Amount of sex men would be happy with.
January 15 2021
I was married to a never get enough man and to be honest it was kind of exhausting and I felt a lot or pressure even though sex was regular throughout the marriage. I'm now with someone who wants sex less frequently. . It's nice to have the pressure off as well, although sometimes I would like it a bit more. On the whole though it seems difficult to balance men and women sex drive in a long term relationship which is why I guess ethical non-monogamy is now so appealing to many people.
What say you men? Women can comment as well of course.
4 years ago
Your current partner is probaly abit older and wiser than your ex so the balance is better. I know when l was younger l was ready to go almost any time. Things have changed quite abit since then . These days its more about the quality rather than quantity. In fact l get bored with fucking for the sake fucking ' ld rather wait til it feels right then give it everything. So to answer your question , maybe once or twice every few weeks ?
4 years ago
The amount of sex we have depends on each other’s needs can be a much as 10 to 13 times a week to as little as 3 times a week. We don’t see it as a chore and if the time is right for either of us we accommodate each other’s needs and it’s always made enjoyable by both parties
RHP User
4 years ago
No I’m not a sexual predator that can’t get enough ...
Wait up...animal sorry...
In fact if I’m probably quite the opposite once I’ve found someone whereby our sexual interests are similar ....
Or I’m just too old and just wanna do other stuff instead of getting my dick wet every 5 seconds...
I dunnocountrytouch82
4 years ago
Is your question about how much sex a man would want while in a relationship, or how much sex a single man might be happy with in any period? (Any is the answer for the latter haha)
Because you asked about the amount within a week I assume that means someone with a partner or a quite close FWB.
I think it relates to one's general sexual needs, thoughts and energy. Personally I masturbate about every 3 days on average, sometimes to only once a week, but that is reflective of my sexual peaks of interest and simply time around a very busy work life.
I assume if I ever have a live-in partner, like a FWB, their close (and often naked) presence is enough on most nights if not every night to tempt me. However I also relate to some couples on here that mention they have less frequent sex but put much more time and effort each time as opposed to "quickies", which in a good way wears them out for a few days :P
That might be more my style long term. Of course seeing a FWB who you haven't seen for a while can lead to frequent sex in a day or weekend, but that is to make up for a long absence.
So still not sure of the relationship answer for myself but still hoping to find out :)2EssesExploring
4 years ago
Interesting topic!
In my 20s and 30s I pretty much had sex every day and often twice a day. If I missed a day then it’d drive me crazy. Mind this was when in a relationship and when I was single I went through times of complete celibacy which was quite cathartic for me.
As I’m traveling through my 40s I could still have sex every day but don’t have the absolute need for it. I’ll start to get antsy if it’s less than 3 times a week but now we have kids we do go through stages where we might skip a week here and there. I think I’m better matched with my wife now as she is younger and has a high sex drive. Usually if I can hold out 3 days then she is begging for it and those are the times the sheets get really messy. Of course there’s times she’s just plain worn out from the kids and cuddles are all we need.
In hindsight many of my long term relationships had a strong focus on sex whereas now I really do feel like I connect so much more with her that sex isn’t necessary to feel close to her.
I’m interested to see whose drive slows faster, she thinks I’ll never slow down and it still makes her smile and giggle so we shall see!RHP User
4 years ago
How much am I happy with that is a tough question. I think 2ish times per week If I was in a stable live in relationship but I think some Other non sexual romantic snuggles in between on the couch or in bed is essential isn’t it? . I think that this could change over the year. Summer long days holidays good weather I would prefer more then in winter.
4 years ago
Bit like the prize bull in the paddock with the cows.
He will fuck them all ONCE.
That's a lot of sex in a big paddock. But he knows who he's done and hasn't done and won't go back for seconds.
Sounds familiar yes?
Well human males haven't the paddock to himself so he's up for seconds and thirds. But if new females come into the paddock, then game on and the old ones will get less.
So in summary, OP, it's an impossible question. Just depends on your bull's balls and how many new cows in your paddock.
4 years ago
Hi we have sex at least once a day if not twice and i am wearing him out lol. We both love sex and for me its the intimacy that is important. When we play with another couple or female it is purely about sex.
RHP User
4 years ago
For me it has varied, I’ve never had a high sex drive and thought thats just me but if found it changes. I’m 44 now and when I was with my ex I was attracted to her and found her sexy but we would have sex say once a week sometimes once a month and she definitely wanted it more than I did but now with my partner I’ve been with for 12 months it’s been every day sometimes twice a day or at least fooling around through the day and then sex at some point and I do find it hard to ha be the drive for it like that every day so every now and then we will have a couple days off. Again she still wants it more than me and I’m surprised I’m up for it so much and I think the main reason is out communication, being able to openly talk about it which is something I’ve never experienced. She will tell me exactly what she wants and I do the same and for the first time in my life I’m able to comfortably tell my deepest desires fantasy’s, is a big turn on just talking about it. It’s amazing!
