Batting above.....

December 10 2023

So I've noticed a phenomenon in the swing community. It's called 'batting above.' For those with a non Australian background, it means - when the missus is way hotter than the dude.

Do you think this is only the swing community? Or is it across the board in Australia?

Do you disagree with me that this appears to be the majority of couples?
I know that most men are happy to admit they are batting above and take it as a compliment.

What do you think?


  • Swede712


    9 months ago

    Definitely not a swingers only phenomenon, I’ve seen so many cases of it at music festivals over the last few weeks,

  • MrandMrsEss


    9 months ago

    My wife thinks she’s batting above I think due to in all my previous relationships I was focused more on looks and have had a string of 10/10’s. My ex was no exception and came with a wealthy family and an impressive education.
    I also thought I was batting above with them as well and you know honestly the ego stroking is what made the relationships last longer than they should.
    So now I have a person who thinks I’m the best and we share such a beautiful relationship. I think she is the best person for me in the whole world and even though outsiders still say I’m batting above, for the first time I don’t feel that way. I feel like we are on the same team and knocking the ball out of the park together. Our genes have mixed to produce two gorgeous children and we are happy, just really happy.
    We are batting above together :)

  • boobsandbusted


    9 months ago

    I Always take it as well meaning joke ,cos deep down I think Mrs b is the one batting above her weight , ,🤣

    Pa not just in the swing world

  • NeoAndTrin


    9 months ago

    No I think it's across the board.

    Most of my life I've always felt I was batting above even though my first love said I could've been a model. I look back now and can see where she was coming from... Apparently I still look OK but my soulmate is an absolute knockout. Feel like I've won the lotto everyday waking up to her.

  • jenniecruising


    9 months ago

    Jeez I reckon I’m batting above my average.
    Jennie xx

  • MFMHotWife


    9 months ago

    Mr Hotwife here.... No idea how on earth it happened, but I am certainly batting way above my average! Incredibly thankful though to be with such a magnificent woman! As for your question.... I see quite a bit of it, inside and outside of the community....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    9 months ago

    I can’t comment personally, I’m out for a duck

  • Inflation


    9 months ago

    I think women are statistically alot more attractive than men in general, and would likely appear as though men are punching above their weight.

    My Mrs is extremely attractive. Tall, slim, and feminine curves in all the rite places.

    Am I punching above my weight? Highly probable. But then again should it really matter?

    I will however offer you an alternative perspective. An attractive women would likely feel safer with a not so attractive dude. The reason is simple. He won't leave her for anyone

  • Swingingnudist


    9 months ago

    Most of the time it correlates to how rich the guy is.

  • fun2behere


    9 months ago

    Someone once said to me, when they saw my ex, that she must have a special kind of blindness to be with me. I have no idea what he meant :-)

  • rightontime37


    9 months ago

    Common across the board in society in my opinion, not just to the swinging community.

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    9 months ago

    Case in point is Hans Solo and Chewbacca.
    (after all, one never knows just what happens on the Kessle Run).

  • Skarlet79


    9 months ago

    Definitely an Aussie thing....the women are way hotter in general,in all age groups.

  • Manofthemidnight


    8 months ago

    According to a study 80% of men are regarded unattractive by most women, and that's based on men in their 20's. With each decade the percentage of attractive women to men gets worse.

  • cinamontan


    8 months ago

    It's a game of percentages men vs woman.. Australian population. Think the guys have the upper hand when it comes to selection..

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 months ago

    More women than men in the world

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 months ago

    I think it happens everywhere for sure

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    8 months ago

    Women are just so beautiful. Who can compete with their beauty ❤️
    I think it's a sign of respect to say you are batting above.