

  • Sawadee


    a year ago

    Not really ... l would see this as one of the things life throws up at us ... Your still the same person regardless.
    So no , it wouldnt put me off .. just one of those things..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I would think a huge number of men wouldn’t care less about things like that .
    You go girl and enjoy .

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Not at all don’t stress about it the scars will fade in time hundreds of women have the same scars

  • FeistyFatty


    a year ago

    Nope. We've all got them. Being self conscious is more unattractive. Rock what you got 💕

  • Margo_Lover


    a year ago

    Most men are not concerned at all. Those that are can f@#$#@ right off.
    Women tend to be much more concerned with a potential partners look, than men do :)

    - Alex.

  • Viccpl


    a year ago

    Not at all - more concerned with a connection than anything else.

  • MrandMrsEss


    a year ago

    After being present to see what women go through to facilitate the continuation of our species I find birth marks an absolute turn on, not altogether sexually but very much cerebrally and that makes desire stronger.
    That said my wife is constantly down on herself for a few less than perfect bits and that makes me sad. She’s a fucking hero as our boys both tried to kill her on the way out, she’s a soft sweety but those marks show how much of a hard arse she can be - love all of her to bits and also find those bits feel so great to touch.
    So don’t you worry and if anyone doesn’t like you for only that reason then that’s a bullet dodged!

  • evo67


    a year ago

    L has had two c sections and nobody (guys/playmates) have even commented on her scar, not even sure some of them have even noticed hahaha

  • Patrick2510


    a year ago

    Motherhood is a special thing Frankie, don't let the result of that experience affect your self esteem, you look great now own it!!!

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    a year ago

    The scar will fade! Most women have some birth related battle scars. I am super proud of mine and my beautiful children. Learn to love it! Honestly men don't care and those that care don't matter x

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    a year ago

    If you want a practical solution a cute pair of crutchless undies hides it nicely

  • carol18


    a year ago

    I have 3 m worth of scars around my body after skin removal surgery. Still very body conscious but most guys do not even notice (not sure it is a good thing...). Some ask about it but it has never been an issue for any of them. I think we worry too much about these things, guys usually do not.

  • Frrankie91


    a year ago

    Thanks guys, appreciate the positive responses and reassurance!

  • peter196921


    a year ago

    I have a few scares, and I always say they are part of my journey in life, if people don’t like them then that is there issue , wear them with pride as they are who’s you are and tells your story ☺️

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    We all have perfect imperfections.

    Ms Foxy

  • EarthQueen


    a year ago

    If they did would you even want to have sex with them? Someone that superficial would be a turn off.
    Scars tell a story of who you are and where you have been in life. I've got a few and no man has ever been bothered by them.

  • pirate66


    a year ago

    Men don't really notice or care about C-section scars or just find it interesting and generally the scar is mostly a very thin neat line that will take a few months to fade over time and a lot of women rub Bio Oil into the scar to help it fade and it is nothing to really worry about.

    Think of a C-section scar as a battle scar and be proud of it and don't worry about it.

  • Sawadee


    a year ago

    I know its not for everyone, but recently l seen a girl with a C Section scar and following the scar she had a tattoo of what l would call a leafy vine .. Not too heavy and tastefully done.. worth a thought.. ?

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I think we care too much what people think. Its part of your journey. If a guy is turns and walks out because of a scar or stretch marks, he should keep walking. You know what you are worth. so go get it.

  • ProfessorBi


    a year ago

    People keep saying that that most men dont really care about it, but if you are asking this question is that you care and might be self-concious about it (which is totally understandable) 😊. Therefore, to calm your nerves let me share more details about our experience with a c-section 🥰. My wife did it, and initially left roughly a 8-10 cms scar that can be seen like a little thin pink line that kept reducing in size over the years.

    5 years later that scar is completly gone, nothing, nada, zero. I know, I checked again before writing this post!

