Advice from the ladies

August 08 2022

Posting this in the Girls Ask section to avoid defensive men.

Having been exclusively swimming in the lady pond for 25 years up until three years ago, after divorcing my wife I thought why not experiment with men? Being that it’s a fantasy phase I am after a very specific physicality.

One man looked like a supermodel. But he refused to kiss me on the mouth or reciprocate oral sex despite having my own teeth and impeccable hygiene. Any advice on how to touch me in a way that I enjoyed was ignored.

Several men only met me on weekdays. Then I discovered they were in long term relationships/married (not ENM). This was after I said infidelity is a dealbreaker.

One man filmed me masturbating without my consent or knowledge.

One middle aged man lived with his parents but didn’t tell me until his father answered the door when I arrived in sexy attire.

Several men in the throes of sex asked me to stick things up their bums despite my profile and my messages being crystal clear that I don’t penetrate men.

One man insisted he knew more about vulvas than I do and tried to use baby oil inside me. I’m not risking my ph balance or condom breakage for anyone.

Too many jack rabbits to count. It’s a vagina, not a Fleshlight.

All but three tried to talk me out of using condoms because they can’t cum/it feels better without/they can’t stay hard.

More than two thirds felt two minutes of cunnilingus on what they believed to be my clit was the equivalent of 20 minutes of me sucking their cock.

A few asked me whether I brought my vibrator on playdates to make them feel inadequate. I reminded them my vibrator is their team mate, not their enemy.

With all of this in mind, and considering research shows straight men cum 95 per cent of the time during sex, while their famale partners do so just 65 per cent of the time, and the same study found lesbians orgasm almost as frequently as heterosexual men, I find myself thinking WHAT AM I DOING???!!


  • Rising_Phoenix


    3 years ago

    I’m currently having a bit of time off for these very reasons. It just shouldn’t be this hard to find a man who’s good at sex and not an evil piece of shit in other ways.

  • TheMinx


    3 years ago

    Ditch the dicks. Lick the clits 😍

  • Margo_Lover


    3 years ago

    I know this isn't my place, and just wanted to say I am shocked & saddened by your experiences.

    We have had a few of these experiences with single guys, but didn't realise they were so common and widespread.

    I knew men could be pretty terrible, but the majority of men, being that fucking horrible... I had no idea.

    - Alex

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Makes me embarrassed to be a man

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago the topic immediately below yours there are at least 200 replies from men proclaiming how AWESOME they are at going down on a woman. Surely they're not all....lying?! *faints in shock and disbelief*

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    This soo resonates with me!!

  • teamaj2


    3 years ago

    I’m saddened to read of your appalling experiences. I’d like to be positive and hope that into the future you can connect with a M that shows you respect and how things should be .
    Sadly , I feel we all have encountered these experiences at some time or another . I do think there is men out there that listen , men of integrity , those that really want to please a woman and those that don’t treat woman as an object ( or a porn star ) .
    Virtual hugs and wishing you good luck into the future . Ax

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    Hmm never understood why people wouldn't want to wear condoms. Personally I enjoy none verbally suggesting.
    "I better take precautions. Well who knows where you've been you dirty little tramp"

  • KunningLinguist


    3 years ago

    I’ve heard some of the above from ladies I’ve met and friends I’ve made. As a man reading your experiences diarised in this way is, as was commented earlier, embarrassing!

  • Obi1kenietzsche


    3 years ago

    OP: I am wondering what the true purpose and intent of your post is.
    Surely you cannot be suggesting that 25 years as a lesbian has rendered you completely unable to use discernment and insight in regards to men? 🤔

  • MsSuperFoxy


    3 years ago

    Sadly this isn't going to stop defensive men
    Defensive men become defensive because they react. Posts like this only aggravate and divide the forums. Now if a male posted this about women, would they receive the same support. I don't think so.
    I'd like to see more positive posts about men. There are amazing men out there, I know I've met them. Infact I'm meeting one today.

    Ms Foxy

  • Bi_Fem


    3 years ago

    Unfortunately I have heard similar stories from women seeking men ... very disheartening.

    Can I ask, are you going to continue this "phase"?

  • FeistyFatty


    3 years ago

    Curious why you'd continue this self imposed "experiment" when you're clearly grossly unhappy with the results?

  • blix_and_queen


    3 years ago

    Sorry that we let you down as the male gender, there are a few of us that are honest and considerate lovers. As a couple we always run on the principle that she comes (cums) first.

  • RHP User

    RHP User

    3 years ago

    I want to thank those of you for sharing their insight on this forum and in their personal messages to me. I hear you, I see you. It sucks that so many of us have experienced this.

    My hope is that men reading this, who know they have been guilty of any of the above behaviour - STOP IT! You’re ruining it for women and for the good men.

    If you can’t relate to the above, don’t get defensive and say #notallmen - or try to mansplain what women are doing wrong- it only minimises what so many of us have gone through, and makes you sound like a dismissive arsehole.

  • Newbie82


    3 years ago

    I am on my own sexual awakening too after leaving my stupid ex and my first guy is what I call a pump and dump so made a decision only to play with men that had validations. I don't have time for bad sex... through this new qualifier I've found some good play mates.

    But welcome to the world of dating cis men...

  • FunwithSandS


    3 years ago

    I’d say the chances of the men in question being in these forums is minimal. They sound like the type who have a hard time reading profiles, let alone body language or other people’s opinions. I’m sorry your experiences weren’t better.



    3 years ago

    Before everyone starts getting angry not everyone on here is deceitful there are actually some genuinely very nice singles and couples which I can attest to myself as we have met many

    Validations and verifications are two very good things about this app so when in doubt try to do a little research and if not sure just save yourself, your pussy is a privilege

    And if all else fails I’ll lend Sam for a few hours but you have to give him back, or you can join us together we can try to make up for your bad experiences LOL

  • Rising_Phoenix


    3 years ago

    Note to self: “girls ask” is not “secret women’s business” 🤦🏼‍♀️ when I commented I thought it was only women seeing this then got so confused by the arguing and appearance of men, lol.
    I stand by what I said but also stand by what others have said about posting this in open forums.