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RHP User

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Anyone out who there can help us?

February 09 2015

Hi we are a couple in our 40's who are trying to move forward in the hotwife/cuck lifestyle. Whilst we are not quite ready to meet anyone at the moment, we would love to know more about the lifestyle. We would love to hear from a couple who are CURRENTLY in the lifestyle to get some advice, tips, what ever we can glean from you. I would like to have our home side of the lifestyle (helping me to better serve my georgeous partner, giving advice to both of us how to go about various things) before we move onto the playing side. Is there a couple out there that can help us in this way. Please, only reply if you are currently in the lifestyle AND have had a reasonable amount of experience. I want to know how to serve my goddess better.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Totally honest & open communication is the most essential ingredient, it is all about her needs wants & desires.
    From what you've written I'm gathering that its early stages so I would suggest that she makes a list of her expectations of how the lifestyle would work for her now & into the future & that you take that away & respond in detail to her list.
    With words like "serve " & "goddess " you sound like you have a submissive side.....so encourage her to be selfish around anything to do with you & remember to never top from the bottom.
    Enjoy & have fun with it, because for the right couple it is the a most rewarding lifestyle of choice

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    I'm more than happy for you to send me a message. I can't necessarily give you advice on how to work your own relationship as these things are very individual but I can tell you a little about our experiences. Have a read through all the threads relating to cuckolding too, there have been quite a few over the years.

    It took me a while to get my head around it, take it easy on your wife and maybe make your profile more appealing for people to contact you. Only talking to people in the lifestyle will narrow your opportunity to learn and experience, there are a lot of good people on here that will willingly give you advice and a sounding board if you give them a chance.

    Be wary of thinking that Cuckolding is exactly like what you see in porn, it has huge variences as you will see if you read the cuckolding threads and there isn't a big scene in australia.


  • Twisted_Mister


    10 years ago

    But I suspect Cuckleshells might be able to help you out..... :)

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Honesty and comminuication are so important!I'm polyamorous and in a relationship with a man and a woman, AND he and I play, she doesnt.We have to talk- a lot- about how things are, about ANY problems the second they arise. We tried trying to be nice and quiet to appease each other and it just exploded. Finally got the hang of it. Jealousy is completely natural when playing, the trick is to remember you love each other and want your partner to be happy, and that if you've been forgotten in the heat of things, its nothing to do with you, just get back in there and enjoy it! The more you put in, the more you'll get back and enjoy!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Be wary of thinking that Cuckolding is exactly like what you see in porn
    Agree with Minx ...mainstream porn doesn't portray the reality of cuckolding.....it never shows the intense connection & inter play between a hotwife & her cuck before, during & after the play time. Imho, these are the most important things that bring the closeness & define a couple who enjoy this lifestyle ......there are a lot of books out there that are closer to the mark, but it is a very individual lifestyle & has many variances.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Asking other people their opinion only scratches the surface because when all's said and done ' its all about the both of YOU and what you both want out of it.
    The first thing to ask yourselves is are you able to accept the end result.. Those who can get the biggest rewards..
    Both need to decide if this is a attractive option or not. ? If yes 'pledge to each other whatever the outcome you will both except it for what it is.. No one is to blame for at least giving it a go if you both want this..
    Meet the potential person for a coffee. A few times if necessary , if it feels right .. next step is yours...

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    "I want to know how to serve my goddess better. "
    Do all the housework, cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, etc....

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    >Do all the housework, cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, etc...Ha ha ha ha! Nice one @Melb_Delight!

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    but happy to chat about our experiences which have been sensational

    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    I have found get the guys on here to write me stories about how they see the meet going, what they'd do, not just sexually but the whole date. Graham and I then talk about them how we'd feel, what would be going through our minds.

    We started very tamely but as guys wrote to us giving ideas we've broadened our horizons.

    I started really nervously meeting a guy with Graham at a swingers party. Then over the months it's built up to me meeting guys for the day, letting them take me shopping, for dresses shoes and to adult stores as well and to a nice restaurant for lunch all the time sending pictures back to Graham.

    Then for a while Graham would meet at a hotel and we would have a threesome. Then I would have sex first and Graham would join in later and now he comes and picks me up. Twice he has stayed at the guys place overnight while we screwed in the main bedroom.

    All of our adventures were described in detail first and we discussed how we'd feel.

    That was horny enough on its own :-)

    I'm not sure that we r true cuckolding because G is still very much in charge of the process and we both can and veto an applicant over the slightest things.

    Sorry guys but your not exactly a scarce resource.

    Anyway that's what's working well for us and I can see we still have a lot of adventures ahead of us, there are some lovely imaginative guys out there.

    Hope I helped


    - Posted from rhpmobile

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    10 years ago

    Hi onehotwife
    I hope you are further advanced down the road.
    Its quite a buzz. Nothing quite like the feeling of angst when your wife is out with her boyfriend and you waiting at home.
    PM me if you still need ideas