Anything that has a connection to music
January 20 2019
This thread is for you to post anything that has a connection to music...
songs, instrumental or classical pieces, favourite bands or solo artist, lyrics etc.
There is so much diversity in our tastes when it comes to all genres of music some which we would not be aware of ( so many new gems to discover ) and how it leaves us feeling. Music does so many amazing things and you only have to look at how important it has been and still is in many cultures around the world, thank goodnes for music.
I 'll share some concert experiences.
I have been to a number of Rolling Stones concerts... I love The Stones
I first saw them in concert courtesy of a relative at Kooyong Tennis Stadium in 1973, thank goodness for the internet to be able to find pics and videos from then, it takes me back there.
The next time they came to Australia was 1995 the concert here was at the MCG, I went with one of the parents who loved them too, from my sons' primary school. It was there Voodoo Lounge tour, the concert here was in March 95, it was absolutely fantastic, Mick Jaggers high energy was and still is incredible. The stage props were incredible as the whole concert was. I remember it took me a bit to work out one of the stage props it was a prop that had fire come out of it, it was a Cobra the height of the Cobra was 100 feet all the props were just incredible, there are images and vids you can view if you wish.
The next concert that brought them back to Melbourne was on their 2003 Licks Tour the concert was at Rod Laver Arena. I went to one of the concerts and decided to go to another one as well I bought a surprise ticket for my daughter.We arrived went through to check our tickets in and went and hired binoculars for my daughter as we were high up in the arena, during the concert when they sang Honky Tonk Woman the animated footage came up on the screen, it was a hot chick riding the familiar Stones tongue logo, my daughter says to me that's a bit raunchy mum lol I loved what she said, so funny, we both had an absolute blast up dancing and singing as those all around us were to.
2003 was the start of my daughter and I sharing being in The Stones Zone From then on.The next concert that brought back to Melbourne was their Bigger Bang Tour once again my daughter an I went, it was at Rod Laver again, I got really good tickets close enough to the stage, no binoculars needed.Something I had thought about doing at their 03 concert, was to chuck a pair of big granny undies to Mick lol anyhow in 06 I did go out to Best and Less and buy a pair of large sized white women's undies got home and got ou my red marker and glitter I can't remember everything I wrote this is some of what I do.....Great journey so far and I signed it Cheers and Big Knickers from my daughter and me. lol
As the concert was around Easter and I knew their families/ children come on tour so I got a few Easter things for them, I rang and spoke to someone in the office at the Arena beforehand to find out the best way to get it onto the stage anyway what I ended up doing was putting it all in a gift bag.When we got to our seats my daughter took the bag to a woman who was sitting next to the bars as she was close enough to hand it to one of the crew.The concert was fantastic, again we were up dancing and singing, as those all around were again too.After the concert we spoke to the woman my daughter gave the bag too, she said she handed over to one of the crew she also shared that she did take the undies out of the bag and held them up but she felt like Bridget Jones and put them back in the bag quickly lol bloody hilarious. I have wondered what happened to those undies and have thought maybe Charlie uses then to dust his drumkit lol.
The last concert at Rod Laver again, that brought them back to Melbourne was their 14 On Fire Tour in 2014, I got pretty good tickets for my daughter and me, we were fairly close to the stage as well as pretty close to Lisa Fischer and Bernard Fowler (back up singers) another fantastic high energy concert again everyone up dancing and singing we had a blast.
I hope they will head to our shores one more time but I doubt they will, but one thing I have learnt with The Stones is you never know... so just maybe we'll see.
RHP User
6 years ago
been watching Black Mirror Bandersnatch and hearing Love On a Real Train by Tangerine Dream reminded me how much I love that song...and of that classic scene in Risky Business.
RHP User
6 years ago
Going to see Phil Collins on Wednesday night in Sydney
6 years ago
Florence And The Machine
In the Domain next Saturday night . Can’t wait. She’s amazing live.RHP User
6 years ago
Quoting 'EarthQueen'
Florence And The Machine
In the Domain next Saturday night . Can’t wait. She’s amazing live.
