Best place for a newbie
October 23 2016
RHP User
8 years ago
In Brisbane there is Mikes Place and Diversionz both are in the same suburb. And down the coast are Chateau Vino and Club Whispers. All of them allow single guys on Friday nights but it's usually only Diversionz or Club a whispers that allow single males on a Saturday.
Most of them have newbie nights quite regularly so keep your eye out in the events section. Diversionz isn't listed there, so check out their Facebook page and website to see when they are on.
Given your age you'll probably like Club Whispers the best because it's a younger crowd. Single males always pay the most for entry to the clubs. And Club Whispers requires single males to pay a membership fee as well as an entry fee.
So for the first time maybe your best bet is Diversionz on a newbie night and then you can decide if you like the scene. They are all very different clubs so it depends on what you like.RHP User
8 years ago
... would be a great place to start, as long as you're okay with not being the only guy in the room.
You'll work out pretty quickly whether the scene is your sort of scene as a single guy ;)RHP User
8 years ago
Hi names Tim im new here happy to chat to myself , yes i have had meets before and very honest
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7 years ago
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