Amateur Pics
February 04 2014
11 years ago
Refers to the model, not the photographer... .? Hugs Gazpacho
RHP User
11 years ago
With you PB69 ,,, better term would be Members Pics ,,, some are not Amateur at all, but some are amateurish
RHP User
11 years ago
I always whinge to BS that he's a terrible photographer. He claims he's always distracted? I have noticed lots of less 'spontaneous' pics?
K x
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
No need to feign disappointment
11 years ago
It should be called "Amateur Model". But if you have noticed there are professional models also on the site and in the pics. Like i said, i love the pics, all of them, but years ago it was for the average person who gets out their mobile and takes a few pics....Now it appears its for models and professional photographers as well....Just interesting thought...thats all....
11 years ago
With Plat.
11 years ago
Perhaps it should change to. " photos taken by members "
With the advent of digital photography and fancy automatic cameras and editing software, anyone can take great photos these days, even using a mobile phone.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
Really matter? Just enjoy the pics as they are meant to be enjoyed!
11 years ago
Doesn't concern me , mine are all selfies so not that professional
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
The difference between a professional and amateur is not based on the quality of the job, it is whether you are making money or not from what ever it is.
RHP User
11 years ago
Is that a professional is paid for the work, while an amateur is not. It doesn't mean the quality is any better or worse...
RHP User
11 years ago
I have always enjoyed all forms of erotic photography, however most recently I have gravitated towards the more risqué style. My interest in actually taking the photos myself started almost one year ago. I blew the dust of the family digital camera, read a few photography websites on lighting etc, picked up about $40 worth of lights from Bunnings and started shooting. All of the photos you see on our profile are ones that I have taken (with the exception of the ones I'm actually in of course) and I can tell you I am far from professional. I agree with Jason_Leslie, cameras do most of the work these days. Maybe the answer is to increase the amount of categories available to post photos as it might encourage more submissions, who knows?. Until then I will enjoy all of the photos posted by fellow pie members :)
RHP User
11 years ago
Quoting 'Luvdudley' Really matter? Just enjoy the pics as they are meant to be enjoyed!
I have thought this before when I have seen a few pics some seem so professional (model and camerman) that although very sexy it doesnt seem to justify as to the normal person taking a photo as in amaturish.
So I think there does need to be some definition.gazpacho
11 years ago
Quoting 'gerodude69' Doesn't concern me , mine are all selfies so not that professional
- Posted from rhpmobile
I imagine yours to be sensational... but can only see two of them because I'm a guest... I'm attracted to the photo of you lying on the bed in afl colours with one spud hanging out of your speedos... that's my kind of humour. I bet you're fun in group situations.
A picture tells a thousand words.
11 years ago
Quoting 'Cest_la_viebaby' Quoting 'Luvdudley' Really matter? Just enjoy the pics as they are meant to be enjoyed!
I have thought this before when I have seen a few pics some seem so professional (model and camerman) that although very sexy it doesnt seem to justify as to the normal person taking a photo as in amaturish.
So I think there does need to be some definition.
This is pretty much what I mean. Like I said, don't get me wrong, I love looking at all the photos, but when there is money being awarded it hardly seems to be a level playing field, thats all. I think 99% of the photos posted are awesome, whether they appear "professional" or just your everyday "selfie". Was just curious what other people thought. I used to post many many years ago for fun, but when I see some of the professional photos being posted now, it deters me and I guess it might deter a lot of members. But like I said, there are some awesome photos there. PlatRHP User
11 years ago
Hey. This is all true, .....
On a completely unrelated note now! Does anyone have problems with their profiles, and in particular the 'looking for' bit?? Mine keeps auto-correcting, for want of a better word, and I don't seem to get it to stay on the options I choose. Is this just me or......???
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
11 years ago
I'm only recently new to this site. Wasn't aware rewards were involved with the pics. I have only had a coupe of quick look at some pics. If money is involved then , YES, it should only be amateurs. My apologies :)
RHP User
4 years ago
Where do I find the armature pics please
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