Athletic bodies
March 11 2025
I know that chess is technically a sport, but come on people....
15 days ago
Op: You say that you are looking “for someone….. who doesn’t take themselves too seriously “
That’s rather interesting.
Have you ever heard of the word incongruous?Felicitous
15 days ago
Haha I agree!
Then again perception is so subjective.
However I do think people are exceedingly 'liberal' in their self analysis.. maybe it's to ensure that they come up in certain searches.. but I do find it amusing more than anything.
Also though .. someone who's incredibly 'active' my deem themselves as athletic - when the bod doesn't quite bode.. depends also on their individual view of what 'athletic' constitutes.manincairns80
15 days ago
Do you even lift, bruh? Sorry, I had to do it. I am NOT the athletic body type at the moment, and therefore don't have the audacity to put it on my profile. I get your point about people being more honest.
15 days ago
My question is, why does it bother you? If someone with a bit of a tum thinks they're athletic and works out, good on them
15 days ago
Assume you work hard to maintain your physique, it takes dedication and commitment to exercise and diet. There could be quite a few men and women on here who aren’t as confident in their body as you are, who don’t have time to go to the gym every morning and don’t have a body type that puts on muscle easy or find it extremely difficult to lower their body fat percentage. So they select athletic to boost their chances of success on here, and from our experience, most of the time they are not far off. Yes, some people may need a bit of a reality check when it comes to body type, but don’t forget, there are sports that suit people with larger builds such as power lifting and shot put, and they could still be described as athletic.
14 days ago
Get your point , but they all come in all shapes and sizes ,your atheticbut you would die playing pro tennis , and according to long John Dailey ,he was an athlete but on the other end ,so it’s a very open and subjective question ,lol,
14 days ago
Just as funny as people who mark the Attractive box ..... Rarely are ..... Very subjective to the individual.
14 days ago
True … athletic bodies come in different shapes and sizes. But most people expect “athletic”to mean low body fat, shredded, etc
Honestly though, except for a minority of genetically blessed folk (probs not even on here) over 40 you can’t have a good face and a good body - you have to choose (most men nobly refuse to have either).
I put athletic down because I’m jacked 😁
I also have a healthy body fat percentage because there is no way I’m sacrificing my face to be shredded…
If a guy expects me to be lean and shredded and have this pretty face knowing I’m 40-something… then he’s a bit silly in my humble opinion.MrNatural77
14 days ago
There needs to be a "former athlete" category 🤣😂
14 days ago
Ah yes I ticked the athletic box a while ago when I was leaner. It’s my ego that prevents me from changing it back! Mind you I have about the same or more muscle. Just perhaps a bit more fat and skin than I am comfortable with.
14 days ago
Does athletic imply you can run a marathon?
14 days ago
In any self-evaluation survey, somewhere between 60-75% of people will rate themselves as 'above average'. so there's that...
14 days ago
And right here people and all the hundreds of crap posters of no reponce threads and whoa is me, no one responds to my messages ,hostile or whining , get out there post a topic of difference or Interest or one that doest lead to getting your rocks off ,and be as engaging to each respondent as you can , be known ,be seen ,be heard and then possibly be enquired or thought about ,
Well done cravingmore ,in the trumpsters almost words
Me bMsSuperFoxy
14 days ago
My mind is "athelitic" because it never fucking stops so there fore I can tick the box as athelitic as my brain is part of my body. PS It needs a good fucking too.
Ms Foxy 😇 😎MsSuperFoxy
13 days ago
Come on RHP, make some more body type boxes like: Mum Bod or Dad Bod. 👌
Ms FoxyFlagmantle24
13 days ago
It’s very subjective. A rugby player and an AFL player have completely different builds. I’ve met some really lean guys who think they are @too skinny “ to out athletic, but they look athletic to me.
13 days ago
All of the choices of body type are subjective. Athletic can be skinny, pimped, weighty and all the rest. Curvy can be a small or large size. It all comes down to our perspective of ourselves. And yes people will lie to themselves and also to others to gain something here. No matter what whether true or false we are all found out in the long run
13 days ago
Ive been on rhp approximately 10 years or more. I ticked 'athletic ' but never elaborated because l didnt think it necessary. Having had a public profile in the past and being on a sex site didnt mix and is why l always l kept this to myself and is the real reason l dont have photos.