I watched an interview with her a couple of years back and was amazed at what a tiny speaking voice she has, for someone who has such a powerful singing voice.RHP User
6 years ago
I think music streaming is one of the greatest things to hit music ever. I remember when someone first told me about Spotify and I was disbelieving - ''you pay 9 bucks a month and you can listen to anything? Anything?'' - but no, there it was, and my world was transformed.
You can listen to a classic album that you never got around to buying, you can explore new music (or old music for that matter), you can investigate artists or bands that you have heard of but don't know if they are your cup of tea.
Gone are the days of buying a CD/album/cassette by a new band (or even one of your favorites) only to discover it was shite.
I recently heard what I would describe as an absolutely perfect gem of a song (''My Blood'' by Twenty One Pilots) and it has set me off on a path of discovery for what turned out to be a band/duo of great talent and promise. I did the same a couple of years ago with Royal Blood and The War On Drugs.
I have dug into Bruce Springsteen's catalogue of (mainly) excellence, which I previously would not have.EarthQueen
6 years ago
Agree on music streaming and 21 Pilots👍RHP User
6 years ago
In 2001 Perter Sculthorpe wrote a piece of music based on a story his father told him as a child.
Apparently a group of colonial soldiers had driven a tribe of Aboriginals to the edge of a bluff in northern Tasmania now called Quamby Bluf. The tribe had the choice,to be shot or to jump.
They chose to jump,crying "Quamby ,Quamby" which means save me.usrightnow_Again
6 years ago
rubi., many moons ago, just before we closed our original profile, you suggested I watch a video of two young-ish lads walking around Madrid. During our time away, (like so many others, we did eventually return), I watched it. Thanks for the suggestion. I enjoyed it, quite funny. .. Not a fan of streaming, actually deleted Spotify because I needed room on the phone for important stuff and I'd never used it after signing up. Mrs. urn. doesn't stream music either. I prefer to legally download songs or clips. I think it was a shame and a difficult time for the industry when many began downloading songs in the early 2000's for free. It's important artists be remunerated for their work. I think there's a place for streaming services that make sure artists are paid, I just never used it. .. And, I still by vinyl Albums, cds and DVDs of music, sometimes, yeah, you get a dud, but that's pretty rare, anyway, some grow on you over time too. Further to that, there is NOTHING like the sound of music on vinyl, it's so rich and has a depth that you just can't get on cd, DVD, cassette, or downloaded or streamed material. MP3 was one of those rare times in history where we went backward , I understand why, to a point. I know that has improved, but it still lacks. I guess that's why vinyl sales have increased over recent years, glad I kept mine, saves a Lot of re-buying. .. Mr. urn. .
RHP User
6 years ago
...and JJJ is playing the Hot 100
RHP User
6 years ago
Quoting 'MrMojoRisin'
...and JJJ is playing the Hot 100
in a long time that I didn't vote. Found out voting was closing the night before and just didn't have time. Plus I don't listen to triple J as much anymore so it wasn't foremost in my mind. If I had voted there would have been a few from Rufus Du Sol's new album in there, I see they had a couple songs come in already and I think No Place will appear in the top 10.
On another note, I'm currently obsessed with a song called Started Out by Georgia and I just watched the video which I loved, it's so cute. There's a girl in it who has the most amazing hair.RHP User
6 years ago
Just saw that No Place was #50 Surprises me thought it would be much higher.
RHP User
6 years ago
Baby don't you lose my number...
RHP User
6 years ago
Ruby nailed it breathing new life into the Church classic, Unguarded Moment.
