M61 F60
Bali hotels that are open minded
September 10 2024
6 months ago
I’m all for freedom of expression and sexuality. I’m also for not doing anything overseas that would make me a target. Especially in a conservative country as Indonesia (look up 2022 Indonesian sex laws).
Just a thought, obviously do what you likegazpacho
6 months ago
Obviously it pays to stay in the comfort of a fine resort where patron privacy is sacrosanct.
Isn’t there a Bali venue advertised on here somewhere? A swingers party host. I’m sure I’ve seen it on RHP.Hipsdontlie
6 months ago
Mmmm not really, mostly Indonesians are working are hose keepers and they could be relatives to each other, and they could also be part of same church / religion. They will def get upset if they see something going on. If you are after meeting couples, then go to beach clubs and wear skimpy clothes and see if you can say hi to other couples who you think you can connect with. Also I would recommend if the Airbnb host is westerner, they seem to be more open minded.
RHP User
5 months ago
Im down to hang with yall
5 months ago
There is no lack of this lifestyle here in Bali. There are multiple groups that have monthly (or more) play parties and there are plenty of people to meet up with.
While Indonesia is a conservative country, Bali is pretty loose on this. I wouldn’t do anything out in the open, but it is very easy to meet up in a hotel, etc.
While not a swinger place, there is also a very nice nude hotel on the north side of the island. Very comfortable place to be.
Take a look at the events and travel here on RHP and you will have no problem meeting up with people.
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