Blocked – what should you do?

December 24 2024

We have this amazing feature in RHP called THE BLOCK! No, we’re not talking about The Block TV show (though with 2024 seasons under our belts, we’d give it a run for its money). No renovations or bathroom reveals here—just a solid way to keep the douche canoes from paddling too close to shore.

Now, for the uninitiated, let’s define a douche canoe: it’s that delightful individual who thinks boundaries are optional, decency is overrated, and persistence is sexy (spoiler: it’s not). Blocking is the gentle art of letting them float downriver without docking at your port of pleasure.

The problem is that some of these douche canoes get their paddles in a twist when they are blocked. I have a few suggestions to help them from drowning.

• Don’t start a new profile and make contact again. Seriously, it’s just going to be Blocky McBlockface all over again. Save yourself the trouble.

• Don’t start another new profile and make contact again We’re not playing Block Bingo here. Spoiler: you’re still blocked.

• Don’t rope others into your drama. Messaging other profiles to ask why you were blocked? Not cute. This isn’t high school, and we’re not passing notes.

• Don’t have a meltdown in the chat rooms. Publicly announcing you’ve been blocked isn’t going to win you any fans. People will just assume you’re the Titanic of douche canoes.

• Do not go into the chat rooms and Whisper people that talk to the profile that blocked you and ‘warn’ them to stay away. All you are doing is giving people the shits and you will end up getting reported and banned.

Here’s a wild idea: just move on. There are plenty of other boats in the RHP marina—boats with open docks, ready paddles, and maybe even an interest in your unique charms.

So, next time you’re blocked, take it as a sign from the universe: float away gracefully, and leave the drama behind. The sea is vast, and there are better waters to paddle. Happy fishing! 🚣


  • Flirty2020


    3 months ago

    Well written 😊

  • Apples_N_Oranges


    3 months ago

    There are some douche canoes out there that still won’t get it, even if Scotty Cam jumped out and said “Tools down”. Well written comment and it makes us think, if Blocky McBlockface was a character what would they look like?

    Merry Mishmash.

  • NeoAndTrin


    3 months ago

    Great post. Sadly it will be lost on the vast majority of DCs as they don't read too good or don't visit the forums.

  • Inflation


    3 months ago

    Sounds like you've been the victim of being catfished? Well I think that's the term that's used to describe it.

    Unfortunately alot of dudes don't take rejection too well, and it becomes a personal thing Hurts theor egos etc.

    I've actually blocked ladies from the chat room, who have subsequently gone on to either whisper others or publicly broadcast garbage. So this can go both ways.

  • touchbase


    3 months ago

    Picturing a character from mine craft.

  • Savy001


    3 months ago

    Love how this has been written

  • Lookingforfun103


    3 months ago

    Well said!

  • Cococurves


    3 months ago

    Well said! Love it!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 months ago

    I go on rants too - usually by myself, alone, talking to the cat. He’s very understanding.

    In fact I think he gets it.

    We’d all probably benefit from having a bit of feline attitude about us.

    I block ppl a lot. It’s usually because they don’t understand the concept of conversation. I’m amazed at how many women can’t grasp that.

    Then I’ll put it in them to up their game and it rarely has the desired effect.

    A line I read in a book; “The world is full of living statues who come and go, who act and eat and digest without ever being aware of anything”

    That sums up about 90% of human interaction.

  • RoB_SyD


    3 months ago

    Noice one T 😚

    Happy New Year everyone !!!!

  • Pammy99


    3 months ago

    It's a shame most of these douche canoes-even when told directly, don't recognise that they are actually the douche canoes so pay no attention... Douche canoes always think they are cruise ships...

  • Massage_Donor


    3 months ago

    Oh shit! There are people out there who do that kind of crap? (ie creating new profiles etc) ... today I learned 😒