    So yeah, most men dont care, and most likely your scar will disappear 😉

  • Nato842


    a year ago

    Have been with two women with c section scars not a issue

  • MrandMrsEss


    a year ago

    Another way of looking at this is to look at your hopefully happy and healthy child and embrace that scar for helping keeping them that way. My second should have been cut out and now both mother and child have life long issues they have to deal with.
    I wish we had a scar to embrace!
    Now sorry that’s a bit of a downer but I now embrace these challenges as life goes on but I also yearn for the day that my wife can stand naked in front of the mirror and enjoy how perfect she really is.

  • MINGLEevents


    a year ago

    What we have found with most of the people in the lifestyle is body shapes and things like scars are secondary to personality and the nature of a person making them sexy and attractive.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    As a man it doesn’t bother me at all.

  • Hellolaides86


    a year ago

    Be positive babe ur beautiful u have gone through those beautiful stage in a womens life

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I don’t care about the scars

  • ShortKing82


    a year ago

    Been with a couple of women with C-sections and it's not really been an issue. On the flip side I have so many scars which make me feel self conscience.

  • Mischeviouslad


    a year ago

    Fear ye not

    Most blokes in here are focussed on whats a bit lower than your scar

  • kisslids


    a year ago

    Firstly, congratulations I hope all is well. I am not worried as we all have scars , bumps and lumps. Just enjoy what the scar has brought you, your child.

  • RingoNhoneybunny


    a year ago

    Female part of the couple here. Giving birth twice left me physically changed. I had only been with my man since and was also concerned about how intimate parts of my body might be perceived by others when we started on here. It was quite nerve wracking for me, so I completely empathise with you. I've done my best to ignore thoughts about it and focus on being present in the situation. So far not one comment or reaction from either sex. Either people haven't noticed while in the throes or they are very polite and accepting. Just realising now as I write this, it's probably part of the reason I lean towards reconnecting with people we know and less keen to meet new couples instead. We are all complex creatures and I continue to learn so much about myself and my partner on this journey..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    I honestly don’t mind them, wear them with pride I think they are sexy

  • David2319


    a year ago

    Everyone has scars, lumps, bumps. It’s just life nothing like that changes who you are on the inside x

  • JennyTahlia


    a year ago

    Thank you for posting this question. I'm about to have a hysterectomy. I will have a nice scar I'm guessing afterwards. The question of my attractiveness and body confidence to play has been on my mind. Reading some of the responses to this post has given me hope.

  • 48215d


    a year ago

    I agree, a woman is the most beautiful form of all curves skin , so sexy. I wouldn't even notice it's just a part of life's story.

  • Whycantwehavefun


    a year ago

    I know it doesn't affect the way I behave, always a great conversation starter . I feel more comfortable talking about it than not

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Look at you! You are stunning!
    Sex should be mainly about the mind. The body is a bonus.
    Don't stress, in time it will fade and it won't be an issue.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    a year ago

    If you makes you feel any better, the last 3 men (prior meeting) were body conscious.
    Guys go through it too.

    Ms Foxy

  • SimplyFun4All


    a year ago

    I don't have a perfect bod! I don't expect that of ladies! Fun is to be had in the mind then in the sheets.

  • Razzledazzle74


    a year ago

    You shouldn’t be concerned about a scar from something as beautiful as being a mother.
    Can’t speak for others but if I find you attractive then I like all your bits and pieces

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    A real man doesn’t care about scars. It’s the person, the communication, the attraction and the connections

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Not in the slightest

  • New2Tasman


    a year ago

    men are just grateful they get to see and touch you naked at all... scars are nothing

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Good guys don't care 😘

  • Dave86


    a year ago

    Scars, stretch marks, come in all different forms and are a beautiful way our bodies tell the stories of our lives.
    “Your body is not ruined, you're a goddamn tiger who earned her stripes.”

    Embrace them beautiful, never assume someone else's perception.