RHP User
4 years ago
for me
i would respect the girl and only do it when they ask
forcing people to have a sex is not really a good idea
that relationship wont last long i guessRHP User
4 years ago
Haven’t had any sex for about 8yrs so a bit more for me would be great
RHP User
4 years ago
Twice a day would be nice but 3x a week would sustain me.
RHP User
4 years ago
Men’s sexual peak is 18 and women in their 40s. Most sex therapists will say that it’s more often females complaining about the lack of sex. Like most things in life the biggest issue is that these topics are always broken down along gender lines which only perpetuates the ridiculous antipathy that exists. It’s about individuals.
4 years ago
My partner and I have been together almost 2 years and lived together for 15 months. I would say the honeymoon period is definitely over (thank you Covid) Prior to getting together I was in a loveless, complete lack of intimacy marriage and had not had any sex for over 10 years. His circumstances prior to me were not much better. So, as you can imagine we had a LOT of sex in the early days. I'm happy to say that the frequency of sex has not changed that much. I have this 60 year old stud who would put a 30 year old to shame! We still have sex 6 days out of 7 and that does not look like changing any time soon. One happy camper here :)
4 years ago
I think if women were holding the club men would not be such animals
I have to say there are men that go hard for the ball .
And then men that sit back and gets handed it.
Do you ever see the man That went hard walk out arm in arm ?
What about the one that got handed it ? Ell_uno
4 years ago
If you live together it should be 5 times a week if you are in your 20-30’s coz we expect the libido to be still high as for the early 40s to late 50’s frequency comes down to 3 or 3.5 times a week. 60’s it’s all about quality time and sex 2 times or once a week. Naturally men love sex and they want to dominate as well that’s where the term sexual beast came from. Your activities during the day also determines the number of sex a week so you and partner if y’ all feel satisfied with your number of sex a week you good. But if one is not satisfied one should be able to his or her partner fact.
RHP User
4 years ago
Men will always claim to want sex all the time, I learnt the hard way when I dated a woman that did want it ALL the time. It's a whole other beast 😅
Since then I find a balance pretty quickly in a relationship. And have never pushed sex all the time as to not awaken the sleeping beast. 🤭RHP User
4 years ago
In my opinion it mainly is driven by age, when you are young you want it and can do it multiple times every day. Depending on your other passions in life (profession, family, hobbies, etc.) it mill adjust. When you are older you still want it, but by than everybody worked out a pattern, some wham bang, some romantic, etc.
You cannot put a number on it or a pattern.InTimMate
4 years ago
When I was young, it was about how much, or how often. Later I realized it is about how intimate. I could go a year without sex, if the intimacy level was deep and connected. It comes down to the fences we put up. Do you go to bed naked, or do you put on 5 layers and roll away? Do you pee in front of each other? Can you touch or pet without it always meaning "gotta have sex"? Do you talk about intimate things? Do you still flirt with each other? Do you do special little things for each other? Dry the dishes for her, make him his favorite cake, do something that makes your partner feel heard? How often do you react in a way that puts distance between you? All those things and more. When it comes to being intimate, how often you have sex is less important. But above all, do you have honest conversations about it? It's something you need to revisit occasionally. People and circumstances change. Lack of intimacy between my wife and I killed our sex life. And lack of conversation buried it.
3 years ago
I am 59 now and find that my desire for sex is greater now than ever. It really does occupy my thoughts all day. Sadly my wife has no libido and with other medical issues present, is no longer interested. We used to be doing it 3 or 4 times a week which then faded to once a week and now nothing for the last 3 years.
I have been trying to find a FWB for quite some time now, with not a lot of luck, as I would love to have sex at least once a week.RHP User
3 years ago
Honestly, I was married for 28 years and I was always the same. About 3 times a week is perfect. More is fun but that's enough for me.
3 years ago
Married for 20 years and I still have sex everyday. It's just the connection I get from being plugged in that I'm addicted to. If the bed gets a little boring I just catch her in different rooms inside the house our special areas outside. We can be going shopping and I'll just pull over in public car park with a little seclusion and go for it, which runs the risk of getting caught but boy does it bring our youth back 😉
RHP User
3 years ago
For me it all depends on how satisfied I am. I have had unsatisfying sex which left me wanting more hours later or the next day and other times I have been so satisfied that I haven’t felt an urge for a week. But that’s me
RHP User
3 years ago
The two girls doing 69. Everyone’s busy and all holes available 😈
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