Bad first impressions?

October 25 2020

I thought I'd ask for some objective opinions and first impressions on my profile+bio.

I have a strong feeling my abysmal match-rate on these apps and sites is due to my age (I'm in that "immature fuck boy" range), and the fact that I'm a polyamorous straight guy with a partner. I'm also unsure about my photos: if I should reorder them or upload different ones.

I just want to make sure there isn't anything I'm missing that could be hurting my chances.


  • Freaky_Fun


    4 years ago

    Geezus you can actually put a sentence together. So for us grammar Nazis you're way ahead of a shitload of profiles to start with.
    I think your profile is awesome and your photos are great.
    Probably the biggest issue is your age although you do sound like an old soul more than a fuckboy.
    Good things come to those who wait grasshopper.

  • teamaj2


    4 years ago

    Rory your profile is articulate , funny , informative , has good pictures and gives the reader a good insight into who you are and what you seek .
    I think it’s the usual story of there is a lot of men on RHP and your needing to be patient .
    I’m at the other end of the age spectrum and I’m certainly not everyone’s cup of tea. Maybe your age is a factor , as is mine ?In my opinion , I would find that irrelevant as you , as they say - ‘have your act together ‘and you have a good grasp of your sexuality which I think gives women the reassurance that spending time with you would be worthwhile . Good luck A

  • teamaj2


    4 years ago

    P.S. some women in your age group may be intimidated by your confidence and experience . It’s all about waiting to find like minded matched souls .

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    Your profile is great. You are eloquent and interesting. Totally not missing anything.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    I agree with the other ladies that have commented. Your profile is great, much better than the large majority of men's profiles here which make me eye roll on the daily (and not in the good way). I think you are probably right that your age and the fact you are attached may be issues for some, and I also agree with teamaj2 that some women may be a bit intimidated by your experience at such a young age. Hell I feel a bit intimidated and I'm 20 years older than you. I really think it's just a matter of time and patience though. Best of luck!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    It’s exactly what I want to see and read in a profile! I love that it’s all there and I knew straight away whether or not I was interested.

    Of course you may get less attention than someone who’s less specific about their preferences and intentions but the attention you do get will hopefully be genuine. I don’t think you should change anything, best of luck to you 😊

  • Mask_007


    4 years ago

    Hi Rory, I'm a self claimed king of bad impression, as my writing skills are not that impressive there fore very hard to get somewhere.
    I'm good in face to face and the other hand absolutely suck at sending messages (very likely to be misinterpreted.)
    You have some very goot positive feedback from very good people, make the most.
    One thing i learn in all these years of rhp,you can the best of everything, but if are not what she is looking for, you have nothing.

    Very good luck.

  • Mrs_Deep_Love


    4 years ago

    Amazing write up and I love the smile in your photos! 'Single' guys have a hard time on here and you probably will have an extra layer of difficulty being polyamorous and attached.

    And I know this because my husband is 'single' polyamorous and attached 😆 Good luck!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    4 years ago

    The age thing who knows, it is mostly oldies on here but a lot of them will like younger men. But still plenty of us in our twenties

    I think because you’re so out there and into heavy going stuff you’re working with a smaller pool, so will just be slower to get matches. Not everyone wants to get beaten up and dominated 😅