Alter Ego

March 12 2024

My smoking hot partner and I are total sex fiends and I thrive on role play. Invisage Bollywood meets nature documentary vs Hollywood blockbuster needs art house. Wigs, hats. costumes and more s3x toys than the adult shop. Accents A multi cultural array of vibrant quirky extremists to reclusive submissive, deviants. Footy jocks, librarians, nurses, councillors, ninjas, rock stars, tourists to name a few. Every character with there own unique talents sexual fantasies dreams hopes and desires. Endless role play filled with fun and excitement. Bring the noise? Party time peps


  • FeistyFatty

  • Sawadee


    a year ago

    And what was the question again ? 🙄

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Thats looks a lot like my LinkedIn profile

  • No_probLlama68


    a year ago

    I think the Americans were looking for a guy like that for a while a few years back…accented vibrant quirky extremist who ultimately became a reclusive submissive towards the end. He had lots of unique talents, fantasies and desires, too.