Being honest of your sexuality/interest- swinger etiquette

June 14 2024

I am writing this because I have met so many couples who listed the male part as ‘straight’ but suddenly when you start chatting they expressed desire for same sex encounter.

And I have many times met with couples who never mention any same sex play, but would suddenly start to give male-male fellatio without asking (this is rape by the way) or have the female pop the question for it mid play.

For many people this is a mood killer, whilst respecting each other’s play preferences and comforts, these are sort of things that should be discussed before meet.

Bisexuality is certainly a spectrum and I respect whatever fantasy or desires anyone has, but if you are expecting or intend any specific interaction you should be honest about it instead of mislead the other party.

What do you think?


  • Margo_Lover


    9 months ago

    Agree, I'd say 50% of the 'straight' guys we've played with have been into bi play.

    - Alex.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    9 months ago

    Yeah, I don't like that either.
    I'd stop and end things especially if I didn't give consent. Goes for anyone, not just couples.
    There's way too many smug couples out there who believe they can get away with little sneaky, sneekies here and there during play. IMO They are dangerous and dont respect other peoples personal bounderies.
    That's why it's very important to communicate appropriately and thoroughly before any play.

    Ms Foxy

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 months ago

    Not a good look when people aren't totally honest. And also lots of discussion before hand can help with that issue. Sometimes people are scared of being honest because they will not align with the other person. A real shame. Then again people lie about thier age, looks, height, and all other things too. Ugh weird!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 months ago

    Absolutely. Ask prior and No means No

  • Flirty2020


    9 months ago

    Due to there still being a perceived stigma, with regards being a Bi Male, you will most probably find that many couples will be reluctant to state that the male half is Bi, for fear of being judged.

    With regards your experience, this reinforces the need for exceptionally good communication BEFORE any play.

    Our recommendation is to meet potential playmates for drinks only , BEFORE any play. And use this as an opportunity to list your likes, dislikes and boundaries / ground rules. Ensure that they in turn do the same. You can then discuss this over drinks, agree and acknowledge that you are all on the same page and that none of you will overstep the mark and or contravene the established and agreed upon boundaries/ rules.

    This is what we do and it has ALWAYS worked for us.

  • nightingale8


    9 months ago

    Bringing it up in chat whilst ‘straight’ on the profile I can understand. Not something to introduce mid-play. Sorry that happened to you. If they never brought it up before play it’s not your job to communicate better beforehand. Classic example of victim blaming.

  • FeistyFatty


    9 months ago

    Whilst I agree, this can be an issue..... I find it more annoying when people have incomplete profiles with no profile pics....... The irony of disclosure/honesty lol

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    9 months ago

    Just grow up and have a boundary conversation prior.

  • MsSuperFoxy


    9 months ago

    Yes, the irony!
    They want others to be open and honest, yet can't themselves. Lol!
    Want maximum outcome, with little effort put in.

    Ms Foxy

  • MsSuperFoxy


    9 months ago

    Errrrrr No, it is not "standard experience/practice" for any female, during sexual encounters to have her mouth on a cock. Consent must be given and I certainly will not put my mouth on just any ol cock or have any ol cock shoved in my mouth.
    The key being standard practice, consent.

    The OP is stating guy/guy felliatio without consent. Which the OP was not ok with.

    Ms Foxy

  • MsSuperFoxy


    9 months ago

    There is no purposely misunderstanding as you did post it for all to read. I know, as I read it with my own two eyes!
    When I read it, I thought, "What the heck did i just read!". 😵‍💫🧐

    Ms Foxy

  • MsSuperFoxy


    9 months ago

    I've also witnessed first hand at a club, two naked guys walk up and trying to shove their cocks into a woman's mouth (without consent), while she was being fucked on a swing. When she moved her head the other away, they tried again and one even tapped her on the cheek with his dick to try to get her to suck it. That's not on and is f*cking disgusting.
    Then for you to state that "this is standard experience of any female during most sexual encounters"....I don't agree with.

    Ms Foxy

  • SomethingNew1561


    9 months ago

    The swinger scene, almost ironically, can be fiercely judgmental towards bi men. Unlike bi women who are socially embraced, bi men are seen as an increased health risk - even if they’re more hyper vigilant with safe sex.

    Unless the swinging community changes its attitude, the secrecy of bi men/couples will continue.

  • EonEonO


    9 months ago

    Yeah, I agree there is stigma around being a bi guy and as a result some with guys single and in couples are not open about it on their profiles. I was recently chatting to a straight couple and they said they enjoyed meeting at a reserve and being funked from behind and I asked what Mr's role was suring this and they said he was the one being funked from behind. As a guy we need to ask it MM apart of the interaction when negotiating with couples

  • Giveitacrack2024


    9 months ago

    Never been an issue for us. We set the expectation around our sexual preferences very early on in the chat and if things progress to a meet and possible play once again then as well

  • MsPleasure


    8 months ago

    No. It means no and it is a full sentence with no explanation required at all. Consent is King always