May 12 2015
RHP User
10 years ago
ASK her...come straight out and say it...she can only slap your face..OR get off on it.WELL.. maybe she can do other things too... but, you know what I mean..be prepared for the fall out...
RHP User
10 years ago
I'd start by introducing her to the idea of being with other men first. She may have no interest whatsoever, so gage her open mind first with suggestions. Swingers Clubs are a great place to start, you don't have to do anything, no pressure or expectations. Can be just a prescribed night out doing something different and let it go from there.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
10 years ago
I'm curious - why do you want your wife to have sex with other men?
10 years ago
Wait till your in a more intimate moment and she is already aroused. It's certainly twice the fun for her.
10 years ago
JerseyGirl I think the clue is in his name, it pertains to Cuckold unless I'm mistaken. As Cavey said you need to talk to her, explain the, not only what you would like but why. And yes, entering unknown situations brings with it unknown results. Goodluck.
RHP User
10 years ago
Watching the same genre porn with her and ask her thoughts after a few days....or you could write some short erotic stories and let her read for feedback.
- Posted from rhpmobileRHP User
10 years ago
Additionally, you could download a whole heap of minxy novels to a kindle, ensuring you throw in a few Hot wife / Cuck ones, and wait and enjoy some post coital conversations.
RHP User
10 years ago
Does your wife want to have sex with other men?
Does she know you're thinking about this? Has it ever come up in conversation?
You're not much giving us much to go on.RHP User
10 years ago
Quoting 'JerseyGirl' I'm curious - why do you want your wife to have sex with other men? Because it will turn him on?
RHP User
10 years ago
an open conversation to find out a) if she is keen and b) what might be a good place to start (as per previous posts, swinger clubs are probably a good starting point - no obligation and you can do as much/little as you want). But in my view, it all hinges on that conversation to start with.
Good luck with it all (for both of you).Mischeviouslad
10 years ago
Wear a mask.......
10 years ago
Be careful what you wish for. You may unleash a wild woman, but are YOU ready for this!
RHP User
10 years ago
Its important to have the conversation ... but don't push her.
Plant the seed and let it grow.
It will have a long time for her to understand that this is not a ploy by you to get reciprocal rights.
Encourage her, compliment her, tell her about men noticing her.
Then just wait.
A month or several years it will be " No I would never"
But then an attractive man comes into her life and all of a sudden its "Yes Yes ........Ohhhhhhhhhhh YESSS"
Ha Ha
Best of luck
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