RHP User
a year ago
I have to ask...
a year ago
Why are you asking? Are you in a sexless relationship and are looking for how to go about it?
a year ago
Probably a lot of the gents on this and other sites, as well as a few of the ladies - which is pretty obvious by just reading a few of the profiles!
a year ago
I knew what you are saying.. Yes ' l think there are those who look elsewhere if nothing is doing at home.. Even if they dont act on it ' the thought is there.. Morally its frowned upon unless its you who's effected.. Better if you can talk to your partner and come to a agreement about playing outside , just not as easy as it sounds ..
a year ago
Why bother partnering up if you are gonna be a jerk?
a year ago
Just go to the Facebook groups; "Sis, is this your man"/"Bro, is this your woman".
You'll find the answers you seek there!
Ms FoxyFeistyFatty
a year ago
Id be more focused on why my husband/partner doesn't want to have sex anymore to be honest.
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