Bi curious
July 07 2021
RHP User
4 years ago
Good luck Andy. I had that fantasy for years and then tried it! The first time the guy was a bit of a dick and just wanted to go at it so wasnt pleasant at first and I thought I’d made a big mistake, then when we changed to doggie and he did me from behind? God it felt good! From that point on I was hooked! So be aware! You may really really enjoy it and then there is no going back! Which isn’t a bad thing! Lol because it can be insane with the right guy. Be safe, take it slow and enjoy
RHP User
4 years ago
Your profile says Brisbane but you mention Townsville in your into. Would help to be more clearer on where you are.
4 years ago
Best of luck and enjoy your ride😉😋
RHP User
4 years ago
Andy I’d like to fill your fantasy. And I won’t be a jerk
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