So yes, known as a athelte , but no l never used it to gain attention .. Lots of good men with a Dads bod ?SweetSerenade
13 days ago
Perhaps in body type they should have a field box where you can put in your own descriptor.
"Athletic like an AFL professional"
"Petite like Kylie Minogue"
Or rocking a dad bod. like Jack.Black"MrandMrsEss
13 days ago
Got my mate to come around to help me shift some heavy things, his wife jumped in and could outlift the both of us, she weighs the same as I do but proven than she's way more "athletic" yes?
12 days ago
I was speaking to Sandra about your post when I was down in the back garden last night. This is what Sandra had to say
Looks like the RHP Gym Bro High Council has arrived, here to remind us that nothing matters more than an ab check and an overinflated ego. But let me hit you with a reality check, physical appearance is the least sexy thing about a person.
You know what’s far hotter than a bloke who can deadlift his own emotional baggage?
Someone who can actually hold a conversation. Someone who knows how to mentally stimulate another person instead of just oiling themselves up and hoping for the best.
And let’s talk about actual athleticism, shall we?
There are chunky wrestlers who could run circles around your gym-sculpted vanity.
There are larger-bodied athletes with more endurance, power, and stamina than some of the blokes who cry when they miss a protein shake.
Hell, even Kevin the possum could outmaneuver some of these ‘athletes’ when there’s food involved.
Sandra doesn’t care if someone has a six-pack or a soft belly, if they can’t keep up mentally, they’re a hard pass. Because at the end of the day, abs don’t make you interesting.
Being intelligent, confident, and genuinely fun to be around? That’s real sex appeal.
Now, if you’ll excuse Sandra, she has better things to do, like watching Kevin steal your gym towel and drag it into a tree and wipe his arse with it. Because, let’s be honest, that towel deserves better.Felicitous
12 days ago
Actually I think psychologically if the options are Athletic or Average..
and if one considers themselves a little above average they're not going to select the 'Average' option!
Could be less about seeing themselves as Athletic and rather... not seeing themselves as average.
They need an in-between perhaps like the drinking category 😂
I have no idea what could be a good 'in between'
Athletic/ Active / Average 🤷🏻♀️Pangolin28
11 days ago
Seems to be a little confusion here. The OP is not saying athletic is better or anything of the sort. They are talking about bullshitting on a profile about what their body type is. Bloody amusing take the piss out of the jocks posts though. Years past my use by date of the athletic young lad I was and have never liked gyms but please don't think all muscle bound gym dudes are cavemen about their bodies. Have a good friend with the nicest son. Bullied and shat on as a youngen and boy that damn nice young lad is buff as hell now. And so far removed from the aforementioned meatheads
11 days ago
Mmm. I’m not surprised that men self-identify as an alt-reality body type. They’re picking up signals all day, every day from the world around about their awesomeness. Women, on the other hand, absorb a very different reality that puts them into classes set by the male gaze, only some of which are acceptable.
10 days ago
Why are you wearing active wear? Are you even active?
10 days ago
It's all in the eye of the beholder... take everything you read online with a pinch of salt 🧂🤌🏽😉
Same goes for attractive, we all have different taste to what we find attractive in looks.
Stick to your values and be true to yourself, never compromise.CallMeV
10 days ago
Myself considered as athletic eventhough I am NOT 100%, but there is so much effort put in to stay fit and to avoid embarrassment when you present yourself out there. It’s a kind of motivation for me.
You have to believe yourself first to convince the world.OnTheRun
9 days ago
Fitness, athleticism, attractiveness, all subjective. Athleticism is in the eye of the beholder. A strong man/woman competitor will never look like a sleek 100 metre runner. One may look athletic and be as weak as a kitten. ♥️
9 days ago
The question is merely is your body athletic or not. Fullstop, no need to deconstruct this any further. It’s up to the receiver if they find it attractive or not. Don’t pass your insecurities onto someone who describes themselves as this and don’t think yourself better than anyone if you think yourself athletic.
I love the saying in training - The body never lies.MissBishere
8 days ago
It’s similar to ‘attractive’ or ‘very attractive’ people view themselves all different ways.
6 days ago
That’s cool
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