6 years ago
I saw her sing it yesterday. She did well.Rubyt25
6 years ago
--- ABC News AustraliaMark Bannerman ByUpdated about 7 hours ago.It was a movie that shocked the critics, pushed one actor to the edge of sanity and established an image of Mick Jagger as rock's prince of darkness...Released in 1970 and simply called Performance, the film, co-starring James Fox and Mick Jagger, was deemed so outrageous that critics at a preview screening walked out, with one film executive's wife reportedly throwing up in the cinema...According to co-director Nicolas Roeg, the post-screening party was quite something..."The guests were walking away from us … we found ourselves in a room on our own, we were pariahs."..It was a reaction so full of revulsion that its financiers, Warner Brothers, demanded it be re-cut. They had expected a pop film — instead they were delivered a dark tale exploring the relationship between sex and violence...But was it really that incendiary and was that the makers' intention?..The 'peace and love' era's dark underbelly..A new book called Performance: The Making of a Classic, tells the inside story from the people who were there making it. What quickly becomes clear is that the movie grew during production...It may have begun its life as a gangster story about hitman Chas (James Fox) on the run from his own gang, seeking refuge in the home of washed-up rock star Turner (played by Jagger)..But it morphed into a much darker film about swinging London as the 60s began to decay...As Jagger's character Turner says, "the only performance that really makes it, that makes it all the way, is the one that achieves madness"...If this sounds a touch theatrical think again, because even now the film has a real sense of authenticity, bringing together the violent criminal underworld of 1960s London with the sleaze of the rock underground...Writer Donald Cammell had crime connections and a fascination with London gangsters, including the psychopathic Kray brothers...To add to the realism, Cammell cast real-life crooks in key roles and when it came time to make the film, insiders were dispatched to tell Ronnie Kray he was an inspiration for one of those characters. His response?.."Does it slag me off, son? No? Well that's all right then, innit."..The film that sparked a thousand rumours..Sensational stories about events on set boosted the film's notoriety...Were the sex scenes involving Anita Pallenberg, Michele Breton and Jagger "real"? Did this on-screen dalliance with Pallenberg, partner to Keith Richards, divide the Stones? Was this the reason for Keith's descent into heroin addiction?.."All the stories around the filming of those scenes are so good I'm not going to deny any of them," said Jagger when interviewed for the new book (no doubt with a wry smile)...In politics that would amount to confirmation. Others say simply the cast were in "deep method" with lines blurring between the film and reality...Roeg reveals the scenes were so explicit that when he went to the lab to pick up the rushes, the staff had placed the film on the floor and were destroying it with hammers and chisels, fearing they'd be charged with holding pornographic material...Did Performance send James Fox 'mad'?..Others are even more revealing. Fox shares how intense preparation was as he immersed himself in his role as hitman Chas..."I spent hours in the gym. Just being around those guys (criminals) helped me find Chas. I met Ronnie Kray. You add the haircut and the clothes I took to wearing and living in the area, and it felt great, quite liberating actually," he said...But did this role-playing and on-set drug-taking push him to edge of madness, motivating him to find God and leaving the film industry for 10 years?.."People always try and make cause and effect out of my involvement in Performance. 'James Fox became a religious maniac and left the film industry'..."It's rubbish, my life was already heading to my gaining a greater religious belief."...Through contemporary eyes..The film left many legacies. Fox describes it as his finest role. Jagger feels the same about his own performance. It also spawned a soundtrack album overseen by musician Jack Nitzche, with contributions from Jagger and other 60s stars...The major song on the album, Memo from Turner, is as claustrophobic and sordid as the movie. Building on Jagger's satanic aura, it delivered a glimpse of how talented he could be beyond the confines of the Rolling Stones...In keeping with the dark character of the film, many of those involved seemed touched by a grim hand. Donald Cammell took his own life. Anita Pallenberg and Michele Breton succumbed to heroin addiction. John Bindon, who was a real crook and actor in the movie, was stabbed to death in a nightclub. .. Fifty years on, what stands out beyond the sex and violence is how the film caught a pivotal moment in the 1960s, when excess took a generation beyond enlightenment into degradation.
..The moment when the dream of love and peace soured. .. It's equally fascinating to see how time has tamed the critics and how the film in most eyes has matured like a fine wine, while remaining utterly demanding. In recent polls it was voted into the top 50 British movies of all time.
..Jagger sums it up this way: .. "It's dark, it's interesting and it really holds up … it's amazing it's achieved such longevity and interest."
..High praise indeed for a man not given to flights of nostalgia. .. Performance: The Making of a Classic (Coattail Books) is available now.Rubyt25
6 years ago
mickjaggerIt’s 50 years since I filmed Performance & I’m happy to say that Jay Glennie is set to release the Performance 50th large format book. Featuring interviews with me, James Fox, Sandy Lieberson, Nic Roeg and over 500 images, it’s a beauty! www.performance-book.com
6 years ago
Love Florence would love to see her live.
