Are the chat rooms a little clicky ?

January 30 2025

Please don't be defensive, but I have lurked in the chat rooms at times and I see new members ask a question and they just get ignored. Now I understand some people in the rooms have a history but it seems a little clicky.

The questions were not rude or offensive, also seen a couple politely try to join in but get the cold shoulder.

Or is it just my observations :)


  • Pangolin28


    2 months ago

    I guess it can seem a little clicky at times but many who are there are also chatting privately between themselves and it could seem like they are getting the cold shoulder. But I have found generally if you want to be included in chat with the regular social chatting which is quite often going on in the hot chat, wait until a topical conversation to join in

  • evo67


    2 months ago

    Most definitely some people seem to believe the chat room isn’t meant to be a public forum

  • Opalrose


    2 months ago

    Yes. 100%.

    It was never like this before. Sure it was a bit clicky as regulars tend to talk to regulars, but the last year has been different.

    I suggest you just keep trying. There are some great people who frequent the chat rooms. If someone doesn’t take your fancy just block them and they’ll disappear.

  • NeoAndTrin


    2 months ago

    I'd say yes and no.

    There are some who only talk to one another and don't engage with too many others outside their circle.

    In other instances it's just because a question has been missed by its target because of a spam of comments at once, the target person has left the chat, etc.

    I wouldn't worry too much about what you can't actually control

  • StartingAt40


    2 months ago

    I think so, but I think that's normal amongst regulars over time in any chatroom.

    Personally I think there should be more rooms, or the ability to make private rooms. Or umm, stop them crashing constantly :)

  • SidnNancy


    2 months ago

    There are some great people on there but like everything in life you get people that spoil it for the rest . There 100% Is “clicks” and lots of laughable school yard immaturity, attention seekers , people that get butt hurt if they don’t get attention - but if you look past all that and don’t fall for the childish behaviour it’s easy to have a laugh . For us the site is a break from a busy life but for others it is there life .

  • AshAndPaul


    2 months ago

    Hey you are 100% correct here. The “Hot” chat room never used to be like this, the conversations all used to flow and you didn’t find yourself being spoken over about your own personal encounters for the entire night.
    There are deff circles of friendship who have grasped together as the chat room at times can feel like a bullying school yard even if it’s not directed at you, you get the vibe that some people have to always be bigger and better to steal the light from others.
    The good thing is the block button…but what that block button doesn’t do is stop all the drooling 🤤 and responses you don’t want to hear that are for thoes you have blocked. There is a classy way to talk in chat and I don’t mean you can’t be dirty but a lot of people would rather not keep hearing the the same dribble of all the things they do or think they do better and the possy of sheep that follow.
    If you’re new and in chat I will never ignore you but involve you and make you feel welcome and that this should be a safe place for everyone to feel open about their lifestyle choices. The chat room should be a place to vibe with people who want the same things, it shouldn’t be about a place to squash everyone else down and make them feel tiny so they get all the wrong attention. Have some class for yourself! This is for both men and woman! Sometimes things get taken way too far and lots of people have been hurt. There needs to be more chat rooms so that everyone gets an equal chance to shine their own light! Everyone needs to be able to feel confident without having a constant shadow over them.

  • Temptress_T


    2 months ago

    I try to say hi to everyone that comes in (pun intended 🫢) sometimes the room can be moving really fast and you can miss comments. I have been in the room 3 years and it took a while to make connections

  • Cococurves


    2 months ago

    People talk to people they know and are friends with. Especially with people they've met in real life and trust. To others it might feel like cliques or posse's but it's not. Try not to take it personally. I know it can be hard though.
    Sometimes people feel like talking to me sometimes and other times not so much. I feel like I get ignored all the time. It's crazy I know but it's just the way it is. Nothing personal. I do say hi to people and join in to the conversation when I can. It helps.
    But if you have a question for the room and you're not getting an answer sometimes writing hey I have a question for the room usually gets someone's attention and you get the speaking stick. Or address the question to someone to get their attention. Using @cococurves for example might help.
    Good luck and say hi when you see me next?

  • MsSuperFoxy


    2 months ago

    Welcome to the Sandpit.
    The chat rooms are just another play area, fostering social interactions and not some.

    Ms Foxy

  • DearDiary76


    a month ago

    I’ve never been it to be honest

    Just new here

    I’m more of a one v one

    But happy for 3 somes
    But very private person

  • Manson1


    a month ago

    Hell yeah . Soooo many blokes who think their dick is a gift to women and pretty much stuff it for most guys cause you re categorised

  • Sweet_Kitten79


    14 days ago

    I have mixed feelings, as someone who is more introverted it’s not always easy to break in to the chat, I have been lucky with some of the more extroverted chatters pulling me in and including me which has been nice……but lately the room has a different vibe and even as a long time chat room user I find it is a struggle to engage. Like everything I think this is just a moment that will pass so I tend to come in lurk, try to chat if I can join in and leave. My days of being on cam and enjoying fun banter are very much on hold while the atmosphere is the way it is.

  • DTFCouple8491


    13 days ago

    My wife doesn’t really like the chat rooms only because it’s not her thing…. Me on the other hand I kind of enjoy lurking and watching how other people interact, and I think my lack of confidence puts me off a bit but we haven’t had any bad experiences in the chat rooms