

M61 F55

Albums for photos

August 26 2022

Can anyone let me know how to add another photo album


  • TheMinx


    2 years ago

    Click on the home button bottom left.
    Then click on top right thumb nail image of you. Theres a button add photos. Hit it.
    The first lot of image's are you public album ie professional pics.
    There's a arrow drop down for private album 1 and 2.
    Click the + symbol add pics.
    That should work.

  • Ex007


    2 years ago

    If you are working from the app. Click the home button in the bottom left.
    Click your profile pic top right.
    Click Add a new photo
    When it opens at the top left use the drop-down to pick what album you want the photo to go into.
    Then click a blank square in that album and upload a new pic.