Quoting 'EarthQueen'
Florence And The Machine
In the Domain next Saturday night . Can’t wait. She’s amazing live.Rubyt25
6 years ago
How was the concert? I'm not a huge fan but one thing I know for anyone it's about being in the zone it's an awesome feelling -- WOO HOO I SAY -- hope you share KJ :-)
Quoting 'KJ1971'
Going to see Phil Collins on Wednesday night in SydneyRubyt25
6 years ago
Published on 22 Sep 2017SWR1RP
6 years ago
SWR1RPPublished on 29 Aug 2018
RHP User
6 years ago
Your user name always makes me think of that Bomb the Bass song, 'Bug Powder Dust' (which is a good thing, it's a kick arse song).
RHP User
6 years ago
Quoting 'Snap_Dragon'
Your user name always makes me think of that Bomb the Bass song, 'Bug Powder Dust' (which is a good thing, it's a kick arse song).
My username is actually an anagram of Jim Morrisson.EarthQueen
6 years ago
Loving the owls on the profile pic
My next big concert is Death Cab For Cutie at the Opera House. Very keen for that one. I've spent way too much money on tickets lately.RHP User
6 years ago
Sunday night, Perth Festival.
RHP User
6 years ago
Ive sometimes stand out with my music taste. I'm a long time metal and hardcore fan, but grew up on alot country and soul music which of course still had a place in my heart.
However currently my go to artist is Billie Eilish, some of her I don't really know what it is but most of her songs both lyrically and musically touch me and strike different cords in me for various reasons, songs like lovely can at times leave me a shivering crying mess and then songs like belle ache can have me up and moving.Rubyt25
6 years ago
YouTubeThe Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company [Official Music Video] -- .The Dead SouthPublished on 8 Oct 2016
6 years ago
Love this song/ video Angels in Heaven - Chris Rodrigues & the Spoon Lady -- YouTube.
Abby the Spoon LadyPublished on 27 Aug 2017Rubyt25
6 years ago
From Wikipedia ---- Abby the Spoon Lady :-)
''Abby the Spoon Lady (born October 29, 1981 in Wichita, Kansas), born Abby Roach, is an American musician, radio personality,[1] and free speech activist. Her music focuses on the American roots genre. She tours with one man band Chris Rodrigues. ''History''Abby first started street performing and busking as a means to make money traveling across the United States, primarily hopping freight trains. She taught herself to play the spoons and traveled all over the United States by hitchhiking and railroad. She states that landing in Asheville, North Carolina, was completely an accident and that she took the wrong train.[4] Today she hosts storytelling events where she discusses the lifestyle of the American hobo.[5] She spent a good amount of her time traveling recording the stories, interviews and songs of other American travelers.[6]Abby is an advocate for street performance and free speech. In 2014 she was instrumental in developing a group called the Asheville Buskers Collective which advocates for street performance within the city of Asheville, North Carolina.[7][8][9][10] Today she records buskers through a project called Busker Broadcast, and records interviews and songs of travelers passing through Asheville.[6]In 2012 she was filmed in the horror film Jug Face playing spoons, and in 2015 she was filmed for Buskin' Blues, a documentary about the street performancescene in AshevilleRubyt25
6 years ago
gotta love YouTube, so many gems to find YouTube -- the video has had 79 million plus views so far.Thunderstruck by Steve'n'Seagulls (LIVE) -- ,Finnish band called Steve'n'Seagulls plays AC/DC's awesome song called Thunderstruck. Recorded by Jaakko Manninen Photography.
.Steve SeagullsPublished on 31 Jul 2014Rubyt25
6 years ago
YouTubeSteve`n`Seagulls - You Shook Me All Night Long --- .Steve SeagullsPublished on 16 Mar 2015..Self Esteem by Steve'n'Seagulls (LIVE)..Steve SeagullsPublished on 26 Dec 2016.Fall 2016, somewhere in the USA. This Offspring classic was huge in Finland in mid 90's. Big thanks to everyone who helped us make this happen, you know who you are! .
RHP User
6 years ago
I saw the Thunderstruck video on fb. They are great.
