Any wife’s let their husbands cleanup??
January 06 2019
- Posted from rhpmobile
RHP User
6 years ago
To me there's nothing wrong with running around the house quickly with a vacuum cleaner after a good session - even if neither the vacuum cleaner nor the house are actually yours. Perhaps a quick scrub of the oven. People just have no gratitude sometimes.
6 years ago
So, do we understand this correctly ?
A stranger (cuckold scenario) gets to ejaculate into the wifes’s / girlfriends vagina and then hubby is to lick it clean?
So much for safe sex. Good luck with getting willing female participants for that one.RHP User
6 years ago
who was totally freaked out by the untidy surroundings his wife left.. cooking, fucking, washing and just about every activity.. he HAD to clean up.. MOSTLY during said activities...which was pretty Anal..BUT.. I am not sure Anal is something "Nice" to clean up; "During OR after..."
But.. I digress... here's a story.. a true one this time..
Some years ago, a "Just legal" waif turned up on my doorstep - we had been speaking on the net a lot (Circa - IRC days - no safe-sex days - cum running down the girls legs days)
Her BF finally tracked her down and turned up - no huge problem, he needed her, and was not big enough or man enough to make it an issue with me.I let him stay a night or two.Second night, I heard them fucking.. "Thought" about going in to join in, but decided not too..So.. half hour later.. all quiet... she is suddenly in my room, by my bed.. takes my hand and directs it under her skirt.. VERY wet with her recent sex.. we fucked.. quietly and quickly... hot as fuck session..Then she giggled and left my room..I heard her tying to wake her BF.. and she OBVIOUSLY did so..I heard shit happening in the room they were using.. and got super curious at this totally gorgeous skanky bitch on heat.. and got out of bed..In the dark or my living room, I could see in their candlelit room, and there she was... squatted up over his face having the time of her life getting "Cleaned-up"She came hard.. and fucking loud..We spoke the next day, and she admitted he did it all the time.. claimed he believed she was fucking other men, and probably understood (Without openly discussing it) that SOME of the creampies he ate, were NOT his own.. but, he did it anyway.. AND said she knew I was watching.. I LOVE that girl!!!Well... young lady is all growed up now.. with her own family.. married to an AWESOME fella (Albiet - a Different one), with a delightful family, and we are great mates us all.. (EXCEPT original BF who is probably in a secret relationship in the closet somewhere)
So OP.. good luck with your search..AND... try or advertise on"Fetlife" of Ashley madison or something..RHP User
6 years ago
I don’t understand why anyone would be against a good cleanup afterwards, I’m interested to hear why people don’t like it...
6 years ago
My hubby is not a cuckold, nor would I ever want him to be, and he loves cleaning me up. Be it from his orgasm or another (trusted) lover. I don't think this is as uncommon as you think. As for having unsafe sex with a stranger, allowing them to cum inside me, then having hubby clean THAT up...... too many eeww's for me
6 years ago
I am always keen to oblige if someone other than me wants to clean up, dust vaccum or mop. More intimate cleaning may requirerequiren
HmmmnnRHP User
6 years ago
i love the thought of cleaning a cream pie. only difference is i wont the husband to blow in her and ill clean it up =p
6 years ago
During my previous LTR I often cleaned up my GF's cream-pies after we had sex. I've not eaten someone else's, but I'm very much curious about doing so, should the opportunity arise.
6 years ago
To have her cum filled pussy licked clean, whether it be my cum being cleaned by someone else or vice versa, would not happen in the vice versa unless there was a very well known and trusted lover but then I guess that’s why somethings remain a fantasy....
RHP User
6 years ago
I have clean up my GF's pussy on many an occasion....sometimes my own cream pie and sometimes someone else's I love it....and so does she.I am surprised at the number of disbelievers of this topic.
RHP User
6 years ago
I always do it, wether its my cum or someone elses....its great
RHP User
6 years ago
But the fact that safe sex doesnt seem to be a priority when you have several partners.
RHP User
6 years ago
I just cannot get my head to understand some of the things that are mentioned in this forum, such as this "cleaning up" topic (referring to cleaning up some other mans mess after he has fucked your partner) or participating in Gang bangs (both the givers and receiver)
Personally i do not believe that many people actually do this, i personally think there may be a lot of lies being told here.wingman2014
6 years ago
I had a cuckold couple friends that were very much into this . It’s something that truly excites them both. We were exclusive as we were neighbors and had a solid understanding.
They had to be in 69 position so he could watch me entering her from behind. Once I’d done the deed he would clean her up .
I would leave them to it .
They would tell me it’s the most erotic sex ever for them .
What ever floats your goat !D_Light
6 years ago
As with J_N_L's post, I too in with my last LTR had been rewarded for my efforts with pie for dessert. Mine mostly but towards the end with a few gents I've played solo with and we'd played together on numerous occasions got dessert provided bi them. they were trusted and the decision was definitely thought & talked about bi all parties concerned not randomly done.To me its no different than when your partner swallows after oral, in fact I think Its better cause you get that beautiful flower to sit on you and use gravity to assist your clean up operation to make it sparkle again....
5 years ago
Mmmm having her cleaned up by another whether it be me or him works on so many levels :-)
2 years ago
My beautiful slut goddess does.. has me eat her clean n suck him clean too... Am about to get a cage n looking forward to wearing it....
We not into full on humiliation at all... We do what works for us...
Nothing more personalMrnyceguy
2 years ago
I’ve been the bull to a few couples but onc couple in particular loved this. We’d been meeting up for a couple of months every week and the wife asked me to do her without a condom so I did, I pumped the biggest hot load into her and hubby slurped and sucked my cum out of her, it’s actually a funny type of sound listening to it and a turn on 😊
a year ago
My gurl has me clean her up after I suck the cocks clean when they finish... I love it n love getting them hard after I have made sure she is all nice n wet n ready to be fucked by the blokes joining us
a year ago
My MISTRESS makes me cleanup...both of them.
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