  • MegaGirth


    a year ago

    For me its about energy, give me sexy energy and I'm a happy man....and judging by your profile you have that in spades x

  • Justwanttoplay


    a year ago

    Personally I love scars and what I call mummy tummy. Find it very sexy

  • Knickerless


    a year ago

    Oh sweetie, when we do care about scars, it's our own petty ego about how we're not cool for not getting in a knife fight or having a nasty motorcycle accident. Some of us will be curious as to why you have a scar, and probably part compassion and part ignorance. You were cut open to get a child out. Short of getting in a fight with a shark or crocodile, possibly the theatre of war, we honestly have nothing that will compare - half severing the body to get the baby out is some pretty gruesome, masculine (tough? Baseline animal?) stuff. It should be viewed as feminine but the patriarchy has already imagined youse as flower picking summer dress wearing delicate little things instead of the resilient patient tough real world ready folk that you can't not become as a woman. Worst case/ most likely - we won't even notice. Too busy focusing on getting our dicks wet.

    For more feedback, send nudes to dudes!

  • Fun2bhad2


    a year ago

    Are you kidding ... nothing more sexy than bringing a life into the world ....nothing sexier

  • Save_a_horse


    a year ago

    Personally it is a life scar. We all seem to have some scar and brush them off.
    My friend had major heart transplant at 30 and her scars I feel are a mark of her strength.
    Use Rose Hip oil on your scar. It helps with healing

  • mike2im


    a year ago

    They shouldnt care, because a scar is a natural consequence of a c-section. In fact, it can be somewhat sensual, running a finger along it, as part of body worshipping.

  • StealthGuy


    a year ago

    na, it's pretty common. You've performed a miracle and given birth.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Enthusiam is more important in my opinion - if the girl is enthusiastic and passionate I tend to not even notice things like scars etc

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    C-Section scars, not at all! Wear it with pride

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    If you have an ass, tits and a pussy let me tell you.. we wouldn’t even notice the scars!

  • Str8hunk4her


    a year ago

    I see being normal, women have to face big challenges in this case that men would never understand yes I have had two partners in the past and yes children to both women and they both had concerns about how different it would feel for me and yes the experance is opisate to yours but the emotions and on par and remain stressful for her or you but for me it was one of lifes best experience and I loved her more from it because she opened up and allowed me to learn going with her to all her appointments I enjoyed that, you know men need to really pull up when it comes down it and if they are not, they will learn the hard way and if theres not willing well then there worth knowinand id like to say one thing if Iwas your partner right now and you were having women furturity I would support you %100 regarless of whom the farther is and I promis there are loads men out there just like me and already they are here, my best wishes to id love hear from sometime with a sucsessful storie xx

  • AcquaDigio


    a year ago

    I can’t speak for all men but for me it’s ok ! I don’t mind also I have scars too. For me mostly important is connection… 🔑 don’t worry about it you still beautiful!!!

  • Strid3r


    a year ago

    I believe scars are fine thiers nothing wrong with that

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Well Frrankie this post has been going for some time now and I hope it has made you realise you are fine. And I must say you are a very sweet and tasty lass :)

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Anyone that has had kids will not think twice, it’s part of life…..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Scars are a part of life, whether they be on your skin or deeper scars. a genuine lover would not let those affect the mood. Show it and be proud of the mother you are.

  • SnB_Couple


    a year ago

    Wouldn't give it a second thought!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    A real man is not worried about imperfections. A real man will love you and lust for you because you are a human being and deserved to be treated as one. Us men have body hair, dad bods, not much muscles, too much muscles....too many ways to feel insecure. If you have someone that loves you you are in a great place. Enjoy your lovely bubba and don;'t sweat the small shit :)

  • Jupiter


    a year ago

    Hi Frrsnkie91, I can not speak for all guys out there. For me, absolutely not.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Just wear a garter belt over it.

  • Woza65


    a year ago

    They would have to be pretty damn shallow , enjoy what you have Frankie

  • AbsolutelyClassy


    a year ago

    I've had two. Life is for living. And gain scars and signs of a body that endures. All the best. Congratulations on bringing a beautiful baby into this world. Go for it!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    show us and we'll let you know

  • Vodkalimesoda


    a year ago

    Ffrankie91 Mr here
    if the guy doesn't want u because of your scars he is still a child move on your worth more