Secured tickets to Metallica in October in Sydney. That will be my first time seeing them.RHP User
6 years ago
How good was pearl jam unplugged, when it was released
6 years ago
off to see Fleetwood Mac in September along with my daughter we are both looking forward to seeing them again and the new line up since Lindsey Buckingham left the band it will be my fourth time, I first saw them at Calder Park Raceway in 77 it will be daughters second time.
6 years ago
97 year old women dancing in the streets in Italy --- youtubePublished on 5 Sep 2014 -- Mark Davidson
RHP User
6 years ago
I'm seeing Fleetwood Mac in Sydney next month for the first time. New line up will be interesting.
6 years ago
still got my fingers crossed they bring this tour down under Watch the Rolling Stones Wrap Up 2019 Tour With Rain-Drenched ‘Gimme Shelter’.The Rolling Stones managed to stay dry through through most of their tour-closing show at Miami’s Hard Rock Stadium Friday evening, even as Hurricane Dorian continued to gain strength in the Atlantic. But when the band came out for the encore of “Gimme Shelter” and Mick Jagger sang the opening lines “A storm is threat’ning/My very life today,” the clouds opened up as if on cue and rain began pouring down in sheets. As evidenced in video from the gig, Jagger and backup singer Sasha Allen were pros and blazed through the song as if nothing was happening..
Rolling Stones Miami Give Me Shelter - No Filter Tour 2019Tanya RossPublished on Aug 30, 2019.Rolling Stones No Filter Miami EncoreRubyt25
6 years ago
I was expecting that The Rolling Stones might head to our shores again, but I know from history that an official announcement from The Stones themselves is what I'll be looking out for.If the rumour is true then the announcement will be pretty soon.
Another music bombshell? Rumour File told the The Rolling ...
3AW-7 hours ago..
The radio segment that has an excellent track record of revealing big-name music tours has been told The Rolling Stones are coming to Australia...First, before you faint with excitement, let us be clear: This rumour has not been confirmed...At this stage, the status of the rumour is little more than a whisper into Ross and John’s ear...BUT, as Ross Stevenson detailed on 3AW The Rumour File this morning: “The bloke who told us has been right about these things in the past.”..And this bloke tells us the tour will happen around February to April and is slated to include five stops, including Melbourne...3AW Breakfast has spoken to the company they were told would likely be promoting The Rolling Stones, and they said they have nothing pencilled in…RHP User
6 years ago
Wheels on Fire.
6 years ago
Light My Fire
RHP User
6 years ago
Crazy World of Arthur Brown. Fire.
6 years ago
Black Hearts (On Fire)
I saw them for the 1st time in 2003 at Rod Laver Arena 😎 they were the support band for The Rolling Stones for the Australian leg of their Licks tour 😎Rubyt25
6 years ago
Fire .For those that don't know thought I'd post the following.
.Hendrix is legendary for theatrics like setting his guitar on fire and playing it with his teeth (not at the same time). This was the song he was (appropriately) playing when he set it on fire for the first time. It happened at a concert in London in March 1967, two months before the Are You Experienced? album was released. Hendrix was low on the bill (below Engelbert Humperdinck), and looking to garner some media attention. When he ignited his guitar, he created a buzz that grew to a roar as his career took off.
Hendrix set fire to his guitar once again at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967. At that show, he didn't do the bit during "Fire," he did it after playing "Wild Thing."Rubyt25
6 years ago
💥 Fire Meet Gasoline 💥
RHP User
5 years ago
Come together.I can feel another thread ...err coming on.
5 years ago
by any chance Mojo? lol
Quoting 'MrMojoRisin'
Come together.I can feel another thread ...err coming on.Rubyt25
5 years ago
Fire Woman
5 years ago
This song is about a fiery femme fatale. We asked The Cult front man, Ian Astbury, just who the "Fire Woman" was: "That's more of a universal symbol. More of an archetype. It's about elemental primary symbols. That's definitely a universal symbol."
RHP User
5 years ago
The Doors
Light my fire, yeah she did too.RHP User
5 years ago
Jamie XX.. feat Romy and Olivier
"Stranger in a Room" & "See-saw"
Live performance. On YouTube.
C'mon... do it. So good. So good for me, anyways...Rubyt25
5 years ago
Quoting 'MrMojoRisin'
Come together.I can feel another thread ...err coming on.RHP User
5 years ago
Jinjer is touring in march.
