Are badge bunnies a thing?
June 21 2019
- Posted from rhpmobile
6 years ago
Asking for a friend 🤔
RHP User
6 years ago
6 years ago
Cause they love blue balls. 😁
Ms FoxyMsSuperFoxy
6 years ago
If Papa Smurf, constable Smurf, sergeant Smurf, and captain Smurf ejaculated over Smurfettes face. Would that be Blukakae? 🤔😂🤣
Ms FoxyRHP User
6 years ago
Smurfettes is a far better name. I'll have to use that next time 😊
RHP User
6 years ago
Uniform infatuation is a real thing. I like a man in uniform. Very much. I do not want to be called a badge-bunny or a smurfette for it though. That's just tasteless. I am an RN. I know the power of the uniform; the transference and infatuation that can happen for patients. Wearing the uniform with pride is so much more enticing and charming in my opinion.
RHP User
6 years ago
I have a thing for nurses, it's not a uniform thing either.Nurses
RHP User
6 years ago
...we just called them "groupies". No set uniform as such as most did their best work as under covers...or under tables...or under bushes.
Love 'em where ya find 'em and leave 'em where ya don't! 📴
6 years ago
Freaky_fun...... yes. I love a woman in uniform
RHP User
6 years ago
Hmmm, I'd have to say it's real...it's just something about the the uniform 😍 my preference would be:
- Navy
- Police
- Fireman
- Army
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