Advice needed

July 02 2023

Hi everyone. Just after some advice here. I have sent many messages to single women and couples to get no reply in return. So I was just wondering if anyone could kindly take a look at my profile and tell me if there’s anything wrong with it or how I can improve it. I’m new at this so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone.


  • Ex007


    a year ago

    Your profile has been completed well. Perhaps some general photos of yourself instead of most of them being shirtless. Outside, with your pet of you have one.

    Other than that it's a just keep swimming or fishing until you find someone.

    Enjoy your RHP experience.


  • RHP User

    RHP User

    a year ago

    Its probably your messages. Try something other than hey, hi or how are you i'm such a such. Personally if men actually knew how to talk about themselves with passion like women do, they'd be more successful.