5 years ago
Terrific that yet another January brings yet another Retro month to Rage. It's been a journey back to year nine, as 1982 was showcased tonight, with numerous episodes of COUNTDOWN. It struck me while watching, just how many of the artists were bands. These days there seems to be far more solo artists. Speaking of which, loving listening to Benee's "Blu" and "Monsta", among others at the moment. Also, the kitchen session version of G Flip's "Drink Too Much", great song. Mr. urn. .
4 years ago
Music is always a commentary on society.
Frank ZappaRubyt25
3 months ago
RIP Melanie Safka ❤️ February 3, 1947 – January 23, 2024
❤️Loved her, a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul.❤️
Remembering MELANIE - one of her last interviews given.
A Breath of Fresh Air 60s 70s 80s Music Interviews -- youtube
Jan 25, 2024 RIP MELANIE - one of her last interviews
Singer Melanie Safka, known as “The First Lady of Woodstock” for playing the 1969 festival at just 22 years also, and had hits in the 1970s including “Brand New Key” and “Lay Down (Candles in the Rain),” has died. She was 76. Melanie’s kids, Leilah, Jeordie, and Beau Jarred, confirmed her death writing, “This is the hardest post for us to write, and there are so many things we want to say, first, and there’s no easy way except to say it… Mom passed, peacefully, out of this world and into the next on January, 23rd, 2024.”A cause of death was not given.They went on to say “She was one of the most talented, strong and passionate women of the era and every word she wrote, every note she sang reflected that,” they wrote. “Our world is much dimmer, the colors of a dreary, rainy Tennessee pale with her absence today, but we know that she is still here, smiling down on all of us, on all of you, from the stars."Rubyt25
3 months ago
Love Melanie's rendition of Ruby Tuesday, which influenced my original username on RHP, which I have gone back to.
Ruby Tuesday MELANIE (writer Keith Richards) '75
Melanie - Official Page of Melanie Safka -- youtube
6 years agoRubyt25
3 months ago
LAY DOWN (song only) LIVE '70 Melanie & The Edwin Hawkins Singers (Candles In The Rain)
Melanie - Official Page of Melanie Safka
5 years agoRubyt25
3 months ago
❤️ Love the Gather Me Album ❤️
Ring the Living Bell
Melanie - Official Page of Melanie Safka
May 10, 2018
Ring the living bell, ring the living bell
Shine the living light, shine the living light
Ring the living bell, ring the living bell
I been celebrating 'way too long
An' I've been drinkin', I'm ashamed to tell - yeah yeah yeah yeah
Still feel thirsty - yeah yeah
God, I want to - yeah yeah - drink the water from the well - yeah yeah yeah yeah
Still feel thirsty - yeah yeah
God, I want to - yeah yeah - drink and ring the living bell
Ring the bell, ah, ring the living bell
Still feel thirsty
God, I want to give and ring the living bell
I am not a magic lady
But I want to sing to help the light - yeah yeah yeah yeah
Descend on - yeah yeah - the earth today - yeah yeah
Because it's gonna get dark tonight
Sing for light, ah, sing for living light
Still feel weak
But God, I want to give and shine the living light
Still feel weak
But God, I want to give and shine the living light
Been walking down the street all night
An' I been feeling kinda cold
Still feel naked
God, I wanna be warm before I get old
And I'm cold, ah, an' I'm feeling cold
Still feel hungry
God, I want to give and ring the living bell
Still feel hungry
God, I want to give and ring the living bell
I been celebrating 'way too long
An' I have eaten much too well - yeah yeah yeah yeah
Still feel hungry - yeah yeah
God I want to - yeah yeah - give and ring the living bell
Ring the bell, ah, ring the living bell
Still feel hungry
God, I want to give and ring the living bell
Still feel hungry
God, I want to give and ring the living bell
Oh, still feel hungry
God, I want to give and ring the living bell
Ring the living bell
Ring the living bell, ring the living bell
Shine the living light, shine the living light
Ring the living bell, ring the living bell
Shine the living light, shine the living light
Ring the living bell, ring the living bell
Shine the living light, shine the living light
Ring the living bell, ring the living bell
Shine the living light, shine the living light ....
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